DANG IT!!! Friggin fielders in DD can’t move anywhere without jumping
So sick of this!! I lose every game because my fielders keep jumping or diving for now reason when I try to run to the ball. Only thing I am using is left stick. Why not pressing any other buttons. I know the stick is kinda spastic and the reticle kinda is jumpy when I’m hitting. Could the problem be the remote going bad? Anyone else notice this?
Been happening to me since launch. Have seen other posts on here about with the exact same reasons why it happens
I did search this forum already and I didn’t find any reasons why it happens. Can you share
I’ve never had that happen, but if it makes you feel any better, I’ve only pulled 1 diamond so far (Alonso-and I can’t hit a lick with him) and have been serving up gopher balls on a regular basis since the latest patch! Lol
Stop eating while playing and keep your hands clean. #Stickybuttonproblems
Before this I had mlb 18 and The left stick never induced jumping or diving. It was always R1/R2 buttons or right stick. From what I read in the controls guide it is still the same. Yet left stick seems to make it jump.
Do you have it set to auto jump/dive in settings menu?
Edit: cause that is an option this year. -
I have noticed this with one controller I have. It’s a newer one with lightbar visible in touchpad. The two older controllers I have haven’t done it yet. I’ve also noticed that the newer controller at times will be unresponsive or really delayed in the game menus.
@OrphanMeat32 said in DANG IT!!! Friggin fielders in DD can’t move anywhere without jumping:
I did search this forum already and I didn’t find any reasons why it happens. Can you share
From the few things I saw on here about it, they all mentioned a possible wear and tear and for the controller. I also checked my settings in a game after it happened and the settings had nothing to do with the left thumb stick which makes no sense as to why it happens. Like if the settings have it that the L thumb stick does those actions, we would all simply change it.
@OrphanMeat32 said in DANG IT!!! Friggin fielders in DD can’t move anywhere without jumping:
So sick of this!! I lose every game because my fielders keep jumping or diving for now reason when I try to run to the ball. Only thing I am using is left stick. Why not pressing any other buttons. I know the stick is kinda spastic and the reticle kinda is jumpy when I’m hitting. Could the problem be the remote going bad? Anyone else notice this?
Happens to me too
just remembering this now but, up on right stick will jump and down will dive, pretty sure you are experiencing something different,but ya never know.
I had that problem too. And if you accidentally move the right stick it flops, also my controller had some dust in the right stick and moved accidentally Causing this. So be careful bear right stick and maybe blow on it to clear or dislodge dust ( like the old school Nintendo games lol probably just aged myself with that one!)
@OrphanMeat32 said in DANG IT!!! Friggin fielders in DD can’t move anywhere without jumping:
So sick of this!! I lose every game because my fielders keep jumping or diving for now reason when I try to run to the ball. Only thing I am using is left stick. Why not pressing any other buttons. I know the stick is kinda spastic and the reticle kinda is jumpy when I’m hitting. Could the problem be the remote going bad? Anyone else notice this?
Not sure what you mean by spastic, but my left stick was jumping all over the place too. Wondered if it was an issue in game (since it wasn't causing any issues in the menus). But it was just my controller going bad, I'm pretty sure. The PCI would jump even when I wasn't touching the left stick. Tried a different controller and no issues.
UPDATE..solved!! I took apart my controller and cleaned the left stick sensors. Now works fine! Weird because left stick shouldn’t have any control over jumping
@OrphanMeat32 said in DANG IT!!! Friggin fielders in DD can’t move anywhere without jumping:
UPDATE..solved!! I took apart my controller and cleaned the left stick sensors. Now works fine! Weird because left stick shouldn’t have any control over jumping
Really? How do you clean the sensor? I want to try this on my other controller.