Big changes to DD. More 99s on day one...
I trust that the DD stream will go over this in more detail -- it was not the best sizzle reel. I am intrigued by the teambuilding/captain dynamic.
In the fine print it says that when playing ranked & conquest you can only use in season cards…See I don’t like being told what cards I can & cannot use. This is why I never played events. I’ve got a real bad feeling about this.
Also why is the DD stream one month before the game releases?
It was always 1 day before early access
@IrishFist412_XBL said in Big changes to DD. More 99s on day one...:
In the fine print it says that when playing ranked & conquest you can only use in season cards…See I don’t like being told what cards I can & cannot use. This is why I never played events. I’ve got a real bad feeling about this.
WOw so they're really trying to "even the playing field" with cards in ranked? Like each season you have to rebuild a "god squad"? If it works like that, then the grind will almost be "reset" each season?
Huge L.
@bjd10048_MLBTS said in Big changes to DD. More 99s on day one...:
@IrishFist412_XBL said in Big changes to DD. More 99s on day one...:
In the fine print it says that when playing ranked & conquest you can only use in season cards…See I don’t like being told what cards I can & cannot use. This is why I never played events. I’ve got a real bad feeling about this.
WOw so they're really trying to "even the playing field" with cards in ranked? Like each season you have to rebuild a "god squad"? If it works like that, then the grind will almost be "reset" each season?
Huge L.
That’s how I am interpreting it as well. God I hope we’re wrong.
They want to make sure little billy, jonny and susie have a fair shot in ranked in season 3 so they reset all cards.
They probably saw ranked as too much of a punishment for people who get the game late in the cycle?
We don't know for sure how it works yet, and I won't say anything until I see exactly how it works, but I'm going to give it an honest chance. They are trying to mix things up and it was getting beyond stale so we will see
@the_dragon1912 said in Big changes to DD. More 99s on day one...:
We don't know for sure how it works yet, and I won't say anything until I see exactly how it works, but I'm going to give it an honest chance. They are trying to mix things up and it was getting beyond stale so we will see
To elaborate, it doesn't look good as of now, but they are notoriously bad at getting their point across in streams etc. so I'm just going to wait and see
With feilding mattering way more and vision being nerfed, 99's will play vastly different this year. For mid-skill guys like me, contact and speed might be the way to go...
It could be fine but like everyone else said they did a terrible job of explaining it. Hopefully they give more info during DD stream. It sounded like they said a new 99 every day but were talking about seasons as though that’s what they are the reward for. They also made it sound like seasons is a separate mode from ranked and mini seasons. The whole thing was very confusing. The only thing I know for sure is we will get 99s earlier so we will see how that goes.
"Where are the Diamonds, Ramone?"
Ramone: "They're in Set 1."
@k2thazwb_MLBTS said in Big changes to DD. More 99s on day one...:
but if it goes bad I'm selling my ps5 and becoming a man finally
By this definition, I will NEVER be a man.
Folks … „23 is the same as 22“ but then complain about new ideas to make (at least DD) be different (or better?).
Here are my thoughts:
- We always had 99s at Day 1
- Nobody said, we will have dozens of 99 at Day 1. I suppose we gotta grind over weeks so that an average amount of people will have some and few all/few … That was also the Case on the mentioned-live-series-99s
- 99 is not end-game-99 (Griffey in 22, remember
- I really like those sets, because it was always a constant grind for a good card … only to have it useless a few days after, because a new headliner/set would come out. I hope, we have a steadier baseline of a great cards per set
- Last but not least (at least this thread is no instagram/youtube with the constant „This is a L“ :)): They designed the game, they made DD great. Change is a good thing !!!! (and tbh: They will not change it, the game is ready). Let‘s embrace it
To your first point, yes there have always been three 99s technically on day one if you wanted to break the bank. I'm paraphrasing, but around the 1:25 mark Jazz says "so day one 99 overall TEAM?" and the guys says "you gotta work for it but absolutely you can on day one".
That's a big change if true.
My fear is that this moves SDS more towards the pay to win models every other ultimate team modes have. IF the best cards in a new set are only grindable (ie not in packs or other stub walls), then it might work. But if this is just a way to get more micro transactions, it will be a huge fail (think whales with day 1 LS + set 1 “bosses” too).
So who is worried that these Set 1,2,3 cards will be only in packs?
@chriscolbert_XBL said in Big changes to DD. More 99s on day one...:
That's a big change if true.
True. But... there are 99's and then there are NINETY-NINES. I was goofing around with some Monthly Awards 99's and they're not NINETY-NINES.
Clear as mud? Yes.
My fear is the part in the video where they say that you need to play with players in that "series".
I stopped doing POTM programs last year because I got tired of playing with players I did not care about while the ones I wanted to use instead got little playing time.
SDS does something new
The Show community : NOT THOSE CHANGES!!! HUGE L!!!
You won't be able to use the 99s anytime you want... that is the key to all of this. Despite the amount of cards that MLB The Show releases they are always looked at as being subpar compared to cards released for Madden and NBA 2K... having 99s day one is going to be a game changer. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out throughout the games cycle and looking forward to more information on Thursday to get clarification on when these cards will be able to be used.