Evaluating cards
We all know not every 95 is created equal and neither is a 97 or a 99. That said, some cards perform better due to the swing, your hitting style, etc.
So how long do you use a card to try it out? 20 AB's? More? Less? I assume online is the best way to get the real value, and maybe offline on HOF or legend (let's face it most cards work on all star or below offline).
Just curious - also wanted a thread where we talk gameplay instead of us constantly complaining about stuff. I need a break from it lol
So, take this with a grain of salt because I play offline on Rookie or Vet, but I stink, so all cards don't work for me.
I have lousy plate discipline and PCI control (I can basically move it all the way up or down, that's it) so I look for bad ball hitters. Alfonso Soriano and Nellie Cruz cards always work for me. I'll use a guy for half a miniseason or so and if I've golfed or tomahawked a couple of home runs with him, I like him. So, maybe 20-30 ABs?
Or, it's all in my head. But as Crash Davis said, if you think you're pitching well because you breathe through your eyelids or wear women's underwear, then you are.
I stopped playing solo ranked and started doing the nightly tournaments as they are just as competitive if not more and your entire library of cards is at your disposal. No worries about sets.
That said, I stick to what works for MY gameplay style. I keep guys on my roster if after a couple games they get good hits. If after a few games I keep striking out I swap them out.
My pitchers concern me most. I already know I struggle hitting but I get super mad if people keep hitting tanks off of pitchers enjoy. I feel like I'm constantly rotating my pitchers cause it's so hard to be good at pitching and find a card you enjoy and the pitch mix you like.
I always keep high heat lefties like Johnson and high heat righties with outlier. Those seem to be the most successful for me.
Play 3-5 games with a guy and get a feel. If after 5 games you're not feeling it swap him out.
Hit the practice modes on legendary and try to work with them if you don't wanna put your games on the line to learn them. Like I said, tournaments are really good because they are competitive and they don't ruin your rank. If you win you get free packs. I think it's only 5 games if you go to the finals -
Good post. Thanks, OP.
I will sometimes make a hasty decision and only give a card about 20 AB or so if I don’t care for the player and would almost rather they not perform well (Correa), but if they keep hitting, I’ll give them a real trial…
For me, I really can’t tell until they’ve gotten about 50 ABs in ranked, but I’ve had some late bloomers that didn’t pick their averages up until 100 or so. In short, if I’m not hitting at least .270 after about 50 ABs (I use analog/timing and not the best hitter, so I max at about .350 with my best cards) I move on.
I try to ignore Ks, as that’s a me thing, but would love to see a BABIP stat kept, so I could get a better gauge of how “lucky” I am with each card.
20 AB's is not enough. I have had some of my greatest hitters get off to 2 for 25 starts but then end up hitting amazing. I have had guys get off to amazing starts and then suck the rest of the way to the point I have to replace them in the lineup. I think, as The_Joneser mentioned above, 50 AB's is a pretty good measure.
I suck with mike trout, gave him at least 80 ABs but he hits like Adam Duvall for me, tank or nothing and mostly nothing lol
@whiplash0013 @The_Joneser You're absolutely right about the 20 AB's not being enough. I don't know what I was thinking. I like the 50 AB's as a good time frame. I'm in the boat of over .300 being my best cards, though this year the average on some guys is much higher albeit mixed with event play.
I started this post because I was shocked at how well I hit with Larry Walker. Never been my favorite but I can't take him out at least for now. Got me thinking about how many other cards I don't give a chance to. With the 70 cards coming out tomorrow, I'm trying to avoid the same Adley-Trout-Devers-Trea cards I always use because while I love them, I also think that's part of the reason I'm getting bored with the game.
20 ABs may not be enough, but I personally get a good feeling for them a couple games into using them. Some guys just feel right from day one. If I'm struggling with a guy, I'll move them down in the lineup and if I still can't figure it out, I'll replace them