How Do You Hit A Sinker?
@dudeman22__psn said in How Do You Hit A Sinker?:
Well Since its been the most broken and overpowered pitch for a few years now, and SDS has literally laughed and made jokes about it instead of fixing it. Comes out of the hand looking like off speed, then speeds up late and cuts in so hard on righties even if its a high pitch. You could tell me where a sinkers coming and if its against a good pither I still probably won't hit it. Used to make World Series regularly a few years ago and ever since the god sinker was introduced I cant. Any tips, or is this just something I should practice in batting practice
I don't know what to tell ya brother other than like you said practice. If it makes you feel better everyone has a pitch or a zone they struggle with to some degree.
Something that has helped me with sinkers and just hitting in general is I tell myself I need " Quiet Thumbs" I always over correct and jam the sticks. If I can keep em quiet I tend to be able to at least get the PCI more consistently on the ball and then it's just timing from there.
You have to go to the plate with a banjo and not a bat. (sarcasm)
I put my PCI on the ball and swing my bat at the correct time.
I try my best to follow Cbrev's hitting advice, that is as follows.
- Know the pitchers repertoire
- Be patient, see plenty of pitches, especially early in the game
- Pay attention to how they pitch you situationally, by count 0-2, 3-2 etc., by baserunners runners on 1st & 2nd less than 2 outs, 1st and 3rd etc.
- What are they throwing 1st pitch, 2nd pitch are they using a pattern, are they throwing hard then soft, are they doubling up pitches
- Know the pitchers stamina & confidence, when it's low be prepared for more mistake pitches
Finally, when they make mistake pitches you must take advantage of them.
I don’t try to hit the inside sinker from a same side pitcher. I find that 95% of the time I swing something bad happens. Most of the time the pitch is a ball. If my opponent can dot the inside sinker then I’m done, but most of the time they can’t. This gets my opponent to bring it out more over the middle of the plate where I can at least try to put a good swing on it
I feel like this is one of those “how do you hit the curveball” questions… don’t miss the fastball? Lol
Go to practice mode on legend and have someone like manoah pitch only sinkers to you and use power swing to hit. You’ll miss a lot, but when you start making contact then when you use your normal swing in game you’ll be really squaring up on those
@lookattherhino_mlbts said in How Do You Hit A Sinker?:
Go to practice mode on legend and have someone like manoah pitch only sinkers to you and use power swing to hit. You’ll miss a lot, but when you start making contact then when you use your normal swing in game you’ll be really squaring up on those
Is there a way to control which pitches theyre going to throw or should I just do someone with main pitch as sinker?
@dudeman22__psn said in How Do You Hit A Sinker?:
@lookattherhino_mlbts said in How Do You Hit A Sinker?:
Go to practice mode on legend and have someone like manoah pitch only sinkers to you and use power swing to hit. You’ll miss a lot, but when you start making contact then when you use your normal swing in game you’ll be really squaring up on those
Is there a way to control which pitches theyre going to throw or should I just do someone with main pitch as sinker?
Nvm I see now, thanks!
@dudeman22__psn said in How Do You Hit A Sinker?:
@lookattherhino_mlbts said in How Do You Hit A Sinker?:
Go to practice mode on legend and have someone like manoah pitch only sinkers to you and use power swing to hit. You’ll miss a lot, but when you start making contact then when you use your normal swing in game you’ll be really squaring up on those
Is there a way to control which pitches theyre going to throw or should I just do someone with main pitch as sinker?
Yeah, you go into batting mode and you can choose what pitch and where in the zone they throw it so you can just practice until you’re comfortable
This is the only pitch I cannot handle. Im at the point of never swing the bat when a sinker is coming because it will be an automatic out. Its so annoying
@Dudeman22__PSN said in How Do You Hit A Sinker?:
Well Since its been the most broken and overpowered pitch for a few years now, and SDS has literally laughed and made jokes about it instead of fixing it. Comes out of the hand looking like off speed, then speeds up late and cuts in so hard on righties even if its a high pitch. You could tell me where a sinkers coming and if its against a good pither I still probably won't hit it. Used to make World Series regularly a few years ago and ever since the god sinker was introduced I cant. Any tips, or is this just something I should practice in batting practice
When you see the pitch hump, your pci should be where the pitch will end up and your swing should already be started. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like fastball swing timing, but your pci has to be down and to the arm side of the pitcher. Take some practice against a sinker baller a level up from what difficulty you usually play on. This will help with timing it up - you can even have them throw just sinkers in a specific zone
Swing and pray
the sinker on this game is so out of line with a real sinker. It goes up initially, which is stupid. It should come out the hand like a fastball, then drop and move a little. It looks like a slider or curve out the hand currently, that's why im late often on them.
As my college coach told me….see ball hit ball. Keep it simple stupid.
@LIONED-33_XBL said in How Do You Hit A Sinker?:
As my college coach told me….see ball hit ball. Keep it simple stupid.
Haha, jokes on your coach then!!! When it’s a 102 sinker I CANT SEE IT!!!!
So you made it to the major leagues did ya kid? Well's your sinker.