Umpire arguments and ejections
@AllRise99_NSW early on in the games history they had it , players unloading on umps , players raging on players , they even had batters charging the mound and the benches clearing and then without a peep they stopped it , i remember thinking it didnt paint the game in a possitive light is why they stopped it
they also had the announcers ragging players , like David Ortiz running to first base , " my lord , he runs like he has a piano strapped to his back" , they stopped that too , then they had pitches hitting the plate ump in the head and he would roll around in the dirt , that lasted one installment and the next year once every 10 games or so and the year after that non existent
players use to get irate if they did not agree how the game rated them stating it affected their negotiating power
@AllRise99_NSW Then everyone would just argue a call till they get thrown out cause who needs a manager in a videogame... LOL
What a load of bull!
This arrogant mentality that people buy this game merely to play DD is a gross lie and utterly ridiculous. It smacks of cabal thinking.
So you want to slow down the game, adding that in is a waste
@sbchamps17_NSW not everyone
I was saying thag it's pointless to have it in the game at all
It's like banging your head against a wall, right? Unfortunately, the MLB has some pretty strict rules, and sometimes those rules can be a pain for us gamers. I've seen a bunch of discussions about this on the subreddit too, and while it seems like a no-brainer for us, the legal side of things can be a real headache.
@sbchamps17_NSW said in Umpire arguments and ejections:
I was saying thag it's pointless to have it in the game at all
I genuinely wouldn't mind it in RTTS and Franchise, but not DD. An argument MIGHT be made for vs CPU but that would be it. Absolutely not in BR/Ranked or MiniSeasons
I took a look at how many threads have been started. DD is WAY ahead of anything else. I have never played that section of the game myself. I( only play RTTS and franchise but it does look as if DD is where the vast majority of gamer are.
I have my ejects set to Y.
How else does one get ejected? -
Not as many nor as large a percentage as you may think. The reason for the vastly larger post and thread counts in DD has to do with so many people wanting to press SDS to facilitate for them competitive advantages. Most of those complaints center around card (player) distribution. Gamers wanting to go through games as fast as possible to get the best team to engage in coop play.
Every little thing they think stands in their way of that goal is grist for their complaints about how the game is set up. Most of those complaints are just personal perspectives, not really bugs.
The majority of complaints folks have about RTTS and Franchise are things that can be objectively expressed as bugs in the code, things that are not working correctly. There are not that many things objectively wrong with the game as their are personal opinions about how things could be changed to leverage a personal advantage.
For several years this game title prospered without coop play of any type. Diamond Dynasty is therefore the new kid on the block in terms of game modes. In conclusion, think on it this way. Say you sit down to a table with gourmet desserts arrayed before you, each one a masterpiece of culinary effort. Most folks would select one and eat it slowly enough to savor its flavors.
The DD folks would cram them fast as possible to see how many they can consume as quick as possible.
Who do you think of those two types of folks would be most likely to offer complaints?
The only scenario I have seen that can lead to player ejections is pitchers throwing at hitters. You normally get two before the umpire issues a warning, and then a third hit batter normally results in the pitcher getting the heave ho. However, years back, someone with a lot of time on his hands decided to see what would happen if all the pitchers a team had were tossed from the game.
So, he diligently tested it out throwing at hitter after hitter and getting his pitchers thrown out of the game, until there was one final pitcher left on the roster. In the game he went and he was allowed to throw at hitter after hitter ad infinitum. The game code would never code up a brawl on the field, nor allow the last pitcher on the team to be tossed.
In terms of arguing calls, given there is a setting to make umpire calls perfect, there is really no point to arguments. Moreover, the number of arguments since replay has dropped considerably. You get your video review and with all the careful effort now made, it's rare that one side is left still thinking they got jobbed.
Personally, even in RTTS and Franchise, my thought is it would be a nuisance more than a quality addition to the game play. I would far rather see SDS put their code developers to work improving stadium creator to finally give us stadium designers a platform option for bullpens behind the outfield walls and the ability to pinch in the baseline walls.
In short, I see other areas where outright improvements are needed. Just my thoughts.
@PriorFir4383355_XBL They should add an option to allow our RTTS to request a replay