Finished in a few hours, just see what the moment is, and load up squad accordingly for 3 inning ones. Hardest for me was McCovey, because I loathe his swing, had to hit everything backside.
These are nothing more than extreme moments with the difficulty turned down to veteran, with lackluster rewards, and no alternative options to progress in the program. It’s busy work plain and simple. Unnecessarily tedious and failing moments over and over again with nothing to show for it is a great way to get many players to just turn off the game. I see what they were going for here but like most other things this year they missed the mark and it feels short sighted and unfinished.
The correct term is “moot” point. Not “mute.”
You're both wrong.
I honestly did...but in the form of those daily or weeklies they used to do
Like someone here said, 'Moments' is in the title. We were warned 🤪
With Percival, use speed. Bunt if you have to. Just get it to extra innings, pitch & get the ghost runner home. I'm kind of good at pitching, and ok at hitting although I have my ahem, moments at bat. Just use guys you trust. For instance, 95 AS McMahon. He has been cash-money for me, plus hasdefense at 1B for those 'yellow' throws! I only scored 1 run in the 3-inning game sadly, but still won. These are doable! -
@samguenther1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
I can't hit Percival, the ball leaves his hand and i swing immediately and every single time it's very late swing result.
I can't swing any sooner...
This one was tough. Put guys with 99 speed and good stealing at the top of the order. Try bunt cheesing or keep plugging away but if you don't put the first two batters on, restart. That's what I did. Eventually I put the first 2 on and had the 99 Devers at cleanup and hit a 3 run HR. Went 13 innings but I stole it. FYI they won't take Percival out and no matter how tired he gets he still throws perfect 100 fast balls and 79 change ups which is total BS
That’s what kills me. They say it’s veteran difficulty but the sliders are maxed out, like in showdowns, which makes the difficulty complete bs. Just look at the PCI and it will tell you all you need to know on most of these moments.
@mietha_MLBTS yeah not even close, i'm guessing you just cant finish it? or is it too much for a free card, you want to do 3 things and get the card?
@Dolenz_PSN this, it took me about an hour to do all of them. You're right, people will complain about complaining. I have not been a big SDS fan this year. However, its one thing complain about it. its another to try and come up with solutions. most people just complain, its too hard, its too much work...its a joke.
I think they should have had 21 moments. One extra so you could skip one that was giving you a headache.
@TripleH-4481_PSN lol, they are extreme moments for extremely casual players. like you said turn the game off, maybe it isn't for you. If you've ever actually played an extreme moment then you know these are a walk in the park compared. Unless you suck at the game. Then, well then i can't help you. But dont say these are extreme moments because they are not.
@Lord-Oimak_MLBTS tell us how you really feel, Coach
Try changing your game style from competitive to casual. Allegedly this makes some of the more idiotic moments a touch easier.
I have 3 left but had to step away for a break. Willie McCovey swings a pool noodle and 85% of what King throws is out of the strike zone. The other 15% he's painting corners. I got 1 mistake pitch over 30 minutes which I hit for a HR but sometimes you need to step out of the batters box and adjust your gloves and jock strap for a bit before stepping back in....
EDIT: just have Willie left. Grrr
They are scaled back versions internet tough guy. I use real life things to gauge my talents in life, not a video game. I play games to chill and relax. The fact you accept mediocrity like this is why the game skates by and doesn’t actually make an effort to improve year after year. We are all entitled to our opinions so if you don’t like mine just move on. Unless tearing others down is your thing, I’m guessing it might be, it’s not that big of a deal.
I might have to try that. I’ve got 4 or 5 left and some of these have been like getting a root canal.
I have 3 left but had to step away for a break. Willie McCovey swings a pool noodle and 85% of what King throws is out of the strike zone. The other 15% he's painting corners. I got 1 mistake pitch over 30 minutes which I hit for a HR but sometimes you need to step out of the batters box and adjust your gloves and jock strap for a bit before stepping back in....
EDIT: just have Willie left. Grrr
Oracle park is the absolute worst place to hit home runs.
Unless you are a power hitting lefty.
this moment is more a matter of luck than anything, just get the sinker at the bottom(not under) or a hanger and hit it into the place named for him.
Therin lies the rub, he has the advantage but getting the pitches to hit..... -
I have 3 left but had to step away for a break. Willie McCovey swings a pool noodle and 85% of what King throws is out of the strike zone. The other 15% he's painting corners. I got 1 mistake pitch over 30 minutes which I hit for a HR but sometimes you need to step out of the batters box and adjust your gloves and jock strap for a bit before stepping back in....
EDIT: just have Willie left. Grrr
Oracle park is the absolute worst place to hit home runs.
Unless you are a power hitting lefty.
this moment is more a matter of luck than anything, just get the sinker at the bottom(not under) or a hanger and hit it into the place named for him.
Therin lies the rub, he has the advantage but getting the pitches to hit.....That's really my problem with it I guess. King, unless it's just bad luck on my part, seems to only throw bad out of the zone pitches or Cy Young like painting of the lines. Usually try try again you'll get your pitch but I'm just not. Hitting a couple off the wall isn't helping the frustration level lol
I have 3 left but had to step away for a break. Willie McCovey swings a pool noodle and 85% of what King throws is out of the strike zone. The other 15% he's painting corners. I got 1 mistake pitch over 30 minutes which I hit for a HR but sometimes you need to step out of the batters box and adjust your gloves and jock strap for a bit before stepping back in....
EDIT: just have Willie left. Grrr
Oracle park is the absolute worst place to hit home runs.
Unless you are a power hitting lefty.
this moment is more a matter of luck than anything, just get the sinker at the bottom(not under) or a hanger and hit it into the place named for him.
Therin lies the rub, he has the advantage but getting the pitches to hit.....That's really my problem with it I guess. King, unless it's just bad luck on my part, seems to only throw bad out of the zone pitches or Cy Young like painting of the lines. Usually try try again you'll get your pitch but I'm just not. Hitting a couple off the wall isn't helping the frustration level lol
Took me about 8 attempts,had the 1st homer in 4 of the 7 and didn't get a second pitch to hit, this one was more about patience then anything else, you get a pitch middle,middle down middle in or down and in and put a good swing on it and he destroys it, he pitches around you though...
@samguenther1987_PSN said in MOMENTS OF GLORY PROGRAM:
I'm at 50 points with the pitching moments, comeback against the Mets, 3 runs against Percival, and 2 home runs with Mays, and the All Star 3 inning game left
I think you meant McCovey for the 2 hrs, right? That moment was the worst of all for me. I just kept hitting doubles deep into the alley.