When did you start playing DD and how many Trouts have you pulled?
Was year 3 or 4 before I pulled him. Played for 6 or 7 and only pulled him 3 times total I believe. I also don't buy packs with money. I think SDS likely awards those people a little more.
Been playing DD for three years, pulled Trout once which was last week.
Since 2016 and never pulled him. I got him last year in a choice pack but that's not the same as pulling him out of a pack.
@ncstatehokie_psn said in When did you start playing DD and how many Trouts have you pulled?:
Was year 3 or 4 before I pulled him. Played for 6 or 7 and only pulled him 3 times total I believe. I also don't buy packs with money. I think SDS likely awards those people a little more.
I should mention that I don’t buy packs period. In my early years I would, and I do admit to buying a 50 pack bundle week one this year because I wanted to try a chase pack (opened three so far, nothing but golds).
I love opening free packs, but buying them is a never ending pit of pain.
I started in 19, but last year was my first full year. Maybe one Trout per year, I don't count the several high diamond choice packs from last year, just normal packs. None this year.
@solid-snake2493_xbl said in When did you start playing DD and how many Trouts have you pulled?:
I played MLB the Show casually (offline) from the PS2 days through MLB the Show 14. I started playing DD with the release of 15. Since then, I’ve pulled Trout one time (I believe it was in 17 or 18). I’m curious to hear how everyone else has done fishing over the years.
2015…I pulled him once when Griffey was on the cover and at the end of last year when they were handing out 90 plus live series players and Trouts like candy…so it didn’t really count.
@solid-snake2493_xbl said in When did you start playing DD and how many Trouts have you pulled?:
I played MLB the Show casually (offline) from the PS2 days through MLB the Show 14. I started playing DD with the release of 15. Since then, I’ve pulled Trout one time (I believe it was in 17 or 18). I’m curious to hear how everyone else has done fishing over the years.
Been playin since DD was using cards where you combined them to make a better card? Hell what years where that? Anyway, ive never pulled him. So years, decades maybe
Been playing the show since 11 I believe Joe Mauer was on the cover. I was a franchise guy up until 3 years ago mlb 20 started playing DD. Pulled Trout 1 time last year from a show pack that I got from completing that Whitey Ford program
16 and mlb 20, i think i sold rout in 16 for equipment for my rtts player lol.
I pulled him once in 4 years of playing and it was late last year where it was worth half of what it is right now. My luck has been terrible this year.
@guccigangchuck said in When did you start playing DD and how many Trouts have you pulled?:
16 and mlb 20, i think i sold rout in 16 for equipment for my rtts player lol.
Back when rtts was good
Been playing at least 5 years. I honestly don't know exactly when I started. I am not sure that I have ever pulled trout. If I have it has only been once in one of the first few years I played.
Since 17, never pulled him out of a pack unless it was one of those 90+ live series choice packs from last year…so doesn’t count lol
Been playing since the psp days and never pulled him.
- Never from a regular pack. I did pull him from a 90+ choice pack last year.
Started in 17
1 in 17
0 in 18 or 19
4 in 20(6 if you count high diamond choice packs)
2 in 21
2 in 22 -
16 and I've pulled Trout twice, both times in 19.
Started DD in '20. No Trouts. Pulled 5 Trouts in '21. Nothing in '22 yet. Only high diamond is Tatis so far.
Started last year and pulled him once last year.....at the end of the year when he was selling for like $25k and everyone had the max $5 million stubs with nothing to spend them on.
I believe my first year of DD 2018? Which year was immortals? I was only RTTS ad quick play with regular teams before that. I’ve pulled Mike Trout ince