What to expect in season 2?
@Firefly4917 If you are speaking about 23, you are right. You did not have an all-99-squad in summer for 21/22. The first ones came out in summer, but not an all-99-squad. Go search youtube with „MLB the Show 22 Griffey“. You will find some content creater videos of the first Griffey (the one with the [censored] storm
) … and look at their squads
He said past "versions" (plural)... So it appears that he was not referring to the previous '23 version, but rather the previous versions of the game which used the Innings format. -
@xElRojo44x Exactly; 19 & 20 were great for that; 21 still had innings but if you didn't play some RS/BR/Events before the next one to bank some stars, you couldn't get to 300 playing exclusively offline. Then 22 was the start of the hardcore timed programs; you either FOMO or you're screwed out of cards. 23 was a disaster that I gladly skipped. This year ain't perfect, but at least the "seasons" last 12 weeks and there should be only 3 IIRC from the launch stream.
@xElRojo44x said in What to expect in season 2?:
He said past "versions" (plural)... So it appears that he was not referring to the previous '23 version, but rather the previous versions of the game which used the Innings format.I know about the plural. I was pointing out, that maybe he is no right (or at least „only half right“
) … I cannot speak about pre-21 though
Yep, '19-21 were excellent versions for "content"... ('20 was my fav)... And everything from '15-22 (save for '18) was enjoyable content, to me. ...But I do agree that this year's content format is better than last year's. -
@chucky97___ said in What to expect in season 2?:
@AdeptOfMemory were just two minnesotan's we are MN passive aggressive, ever heard of MN nice??
You betcha!
I’ll skip the grind and wait till season 6 comes when best players come out.
I would wager the content is better, the implementation is dogs#it
In all fairness you can be critical of the game, like I am...but still play it. Mainly because baseball is fun, and also it's the only game in town unless you give EA's SMB a shot (hard pass). I'm not thrilled to be accepting that I likely won't ever hit the boss rewards in the season paths...but I still have fun playing the game even if SDS is completely tone-deaf
Expect to face a lot of bots online as 90% of people will quit once season 2 starts and realizes how dumb it is to lose all the cards they just grinded for.
@Sarge1387 Completely agree; I have my issues with it, but the pacing of the content lines up almost perfectly with my gaming habits, while other years it was too much for me but perfect for others. We can't all be happy. Maybe if I was a better hitter I'd clear out missions faster and wait for stuff too, but alas, I suck.
There's stuff that I don't like (XP path slow grind/cutting gameplay XP in half) and I don't approve the MLB The Pack model, but to whine and complain, every single day, multiple times a day and call people names all the time, it's just gross. And dumb.
@yankblan said in What to expect in season 2?:
@Sarge1387 Completely agree; I have my issues with it, but the pacing of the content lines up almost perfectly with my gaming habits, while other years it was too much for me but perfect for others. We can't all be happy. Maybe if I was a better hitter I'd clear out missions faster and wait for stuff too, but alas, I suck.
There's stuff that I don't like (XP path slow grind/cutting gameplay XP in half) and I don't approve the MLB The Pack model, but to whine and complain, every single day, multiple times a day and call people names all the time, it's just gross. And dumb.
That part I hate. Hate hate hate, and wouldn't be surprised in the least if the in game rewards are shifted back to the previous amounts. SDS is tone-deaf, but there's no way they can in good conscience ignore the massive amount of blowback they've received on that.
The only thing I will complain about constantly until it gets remedied, is the Stadium Creator base template being brought into the modern century and have pens in the outfield/placeable, and custom foul territory