22 worse than 21?
@beatlesnews_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
@luvmyxbox_xbl said in 22 worse than 21?:
21 did DD better. Better organized mode. No game crashes. Less bugs. And if there were bugs they'd get fixed pretty quick.
Other than improved gameplay in 22 offline franchise - 22 is a mess compared to 21. Still a solid game ,but DD is not as fun in 22.
Oh I don’t know. I just started doing mini seasons and I really like that. I did extra innings last year but this is more fun.
ya mini seasons is a plus but overall 21 was better DD
@luvmyxbox_xbl said in 22 worse than 21?:
21 did DD better. Better organized mode. No game crashes. Less bugs. And if there were bugs they'd get fixed pretty quick.
Other than improved gameplay in 22 offline franchise - 22 is a mess compared to 21. Still a solid game ,but DD is not as fun in 22.
And 20 did DD better than 21. 21's overall structure was less imaginative, and they dropped free 99's from an airplane to anyone who wanted them about 3 days after release. Team Affinity was awesome, though.
This year EVERY [censored] THING is stripped down, simplified, made dull. "Other Programs" and actual tab ... will never stop spamming how stupidly unimaginative that is. Scrolling through DD is like reviewing a student's last-minute PowerPoint presentation...
TonyTheTiger2k16wrote on Jun 21, 2022, 11:59 PM last edited by TonyTheTiger2k16 Jun 22, 2022, 12:05 AM
22 does have great improvements with the offline modes (RTTS, MTO & Franchise) & the newly added Mini Seasons to DD ..... However everything else is worse. Online game play is horrible. Everyone can hit ND-HR's on pitches way out the zone. Pitching is horrible. They took away Innings Programs & changed them for themed Featured Programs that serve better as side programs. They took away Team Affinity. They doing too many Nike side programs. Everything requires more of a grind to gain total XP or Star Points to complete Featured & POTM programs & the rewards are not worth the grind. They giving away too many Show Packs & 5 Pack & 10 Pack bundles as rewards which is pointless with pack odds of getting anyone over a 88 overall. So yes every year from 17 to 21 is far better then 22.
Mini season is poo poo 3 inning dashboard fodder you losing just start over . Can understand why some like it.Its right up their alley.
Since 17 all of them have had major issues, even 17 people complained, but that was my first DD and playing H2H. No matter what anyone tries to tell me, 18 is the worst. H2H waa completely unplayable because fastballs were so slow that you had to pitch everyone backwards. Souvenirs were terrible idea, only good for making stubs by working the exchanges.
I know there are people who had issues playing Mini-Seasons, but that is a big win this year as long as it works. My big problem with extra innings was it wasn't allowed for missions, so I never played it. And honestly I don't care about 9 inning games, I always preferred 3 innings conquest games. This keeps me from getting burned out by conquest. Hell as more cards are coming the rosters in MS are different nearly every run. And new missions each month. It should stay fresh all year.
Lol try online period 2012-2016 and that h2h experience
Ericulous1replied to kwikpoppa on Jun 23, 2022, 3:05 AM last edited by Ericulous1_PSN Jun 23, 2022, 3:07 AM
@kwikpoppa_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
22 is IMO the worse release ffrom SDS .Mini mouse seasons should be discontinued and extra inning mode brought back. Make extra innings mode preset to be competitive enough to draw as much recognition s ranked season and you solve 90 percent of all complaints.Just make it one set difficulty equal to legend hof or even allstar. No more cheesing. You quit you lose.Miini seasons and conquest are dashboard fodder.Make people play 9 inning BASEBALL game.Monitor controller and every other cheat _ advantage nil. The CPU will wait til hades freezes over if you freeze glitch it.At least 80 percent of the games players are not interested in playing baseball as muchh as they are interested in beating SOMEBODY. Thats a shame . Catering to them is a bigger shame.
What do you mean, Conquest and Mini Seasons are dashboard fodder? Why would anyone dashboard against the cpu.
Moreover, why would anyone care what anyone else does against the computer? If somebody wants to start their mini season over, why on earth would I care?
wont buy 23 i can assure ya
@ericulous1_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
@kwikpoppa_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
22 is IMO the worse release ffrom SDS .Mini mouse seasons should be discontinued and extra inning mode brought back. Make extra innings mode preset to be competitive enough to draw as much recognition s ranked season and you solve 90 percent of all complaints.Just make it one set difficulty equal to legend hof or even allstar. No more cheesing. You quit you lose.Miini seasons and conquest are dashboard fodder.Make people play 9 inning BASEBALL game.Monitor controller and every other cheat _ advantage nil. The CPU will wait til hades freezes over if you freeze glitch it.At least 80 percent of the games players are not interested in playing baseball as muchh as they are interested in beating SOMEBODY. Thats a shame . Catering to them is a bigger shame.
What do you mean, Conquest and Mini Seasons are dashboard fodder? Why would anyone dashboard against the cpu.
Moreover, why would anyone care what anyone else does against the computer? If somebody wants to start their mini season over, why on earth would I care?
ya that made no sense.
the only thing I wish mini seasons had was an option to play more than 3 innings. Or just make it a full 9 inning game in the future.
Last time I posted this and got negative responses. Not sure why the hate against 9 inning mini season games. It would basically be season mode making it's comeback in DD.
Answer the question directly.. Yes. Massively. Why? It's nearly July and it's still garbage. For me, 21 had early issues but it was a fun and enjoyable game by late may/june I think I know by all star break I was definitely enjoying it, but right now I'm genuinely not interested in playing it, hence why I'm on the forums reading up is anybody is experiencing the same issues I am.
In terms of DD alone, I have not enjoyed any of 22. I've been buying these games every year since 2016 and this is the first year I feel genuinely ripped off. I understood with Covid and adding xbox etc. that the game might have a slight off year in 21, but like I said, after a few weeks it was fine. I expected DD in 22 to be a heck of a lot better though. But here we are, and I cant for the life of me understand why they removed so much stuff. 18/19/20 are far more appealing to me for DD as there are still plenty of things I didnt complete and the content didnt disappear after a month. To my knowledge, it's all still there as the 19 content was still there after 20 launched so why wouldnt it be? What made last year all the more insulting was that all the early content and daily moments rewards were just handed out for nothing in november/december, so why the hell should I ever buy the game new again? I should just wait until it's on sale the following January for 20 dollars and I'll be rewarded with the same content as somebody who paid 100 a year earlier. But hey, who am I to judge a video game developer that advertises gambling to children as if they were EA?
Gameplay wise, I'm lost by it. Showdown mode used to be the place where everything was a pop-up or lazy fly ball if you didnt get it right, now that's seemingly every mode for me. I cannot get any consistant hitting this year, especially from RH power bats, I literally cant get hits with them, last year the Awards Nelson Cruz and HR Derby Alonso were my favourite cards. This year I cannot hit with any RH power bats... but why? Well, here's the meat of my issue with hitting: I pop up hanging sliders and curveballs with good timing swings that are right next to perfect, then I hit no doubt home runs on fastballs 4 inches below the zone when I'm trying to hit a ground ball. Then I hit a no doubter off a sinker inside with Early timing, like ridiculously early timing, then I start fouling everything off 3ft outside the pole on good timing hits when i'm trying to hit the ball up the middle. I lterally cant get my head around hitting this year. I think the AI pitching is more realistic in terms of break (lots of late life) but hitting genuinely feels like RNG. I get no joy out of hitting anything. Strike calls on the black are ridiculous, and what the heck happened to Check swinging? It was poor on 21, now it's just terrible. Stealing is a joke, especially as missed pick off throws bounce off either the ump or 1B coach so you cant get to 2nd. But it's the 10 pickoff thorws you have to sit through with your 42 speed third baseman who hasnt even taken a leadoff step just stepping back on over and over again. Moments mode? Dont get me started, foul language would ensue. "Hit a Home Run", ok sure thing boss! First pitch hits me in the knee. WOOOOOOWWWW!!!!
Pitching was my favourite thing in 21. For the first time ever I did a RTTS with a SP and made it all the way to the majors, went nearly two mlb seasons. Loved it. This year, depending on the game mode, it's either a chore or just stupidly easy. It's either two fastballs (1 up, 1 down) and a slider outside the zone, goodbye. OR, 12 pitches of foul offs as you look for the swing and miss off the plate, then you either throw a fastball right down the middle and they don't swing at all or you throw outside to just walk them and they hit a double. See the RNG?
tl;dr I dunno, whatever, garbage, 19 & 20 were way better. Wont buy 23 until it's on sale for nothing.
As a whole I’m enjoying them about the same. I do wish the hitting was a bit more consistent and this is coming from someone who only plays against the CPU (most of the time). I love mini-seasons but I wouldn’t mind extra innings being back along with mini-seasons.
@the-josh023_xbl said in 22 worse than 21?:
As a whole I’m enjoying them about the same. I do wish the hitting was a bit more consistent and this is coming from someone who only plays against the CPU (most of the time). I love mini-seasons but I wouldn’t mind extra innings being back along with mini-seasons.
I played extra innings last year and am playing mini-seasons this year. I don't miss extra innings, really. I like that mini-seasons is only three innings long each game. I think the seasons are a little too long and wish it was a little shorter, though. Maybe 20 games instead.
LuvMyXBOXreplied to jib--v3 on Jun 28, 2022, 11:01 PM last edited by LuvMyXBOX_XBL Jun 28, 2022, 11:02 PM
@jib-v3_psn said in 22 worse than 21?:
Answer the question directly.. Yes. Massively. Why? It's nearly July and it's still garbage. For me, 21 had early issues but it was a fun and enjoyable game by late may/june I think I know by all star break I was definitely enjoying it, but right now I'm genuinely not interested in playing it, hence why I'm on the forums reading up is anybody is experiencing the same issues I am.
In terms of DD alone, I have not enjoyed any of 22. I've been buying these games every year since 2016 and this is the first year I feel genuinely ripped off. I understood with Covid and adding xbox etc. that the game might have a slight off year in 21, but like I said, after a few weeks it was fine. I expected DD in 22 to be a heck of a lot better though. But here we are, and I cant for the life of me understand why they removed so much stuff. 18/19/20 are far more appealing to me for DD as there are still plenty of things I didnt complete and the content didnt disappear after a month. To my knowledge, it's all still there as the 19 content was still there after 20 launched so why wouldnt it be? What made last year all the more insulting was that all the early content and daily moments rewards were just handed out for nothing in november/december, so why the hell should I ever buy the game new again? I should just wait until it's on sale the following January for 20 dollars and I'll be rewarded with the same content as somebody who paid 100 a year earlier. But hey, who am I to judge a video game developer that advertises gambling to children as if they were EA?
Gameplay wise, I'm lost by it. Showdown mode used to be the place where everything was a pop-up or lazy fly ball if you didnt get it right, now that's seemingly every mode for me. I cannot get any consistant hitting this year, especially from RH power bats, I literally cant get hits with them, last year the Awards Nelson Cruz and HR Derby Alonso were my favourite cards. This year I cannot hit with any RH power bats... but why? Well, here's the meat of my issue with hitting: I pop up hanging sliders and curveballs with good timing swings that are right next to perfect, then I hit no doubt home runs on fastballs 4 inches below the zone when I'm trying to hit a ground ball. Then I hit a no doubter off a sinker inside with Early timing, like ridiculously early timing, then I start fouling everything off 3ft outside the pole on good timing hits when i'm trying to hit the ball up the middle. I lterally cant get my head around hitting this year. I think the AI pitching is more realistic in terms of break (lots of late life) but hitting genuinely feels like RNG. I get no joy out of hitting anything. Strike calls on the black are ridiculous, and what the heck happened to Check swinging? It was poor on 21, now it's just terrible. Stealing is a joke, especially as missed pick off throws bounce off either the ump or 1B coach so you cant get to 2nd. But it's the 10 pickoff thorws you have to sit through with your 42 speed third baseman who hasnt even taken a leadoff step just stepping back on over and over again. Moments mode? Dont get me started, foul language would ensue. "Hit a Home Run", ok sure thing boss! First pitch hits me in the knee. WOOOOOOWWWW!!!!
Pitching was my favourite thing in 21. For the first time ever I did a RTTS with a SP and made it all the way to the majors, went nearly two mlb seasons. Loved it. This year, depending on the game mode, it's either a chore or just stupidly easy. It's either two fastballs (1 up, 1 down) and a slider outside the zone, goodbye. OR, 12 pitches of foul offs as you look for the swing and miss off the plate, then you either throw a fastball right down the middle and they don't swing at all or you throw outside to just walk them and they hit a double. See the RNG?
tl;dr I dunno, whatever, garbage, 19 & 20 were way better. Wont buy 23 until it's on sale for nothing.
One thing I noticed that maybe gives a barometer about how many feel about 22 is here in these forums. I mean this year these forums are D-E-A-D Dead!
Last year in with 21, these forums were hopping from Release to all the way to next Jan. Maybe it was all the new Xbox players who finally got a real baseball game after 8 years but I think the entire community was really happy with 21. And I do understand it was a Covid year and 21 was a great escape from reality.
If you dont know what someone is talking about why respond?Just because you dont comprehend doesnt mean someone else dont. Extra inning mode was interesting if fror no other reason the unlimited assortment of lineups ,uniforms ,batskins etc. Now it just the same old 7 over and over in a 3 inning quickie. Phooey.
20 and 21 beat 22 hands down
Being fairly new to DD, 2020 was my first year, I agree that I seemed to enjoy the grind, flipping, and just general gameplay more in both 20 and 21 compared to 22. I know they were far from perfect themselves but feel this year everything just feels sloppy and sluggish comparatively speaking.
Well there are 2 obvious sides to this , you see PS4 users paid same price for the game as everyone else and we got nothing but takeaways . Its obvious that ranked cheaters season and battle cheese royale are being shoved down your throat by the rewards they offer .Online play will never be credible to me because of mismatch play . Monitor vrs non monitor matchupsis enough in itself. Then you got the Zen factor, the guys who never swing at a ball off the plate and kill everything.If you jump in here and say you aint seen it we can all assume you one of them. Then you got your freeze glitcher who is hitting .032 with an 8.00 era who is 123-5 . Do the math. Extra Inning mode where you can challenge ANY team to a DD game without the crapolla was better than vrs CPU all the time. Was a fun addition to the game should have been left alone. Why keep beating aro7nd the bush , Hell just make ranked season the only option and be done with it.