POTM collection Reward
I hope not. they made them so tedious this year that I stopped doing them months ago.
@Dolenz_PSN said in POTM collection Reward:
I hope not. they made them so tedious this year that I stopped doing them months ago.
I’ve done them all lol but this last one I can careless. rather sell the cards make some stubs unless there’s a collection reward imagine like a lightning Mike Trout or Jram
I want Soriano but Bo doesn't interest me. I will probably sell these cards since they're going for so many stubs and I need stubs after finishing the Rollins collection.
@SixPackStl_MLBTS said in POTM collection Reward:
I want Soriano but Bo doesn't interest me. I will probably sell these cards since they're going for so many stubs and I need stubs after finishing the Rollins collection.
Don’t fault you these cards going for A lot if u need stubs have at it .
I imagine if Tatis didn’t get suspended they probably would’ve released his last Lightning card as a collection reward
@SixPackStl_MLBTS said in POTM collection Reward:
I want Soriano but Bo doesn't interest me. I will probably sell these cards since they're going for so many stubs and I need stubs after finishing the Rollins collection.
I was thinking the same thing. But, I am worried I may need them for a collection. I don’t have Rollins yet though.
It's the last POTM, so why not just do one more tedious program. They really messed these up this year.
All I really want is the Escobar card, but I'll finish it all. -
@joeythebigboss said in POTM collection Reward:
@Dolenz_PSN said in POTM collection Reward:
I hope not. they made them so tedious this year that I stopped doing them months ago.
I’ve done them all lol but this last one I can careless. rather sell the cards make some stubs unless there’s a collection reward imagine like a lightning Mike Trout or Jram
That's funny, different strokes. I liked them so much more this year. I feel like with the absence of Team Affinity it's hard to milk content for a period of time so I don't run out of things to do. I can make this last for 2-3 weeks easy and the rewards are some of my favorite cards- Thome, Riley, Mookie, Carpenter, Biggio, Sale etc etc. They can be tedious but I need something to do. I get it though. If you're not trying to milk a program, this can get tedious.
Sorry, I meant to Respond to @Dolenz_MLBTS. I don't imagine it will be a collection or we'd have UT already. But I'm wrong a lot.
I agree on the tediousness of these programs this year. I have less time to play this time of year and even just working on POTM is a pretty big time investment without playing anything else I would prefer to play like BR. I am sure I will finish this one because I am stubborn, but gosh everything is just so time consuming this year. It often feels hard to work multiple programs at the same time too.
There is a one million percent chance we have one last Brett/Cutch/Rollins-level collection which will require most if not all the existing POTM cards.
Was last years collection Carlos Carrasco? The years run together for me. I feel like they added the collection last year as an after thought and that is why it was Carrasco. They could always give us a lightning flashback Bellinger or Buxton. Those would be two cards that would make the collection worth it and actually stand up to these retro finest cards they keep handing out like candy. But either way you will need as many of the MA cards as you can get to do the last big collection.