What’s everyone’s preferred Month/Time for games?
I set my settings at whatever month/time/weather it is at my house.
@tmichae10_psn said in What’s everyone’s preferred Month/Time for games?:
I like playing in the hottest month when the sun is highest….that way I can blame my loss + tears on all the sunlight and not my terrible skills.
- why do you keep dropping the PCI you idiot?!? That DEFINITELY would have been a HR if I wasn’t so stupid!! *
You don't know how many times I have said these very words. I swear when I hit the swing button with my right thumb, my left thumb automatically relaxes that very instant or a split second before it and my pci drops.
@dsparks0014_mlbts said in What’s everyone’s preferred Month/Time for games?:
@tmichae10_psn said in What’s everyone’s preferred Month/Time for games?:
I like playing in the hottest month when the sun is highest….that way I can blame my loss + tears on all the sunlight and not my terrible skills.
- why do you keep dropping the PCI you idiot?!? That DEFINITELY would have been a HR if I wasn’t so stupid!! *
You don't know how many times I have said these very words. I swear when I hit the swing button with my right thumb, my left thumb automatically relaxes that very instant or a split second before it and my pci drops.
Haha, good to know I’m not alone. My other recent issue is R v R, I’ll typically set up PCI above center and inside (I know you’re going to throw a sinker there!!!), but find my left thumb will push to the right as I swing for the pop-up, ground out, etc etc. I play on a TV so not sure if it’s the way I’m sitting and it’s just drawing in, but lord I do that AND drop PCI…….I’m the worst to ever play.
Overcast -
October 7 PM Partly Cloudy
@jonblaze2424_mlbts said in What’s everyone’s preferred Month/Time for games?:
Personally I’m an October at 7 pm guy simply because for me, playing at night makes it far easier to see pitches.
Read some Reddit posts mentioning how night games sometimes make the game run choppier, and playing in hotter months actually does increase carry on the ball…not sure how true this is but brought me to this question.
OCT at 7pm. 100 percent of the time.
August 1pm or September/October 7pm
July 1 pm. I don’t really care as long it isn’t afternoon games with shadows.
Yeah, always Oct at 7pm or sometimes if I'm 420'd the game looks cooler in the daytime.
@ikasnu_psn said in What’s everyone’s preferred Month/Time for games?:
I set my settings at whatever month/time/weather it is at my house.
Wasn't there a time when weather was dynamic like that in game? I seem to remember Franchise was at one time?
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs
September 7pm overcast gives you a Little bit more magic hour.
@t-rox_09_mlbts said in What’s everyone’s preferred Month/Time for games?:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in What’s everyone’s preferred Month/Time for games?:
June 11am
You out catsup on pizza too?
Legit LOL'D at this
Whatever month the season is in. Time usually 7 p.m., anything but rain (unless I play in a dome, then I'll close the roof; I like the sound of thunder in my headset).
Daytime:1pm depends on the month currently
Nighttime Oct 7pm
This thread reminded me of how on the old MLB2K games you used to be able to play the game any time of day you wanted & it was magnificent. Nothing like 1st pitch at 4am
I tried to google search when most homers are hit so I go w July 7pm at shippet
June 1pm for me