Delayed double steals
I don’t think anyone cares if you cheese the cpu, but it seems like a lot of work to score a runner from third.
@Bisko I’m sure it can be done outside of online game play against another human. You just have to be quick to take control of the runner on third and press the button that pauses the runner in place on XBox (it’s R2 on PlayStation) then after the throw by the catcher you would take off for home.
@Bisko And when was this ever used as a "strategy"? 1905? You keep saying you want to play a real game of baseball while using exploits that are not part of baseball. You can keep trying to justify it because it's just against the CPU, but we all know that it's NEVER just against the CPU.
@darkblue1876 due to the MLB degrading into just power without any strategy not since probably the 90s, but it's still a legitimate strategy. And I don't play online, but if I did there is a simple way to not allow the run to score, just like they would do in real life. This is a rral strategy in baseball. Just because you're too young and naive of the game to not know that doesn't mean it's not.
Like @darkblue1876_PSN said it isn’t really something done in today’s game. Why play for 1 run anyways? Just steal second and drive both runners in. If you try some fancy delay steal and get thrown out and give the CPU momentum just ask this guy about DDA. He can go on for days about that.
Yeah, legit strategy or not, it comes off as an exploit because of all the terrible animations the defender can get locked into. There aren’t really any counters either.
I’ve given up changing my defense most of the time against bunt cheesers lately, because there are so many ways the game can go south on you, if you start trying to throw the ball around the infield.
The thing about delayed steals, or any kind of involved baserunning is, you never know what is actually going to happen.
You can select one runner and sometimes the game just makes both runners go.
I just lost a game where I had the go ahead runs on, first and third, and the game made my runner at third break for home, when I selected the runner at first to go.
It’s kind of a [censored] shoot which controls are actually going to work at any given moment.
@halfbutt said in Delayed double steals:
The thing about delayed steals, or any kind of involved baserunning is, you never know what is actually going to happen.
You can select one runner and sometimes the game just makes both runners go.
I just lost a game where I had the go ahead runs on, first and third, and the game made my runner at third break for home, when I selected the runner at first to go.
It’s kind of a [censored] shoot which controls are actually going to work at any given moment.
Not sure what console you use or how you have baserunning turned on and what options; but on the PS5 and the base running window turned on, that shows in the upper right corner, when you push on the left joystick, it will show either Steal All or Steal 2nd (when runners are on the corners).
Pushing straight up (12 o'clock) will show as Steal All. Pushing at an angle (1-2 o'clock) will show Steal 2nd.
I’m still on PS4, unfortunately. It happens from time to time that I move the joystick to select “steal second” and “steal all” happens.
It may or may not be connected to playing away games. This last time, my opponent picked Yankee Stadium so lag may have been a factor.
Ahh. I see.
@halfbutt_PSN I look at the little arrow and when it’s highlighted blue while pointing towards the player on first I press the L2.
Many baserunning mishaps as a result of poor control design can be solved by using classic/ buttons baserunning.
@Red_Ted_is_back Classic/buttons is the easiest for sure. I just made the switch and like having the speed/steal rating available at a glance. Most my personal “idiotic” mistakes are more avoidable now knowing the speed of the runner on base. I tend to forgot the speed of runners at my advanced age of 50. Lol.
Ya know the only double steal that I’ve ever pulled off against the cpu is the scenario where you have runners on first and second and have them to swipe third and second respectively. The delayed double steal that the OP mentioned is one that requires a bit of subterfuge and hence the cpu would never bite simply because it can calculate the outcome instantly. It only took me one time of getting tagged out by a left fielder when I was in a rundown between first and second to realize you’re just not going to catch a break when it comes to dice rolls haha that cpu probably knew the very instant that it sent the player from LF that he’d be the one to tag me out during the fourth exchange of the rundown lol
All this said I love me some old school
National league whitey ball and he was probably one of the last managers to effectively use this strategy to score some runs. It would depend on the situation in game as well as the type of runner on third and a hotdog opposing catcher that still thinks he’s got a laser guided cannon with something to prove haha and Herzog could always seem to find them