Jazz... 2023
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@NCStateHokie_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
If we HAVE to have a Marlin, I'd much rather have...
No one knows who this guy is
Weird how much “hate” there is for Jazz and him getting the cover
I wonder why…(I think I have an idea)
What is your idea on why people don't like this choice?
I’ll say it, because he’s got dark colored skin. Doesn’t mean everyone that hates the cover dislikes it for that reason but it would be naive to not acknowledge that there are plenty of dbags that think that way.
You really think so? Man if people have an issue with that nowadays, they might as well stop watching baseball altogether. Half of MLB is Dominican/Puerto Rican/Cuban
. Would be kinda hypocritical to have those opinions and still watch and root for any team, would it not?
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
Not sure I just joined the forums couple years ago. I’m not even saying anyone on the forums has had that as a reason. Don’t play dumb tho and pretend that there aren’t people out there that are mad every time a non whitr guy is on anything.every time
Sorry, but I for one would have preferred many of the other suggestions. I just don't like it when some makes any criticism of this about skin tone. Shows me who the REAL racist is.
Bro can you read? I said there are plenty of legit reasons to not like the cover. All I said was that it is naive to not think there are some racist dbags that are mad about it
@raesONE-_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@NCStateHokie_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
If we HAVE to have a Marlin, I'd much rather have...
No one knows who this guy is
Weird how much “hate” there is for Jazz and him getting the cover
I wonder why…(I think I have an idea)
What is your idea on why people don't like this choice?
I’ll say it, because he’s got dark colored skin. Doesn’t mean everyone that hates the cover dislikes it for that reason but it would be naive to not acknowledge that there are plenty of dbags that think that way.
You really think so? Man if people have an issue with that nowadays, they might as well stop watching baseball altogether. Half of MLB is Dominican/Puerto Rican/Cuban
. Would be kinda hypocritical to have those opinions and still watch and root for any team, would it not?
I know plenty of racists that watch the NFL. You are also giving racist people too much credit, most people I know who are racist idiots are also huge hypocrites.
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@NCStateHokie_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
If we HAVE to have a Marlin, I'd much rather have...
No one knows who this guy is
Weird how much “hate” there is for Jazz and him getting the cover
I wonder why…(I think I have an idea)
What is your idea on why people don't like this choice?
I’ll say it, because he’s got dark colored skin. Doesn’t mean everyone that hates the cover dislikes it for that reason but it would be naive to not acknowledge that there are plenty of dbags that think that way.
Yeah but you could literally say that about anything they choose a person for. And especially if it is a "lighter" colored skin person chosen. You can bet there are a TON of Dbags that think the same thing.
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
Not sure I just joined the forums couple years ago. I’m not even saying anyone on the forums has had that as a reason. Don’t play dumb tho and pretend that there aren’t people out there that are mad every time a non whitr guy is on anything.every time
Sorry, but I for one would have preferred many of the other suggestions. I just don't like it when some makes any criticism of this about skin tone. Shows me who the REAL racist is.
Bro can you read? I said there are plenty of legit reasons to not like the cover. All I said was that it is naive to not think there are some racist dbags that are mad about it
I apologize if it sounded like I was saying YOU said that. I meant that in general.
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@raesONE-_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@NCStateHokie_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
If we HAVE to have a Marlin, I'd much rather have...
No one knows who this guy is
Weird how much “hate” there is for Jazz and him getting the cover
I wonder why…(I think I have an idea)
What is your idea on why people don't like this choice?
I’ll say it, because he’s got dark colored skin. Doesn’t mean everyone that hates the cover dislikes it for that reason but it would be naive to not acknowledge that there are plenty of dbags that think that way.
You really think so? Man if people have an issue with that nowadays, they might as well stop watching baseball altogether. Half of MLB is Dominican/Puerto Rican/Cuban
. Would be kinda hypocritical to have those opinions and still watch and root for any team, would it not?
I know plenty of racists that watch the NFL. You are also giving racist people too much credit, most people I know who are racist idiots are also huge hypocrites.
To be honest with you, I have never met one of those people so I don't really know. I'm not from here (USA), moved here a little over a year ago. Plenty of diversity here in South Texas, and even though I'm not naive to think those people don't exist here, everyone seem to get along just fine.
I can think of two other players I would’ve selected before Jazz. Acuna or Soto come to mind. Both are established stars something Jazz is not. Both of whom have huge national and international followings not just a local following like Jazz. But to me it’s about the game itself not the cover.
My biggest complaint about Jazz being chosen is simply that he didn't play enough last year (60 games), and has only played 205 games total (1.25 seasons worth).
My hate for the cover has nothing to do with the athlete and everything to do with the color scheme (pink/fuscia and purple) and the silly pose that they chose from Jazz. If not for the MLB logo on the cover you would be hard pressed to know that it is even a baseball game if you were just browsing games in a store.
I don’t care who’s on the cover. It’s it’s the same game with the same issues the rest doesn’t matter
@Gdogzombie_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
I don’t care who’s on the cover. It’s it’s the same game with the same issues the rest doesn’t matter
It doesn't impact the game but it is the first news about The Show 23 we have so it will be discussed to death until we get something more to discuss or argue over.
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@NCStateHokie_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@NCStateHokie_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in Jazz... 2023:
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
If we HAVE to have a Marlin, I'd much rather have...
No one knows who this guy is
Weird how much “hate” there is for Jazz and him getting the cover
I wonder why…(I think I have an idea)
What is your idea on why people don't like this choice?
I’ll say it, because he’s got dark colored skin. Doesn’t mean everyone that hates the cover dislikes it for that reason but it would be naive to not acknowledge that there are plenty of dbags that think that way.
Are there posts users made in reference to that? I don't recall seeing any. Was there an uproar for Tatis, Baez, Judge, Griffey Jr., Puig, Cabrera, Cutch, Gonzalez, Howard, or Ortiz? Genuine question as I wasn't around for all of those
Not sure I just joined the forums couple years ago. I’m not even saying anyone on the forums has had that as a reason. Don’t play dumb tho and pretend that there aren’t people out there that are mad every time a non whitr guy is on anything.every time
I think it's best not to assume things about people. There's enough real negativity in this world already. That being said, I'm out. This thread has already gone down the toilet.
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
If we HAVE to have a Marlin, I'd much rather have...
I can't wait for his 95 overall FS card in May.
@the_dragon1912 said in Jazz... 2023:
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Jazz... 2023:
@the_dragon1912 said in Jazz... 2023:
At least Jazz gives all you something to be mad about for the next 2 months lol
I am not upset at all. It just shows SDS doing their usual low effort work again. I can now guarantee there will be a ton of bugs on opening, with lots of server crashes upon launch and all the old glitches from previous editions intact.
Just a pricey roster update with a fresh coat of paint slapped on it.
Working as intended.
That has nothing to do with the cover athlete at all. Jazz is the first CA since Mauer to have any genuine passion for this game(being that he actually regularly plays it). The new legends are going to sell the game for me(nothing to do with how the game plays just burnout). I just think people make the cover athlete out to be way kore of a deal than it is.
Have they announced the new legends?