Unique Statlines You Can Remember
5-5 with 4 home runs and a triple with Ohtani last year.
Texas/Louisiana for me. Crossed it so many times at I-10.
@chuckclc5755_xbl said in Unique Statelines You Can Remember:
Texas/Louisiana for me. Crossed it so many times at I-10.
Beat me to it. Was going to comment on NC/SC state line.
@chuckclc5755_xbl said in Unique Statelines You Can Remember:
Texas/Louisiana for me. Crossed it so many times at I-10.
I was going to say the "4 Corners".
The Arkansas/Tennessee border which is obviously the Mississippi river, except while the border has stayed constant, the river hasn't, so there are Arkansas pieces on the other side and vice versa now.
Did you know there is a part of the border between North and South Carolina where you can head south entering into North Carolina from South Carolina. Pretty interesting stateline.
@ncstatehokie_psn said in Unique Statelines You Can Remember:
Did you know there is a part of the border between North and South Carolina where you can head south entering into North Carolina from South Carolina. Pretty interesting stateline.
That is an interesting stateline! I had to go look at it in Google Earth. I found the SR49/York Rd at the Buster Boyd Bridge going over Lake Wylie as a point where going south from South Carolina has you headed into North Carolina as well as heading north from North Carolina will lead you to South Carolina!
The doobies giveth, the doobies taketh
dap1234567890replied to doobiebross66-72 on Jun 6, 2022, 12:53 AM last edited by dap1234567890_PSN Jun 6, 2022, 1:14 AM
@doobiebross66-72 said in Unique Statlines You Can Remember:
The doobies giveth, the doobies taketh
One cannot take this forum too serious and cannot take this forum personally! Everyone is fair game when they post on here. Of course, I would never give anyone any grief on this forum because I would not want to receive any grief from my posts!
I don't recall any unique statlines because (1) I don't play a whole lot of online and when I do, it's usually a low scoring affair!, and (2) offline is too easy to run up a score and have ridiculous statlines!
My unique stateline would be California/Nevada at the I-15 freeway!
I do appreciate the non-whiny, non-complaining post! We need more posts like this!
I almost got 4 triples in a game with Brian Reynolds at laughing mountain but was thrown at third on the 4th.
I played an event game last year where I played someone 30 something and 0 in an event game. A BR and All-Star goon. I faced 8 batters. I walked 1 and he homered the other 7 times. He never once swung at a ball. If I threw a strike it was a home run. He could have been cheating but I didn't think of it at the time. I usually don't quit, but there was no reason to continue playing the game.
Last year I struck out 19 times in one of my WS games on legend against a created pitcher, somehow managed to walk it off… best feeling ever
Threw a no hitter in co-op with a friend I met from this forum. The no hitter wasn't what was rare. The game didn't freeze and our opponents didn't quit.
Back in like, 17 I turned a 3-0 deficit to a 12-3 lead in the top of the 9th with no home runs.
And I also remember winning a game on a walk-off suicide squeeze despite clearly fouling the bunt off. Even got the video of that one -
Not really a stat line but another memorable moment for me came last year
Went 24-0 in back to back BR runs and I think that was my peak in this game lol nothing will top that
Appreciate you all sharing! Keep it coming
I threw a 15 2/3rd inning perfect game (13 innings with LS Strasburg..had like 20+ Ks) back in like 2017. Guy I played was terrible at the plate and I didn't do much better results wise.
Game went 22 innings total and I won 1-0 after finally scoring. Offensive performance in that game was abysmal and I couldn't string more than 1 hit together (if at all). The box score pic shows up on my FB feed every year and I get a good laugh out of it now.
EDIT: updated the inning counts since I found picture.
Played an RS game yesterday. I had 7 hits and they were all home runs, 3 by Utley. This speaks far more to the unbalanced hitting engine than my ability as a hitter...
@mojofilter63_psn said in Unique Statlines You Can Remember:
Played an RS game yesterday. I had 7 hits and they were all home runs, 3 by Utley. This speaks far more to the unbalanced hitting engine than my ability as a hitter...
That’s wild. I had a ranked game yesterday and had 12 doubles and only 1 homerun I believe for 13 runs. Definitely agree hitting is inconsistent at best and certain games feel like HR or bust