The BIG collection kills the game for me
@dlpme1977_psn said in The BIG collection kills the game for me:
This is why I just play the game. I have not gotten Brett yet and really do not care. I enjoy the game, and will get to it when I get to it. Played for years and never burn out
Thats for me I havent done the Live Series or Brett and I am enjoying the game especially playing ROTS
Tomorrow I will be engaged in POTM and Friday the Timed program and Nike Connect
If I didn't have big collections to chase after, I would get bored very quickly.
@fruitypebblets_xbl said in The BIG collection kills the game for me:
This is 2 years in a row now where the 1st big collection has killed the game for me and I wonder if it burns you guys out too or does it do the opposite? For me, I play the heck out of the game and enjoy it quite a bit after release and continue to enjoy it for awhile. SDS then teases the big collection and I start getting excited and start trying to collect as many cards as I can so I can complete the collection in the coming days. Shortly after the collection is unveiled and it turns out I have nowhere even close the amount of cards I need to complete it. Undeterred I begin to grind.... and grind.... and grind..... and grind some more probably playing 3-4 times the normal amount trying to get the cards I need. Then about 3 weeks later after grinding nonstop the burnout completely sets in and I am done with the game never completing the collection and ending my time with the game prematurely in my opinion. I am curious if many of you guys feel the same because if that's the case I'm curious what the retention rate to DD is before and after the 1st big collection and if SDS would be better off either not doing a big collection at all or drastically lowering the requirements?
mate i hear you completely - this year i took a new approach compared to previous years - minimal collecting, buying whatever i want from the stubs i make - even if i am playing hardly at all, i play with my main core team (still using gold Hunter Renfrew in RF for RS)
not thinking about the collection makes this game much more enjoyable for me
Sorry man, I’m in chill mode until ‘23.
I have a goal of collecting every single card, every single equipment, every single unlockable before Memorial Day and not only that but 5 million in the bank still after buying everything. (I spend the first month working the market. Almost close to 8,000 pages of flipping last I checked)
When the big collection came out this year, a couple XP missions and that was it (20 mins tops)
Now I’m just picking off each card 1 by 1 without even playing much, only when I want to for some virtual batting practice doing mini seasons on rookie with the A team. I’m not into running into online cheese so stay offline.
Rest of the year strategy to own every card again. (Thanks to re-wind packs)
Bids for Inning Bosses (10k - 20k)
Bids for Event cards (10k - 20k)
Bids for WS and BR rewards (99k) takes about 3 weeks but don’t over spend as soon as they drop.It’s harder to make stubs this year. Last year I had so many stubs I had 10 Trea Finest cards and 1000 Bryce Harpers bought at 5k and ended up around 40k.
Maybe take an inning program break … come back and scoop some cheap cards. You’ll regain the fire again hopefully.
Unless you plan on spending a fortune you just have to condition yourself to not expect to do everything right away. If grinding that hard is burning you out then don't grind so hard. I finished the Live Series last week and I'll have Brett done when I get another 200k program xp. I could have had them both done sooner but it's not worth the burnout.
Lol I don’t think it’s the big collection burning you out, it’s your addiction and lack of self control. It’s crazy to me so many feel the need to complete everything ASAP. These things are meant to be completed over months, unless you want to drop cash.
The big collection is not an enticement or deterrent to me playing the game. I pay it no mind because I know I won't be putting in any effort to finish it.
Rushing to finish the collection and then complaining that it was too much would be like me eating a entire gallon of ice cream in one sitting because somebody placed it on the table before me. Sure, I got it finished quickly, but I made myself sick on something I usually really enjoy.
POTM is really the only engaging thing with DD so far this year. Programs have SUCKED. Team Affinity is a big letdown. RS is a [censored] show. BR is fine, you just work the program. Events have been okay.
I'll enjoy grinding POTM but I'm really disengaged at this point. SDS has dropped the ball this year, DD has regressed.
While there are many like you, I'm sure many are the opposite extreme. They complete the sets and then have no desire to play the game. I grinded like a crazy person to get LS completed. That was mid May, then I prepared for the big collection. Had to wait a couple weeks for Takashi cards and Award cards to come down or for more to drop. Now that Brett is complete I'm bored. I know they just dropped the new program but I just have no desire to play. Went into the PS4 classics collection and started Batman. It is a nice diversion. Maybe next week I will pick up the Show but nothing wrong with taking a break.
I just play for fun I don't care about collections, I just get the card I love and sometimes that means I need a particular set to get a guy like
@ryan92780_mlbts said in The BIG collection kills the game for me:
What is the 2nd Big Collection going to be like? I just got Brett yesterday and I’m not sure how to prepare for the next one.
Collect every card. Preparation done.
@genopolanco_psn said in The BIG collection kills the game for me:
Lol I don’t think it’s the big collection burning you out, it’s your addiction and lack of self control. It’s crazy to me so many feel the need to complete everything ASAP. These things are meant to be completed over months, unless you want to drop cash.
That's one of the problems with the direction this game is headed. If you are a serious The Show Player, that means you only have about a year with the game. So if you are a "collector" type of player, then you NEED to finish these collection asap so that you can use the reward for the rest of the year.
"Collector" type players are going to finish collections as fast as possible. That's how they get their excitment. Only problem is, A) It's a LONG grind, and B) they only have a limited time to enjoy their reward.
In game's like Apex,Fortnite, Destiny etc. you at least get to keep what you grinded for.
@jaycruise21_psn said in The BIG collection kills the game for me:
@genopolanco_psn said in The BIG collection kills the game for me:
Lol I don’t think it’s the big collection burning you out, it’s your addiction and lack of self control. It’s crazy to me so many feel the need to complete everything ASAP. These things are meant to be completed over months, unless you want to drop cash.
That's one of the problems with the direction this game is headed. If you are a serious The Show Player, that means you only have about a year with the game. So if you are a "collector" type of player, then you NEED to finish these collection asap so that you can use the reward for the rest of the year.
"Collector" type players are going to finish collections as fast as possible. That's how they get their excitment. Only problem is, A) It's a LONG grind, and B) they only have a limited time to enjoy their reward.
In game's like Apex,Fortnite, Destiny etc. you at least get to keep what you grinded for.
I'm not a serious show player that plays for the entire year. I'm an April to August and back again in February/March player. I get various collections done asap so I can enjoy the cards in my short time with the game.
@fruitypebblets_xbl said in The BIG collection kills the game for me:
This is 2 years in a row now where the 1st big collection has killed the game for me and I wonder if it burns you guys out too or does it do the opposite? For me, I play the heck out of the game and enjoy it quite a bit after release and continue to enjoy it for awhile. SDS then teases the big collection and I start getting excited and start trying to collect as many cards as I can so I can complete the collection in the coming days. Shortly after the collection is unveiled and it turns out I have nowhere even close the amount of cards I need to complete it. Undeterred I begin to grind.... and grind.... and grind..... and grind some more probably playing 3-4 times the normal amount trying to get the cards I need. Then about 3 weeks later after grinding nonstop the burnout completely sets in and I am done with the game never completing the collection and ending my time with the game prematurely in my opinion. I am curious if many of you guys feel the same because if that's the case I'm curious what the retention rate to DD is before and after the 1st big collection and if SDS would be better off either not doing a big collection at all or drastically lowering the requirements?
I don't even think about the collection after I find out that I'm no where close. Devers at P5 is just fine for me and if I get him later then great. They always release throw away cards in BR for example to fill in the gaps so I collect as I go and check in from time to time. I say don't sweat it since he will be there all year.
I am in such a mixed place with this game. I like the way online rated and Franchise play better, but programs, cards and collections draw me to DD. I have not really liked the programs this year, but I still get excited when a new one drops. I am starting to play less already, so that is probably about six months earlier than I fell off last year. I could really see myself not doing anything other than BR for the next few seasons and casually working through some programs on the switch in the evening. Gameplay is the biggest factor for me and it is just such a drop-off that I can tell my interest is going quick.