Max Elevation Stadiums
@JCRated1982 yes 100%!!
They should limit created stadiums to like 1000 ft elevation max, and also not allow those annoying 3 ft high fences as well
I finally found friends in this thread
Ok, I get the hatred for max elevation stadiums, especially created ones. But as a creator of stadiums, let me just reassure you that when I personally make high/max elevation stadiums(only in locations with high elevation too), I always try to use the largest dimension templates to help offset it a bit, with minimum 10ft fences. I know this won't help the totally understandable anger towards the Little League Max Elev. ones.
Max elevation for competitive games is one thing. However, to speed up offline grinding they are basically a necessity unless you live on the game and don’t have a job or family obligations.
@JCRated1982 said in Max Elevation Stadiums:
I wish they would give us the option to block playing in max-elevation stadiums while playing online games, I hate these stadiums because almost any ball hit in the air is a home run. If you're a good player and hitter you don't need to play in these kinds of stadiums to get cheap home runs.
no one wants to get cheated and have fly balls die on the warning track imo 2800 - 3300 i s the perfect elevation, the outcomes are dependent on the park in this game.
The easy fix is a filter for online play where you can choose not to match up with anyone using specific settings like elevation.
@x814xmafia fax bro. I swear, everytime I'm playing away, we in Coors field and a fly ball which would be a fly out in lets say trusit park is a dinger.
@sickknife77 thank you! a right height would be like 10 feet, but those walls which are like 90 feet tall aren't needed either.
I agree!! That's what I have been saying they should allow us to filter what stadiums we play at during online play. I always get matched up with someone who chooses Shield Woods, Coors Field, or Laughing Mountain.
I would rather give up home runs to someone who earns the actual home run and not some B.S. little fly ball that barely travels 300 feet. I don't mind fly balls dying on the warning track, also wind should be more of a factor in online games.
I love everything the do to the new game … but yesterday, in the DEV Tourney-Stream … I saw the game being played at Capital Lane … and I was really disappointed that this problem is probably still there