Collection Rewards Disadvantage
@chriscolbert_mlbts said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@tonythetiger2k16 said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
Anyone that purchased the Digital Deluxe for $99 (rather the just the base game for $69) will have gotten the Early Access & as well 1 choice card of the Cover Players & 1 choice card of the Takashi Art cards. This is how so many got Randy Johnson to start of with from the very start.
He’s talking about the live series collection reward Randy.
This is always going to be a thing, as people who have the money to burn will buy their way to the top. Best way to combat it is to not watch these streamers and cut down on their monetizing of the game. I’ve personally never watched a streamer in my life because I spend all my free time actually playing the game, but kids these days seem to get a kick out of watching these guys for whatever reason.
Daddy Dimmu’s NMS series is pretty interesting; of course, he can go flawless and reaches the WS, but it can be done. I enjoy the process, some people enjoy only the endgame.
@ikasnu_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@aaronjw76_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
Collections completed like 10 days ago. Not an extra dime into the game. Didn't even have good pulls from free packs - pulled Corbin Burnes x3.
Did I spend time flipping instead of playing the game? Yes and no. I did a lot of flipping from my couch watching TV with the family or from the sh!tter so I wouldn't have been playing the game anyway.
I could have easily got collections done day one but I struggle with the idea of spending real money on virtual cards but I'm not about to waste energy on what other people do with their money that has zero impact on my life.
Did you buy the standard edition?
I bought whatever gave me the packs and stuff. Is that considered spending extra money now? lol
@chriscolbert_mlbts said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@tonythetiger2k16 said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
Anyone that purchased the Digital Deluxe for $99 (rather the just the base game for $69) will have gotten the Early Access & as well 1 choice card of the Cover Players & 1 choice card of the Takashi Art cards. This is how so many got Randy Johnson to start of with from the very start.
He’s talking about the live series collection reward Randy.
This is always going to be a thing, as people who have the money to burn will buy their way to the top. Best way to combat it is to not watch these streamers and cut down on their monetizing of the game. I’ve personally never watched a streamer in my life because I spend all my free time actually playing the game, but kids these days seem to get a kick out of watching these guys for whatever reason.
Maybe only very very very very few will spend $1,000 in real money towards stubs to buy EVERY card available in the market. But many who have actually completed LS Collection so quickly are those who can just play Onilne better them most others & get to those rewards cards before most do & sell them on the market when the value is way way high due to how many others do not have those cards yet. The stubs earned from selling those cards lets them but all the other LS Diamond cards easily. Talking about players that can get 12 wins easily in BR upon every single entry & just keep winning those cards over & over to sell on the market.
@aaronjw76_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@ikasnu_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@aaronjw76_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
Collections completed like 10 days ago. Not an extra dime into the game. Didn't even have good pulls from free packs - pulled Corbin Burnes x3.
Did I spend time flipping instead of playing the game? Yes and no. I did a lot of flipping from my couch watching TV with the family or from the sh!tter so I wouldn't have been playing the game anyway.
I could have easily got collections done day one but I struggle with the idea of spending real money on virtual cards but I'm not about to waste energy on what other people do with their money that has zero impact on my life.
Did you buy the standard edition?
I bought whatever gave me the packs and stuff. Is that considered spending extra money now? lol
Always has been.
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
What is your solution? Ask SDS to give everyone every card for free?
Very Original. I am saying SDS will see that microtransaction can be the main reason for their high profit. The fact that they push nine sets of headliners within the first month means they are trying to get people to buy their stubs. We see this a lot in games, the more profit they make, the less they care about the game. I like the grind, easier than Madden and 2K. I just don't want SDS to become like EA or 2K.
@parradox-cam_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@ikasnu_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
Still not P2W. You get better chances but its not a guarentee that you will win.
Especially this year. It’s more random than ever. Actually, the only thing that’s consistent is the game rewarding bad hits and not rewarding good hits enough. They actually did a bang up job with implementing both of those outcomes.
Dude, take it from someone who is not good at this game, the game does not reward bad hits as much as you think. I'm the proof, I have never won a 9 inning online game....EVER and I'm probably hitting less than .100. I won't even play online anymore because it's just too hard for crappy hitters to compete. I understand it's frustrating that there is some dice rolling involved but everytime you make these claims it's kind if a slap in the face to those of us who suck. Why, if the game rewards bad hits have I never received one? Am I worse than bad? Don't answer that. Just chill.
I'm a NMS player and finished the LS collection yesterday. Just over a month in. I've just played more than most are able to I'm sure. Trust me though, having the best players don't mean a thing. Can't buy a win in any event and even on RS I'm barely winning games. I'm not squaring up pitches like I was in last years game but I'm sure the more online play I do I'll get better.
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
What is your solution? Ask SDS to give everyone every card for free?
Very Original. I am saying SDS will see that microtransaction can be the main reason for their high profit. The fact that they push nine sets of headliners within the first month means they are trying to get people to buy their stubs. We see this a lot in games, the more profit they make, the less they care about the game. I like the grind, easier than Madden and 2K. I just don't want SDS to become like EA or 2K.
Let me ask you again, what is your solution? Any proposition to make things better?
@aaronjw76_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
Collections completed like 10 days ago. Not an extra dime into the game. Didn't even have good pulls from free packs - pulled Corbin Burnes x3.
Did I spend time flipping instead of playing the game? Yes and no. I did a lot of flipping from my couch watching TV with the family or from the sh!tter so I wouldn't have been playing the game anyway.
I could have easily got collections done day one but I struggle with the idea of spending real money on virtual cards but I'm not about to waste energy on what other people do with their money that has zero impact on my life.
100% agreed. I don't care if everyone else in the world finishes the collection before me. As long as I complete it. I am not playing this game against streamers, money spenders, NMSers, Online only or Offline only players or anyone else. This game is between me, myself and I and what the rest of you do to aquire the cards is none of my business.
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
What is your solution? Ask SDS to give everyone every card for free?
Very Original. I am saying SDS will see that microtransaction can be the main reason for their high profit. The fact that they push nine sets of headliners within the first month means they are trying to get people to buy their stubs. We see this a lot in games, the more profit they make, the less they care about the game. I like the grind, easier than Madden and 2K. I just don't want SDS to become like EA or 2K.
Buying Stubs with real money is ONLY an option for those who want to have certain cards without playing the game to either win them as rewards or to make enough stubs in time to buy them. Every year & am always so behind on getting certain cards before most others do. That is ONLY because my online skills are sub-par & very average compared to many who just play better & can earn each of those cards either faster or in some cases exclusively because I am not good enough to go 12-0 in BR & therefore those cards I will never be able to win. However by the time August if finishing & September is entering, I normally have earned enough stub via game play & flipping cards to have gotten all the LS cards & enough of the Premier cards to complete all those collections.
You just expect TOO MUCH, TOO SOON !!!!!!!!!!
I was able to make World Series without spending a cent.
I do agree that it is lame when the streamers do the collection the first day and play 50 games in two days claiming they are the top player on their streams.
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
The first month of every The Show is pay to win. Not even day one, early access players can go to their Twitch or Youtube and write that they got Randy Johnson early but in reality they spend $600 to $700 to rush and get Randy Johnson so they show off their cup of tea and monocles to everyone who doesn't want to spend an extra $30 or microtransactions. This is a disadvantage for grinders and no money spenders who play at day one because what happens when there is a new ranked season, everyone goes down to the same level and you face a parrel V Randy Johnson, Chase Utley, and Roberto Clemente with your team is filled with low tier diamonds and some goldies.
People should be asking CCs how much money did they spend to get Randy Johnson and every collection reward every year. or maybe shift their luck to the casinos if they are actually getting these high teir cards from free packs
You see. The thing is. Companies exist to make money. So they try to make money. That is the way of capitalism.
Also, it’s easier to not spend a penny and be competitive on this game than it is most others. I’m a Tatis away from Randy and have not purchased stubs, aside from 5k as a donation to the Robinson Foundation.
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
The first month of every The Show is pay to win. Not even day one, early access players can go to their Twitch or Youtube and write that they got Randy Johnson early but in reality they spend $600 to $700 to rush and get Randy Johnson so they show off their cup of tea and monocles to everyone who doesn't want to spend an extra $30 or microtransactions. This is a disadvantage for grinders and no money spenders who play at day one because what happens when there is a new ranked season, everyone goes down to the same level and you face a parrel V Randy Johnson, Chase Utley, and Roberto Clemente with your team is filled with low tier diamonds and some goldies.
People should be asking CCs how much money did they spend to get Randy Johnson and every collection reward every year. or maybe shift their luck to the casinos if they are actually getting these high teir cards from free packs
Ultimately it is their choice to drop the money. Everyone that plays regularly will get the players also.
In my opinion they did a good job dropping NMS cheaper players that are good enough to compete with anyone.
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
What is your solution? Ask SDS to give everyone every card for free?
Very Original. I am saying SDS will see that microtransaction can be the main reason for their high profit. The fact that they push nine sets of headliners within the first month means they are trying to get people to buy their stubs. We see this a lot in games, the more profit they make, the less they care about the game. I like the grind, easier than Madden and 2K. I just don't want SDS to become like EA or 2K.
Let me ask you again, what is your solution? Any proposition to make things better?
My solution is don't release the LS collection on day one or even early access, wait until 2 weeks. The Divisions collection is fine but wait for NL and AL collections for 2 weeks after release.
Who cares what people do or don't do with real life money.
I'm a guy that spends what I want, when I want to. I have no issues with people who are NMS or people that drop as much money as they feel comfortable with.
If anyone is suggesting that they eliminate the ability for people to spend money for stubs or packs, it's a bad suggestion. Without us whales, stubs for NMS people would be THAT much harder to obtain through working the market.
Bottom line. Worry less about what others do, and just focus on your own business.
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
What is your solution? Ask SDS to give everyone every card for free?
Very Original. I am saying SDS will see that microtransaction can be the main reason for their high profit. The fact that they push nine sets of headliners within the first month means they are trying to get people to buy their stubs. We see this a lot in games, the more profit they make, the less they care about the game. I like the grind, easier than Madden and 2K. I just don't want SDS to become like EA or 2K.
Let me ask you again, what is your solution? Any proposition to make things better?
My solution is don't release the LS collection on day one or even early access, wait until 2 weeks. The Divisions collection is fine but wait for NL and AL collections for 2 weeks after release.
What difference would that make for you personally. You still will not be able to complete the LS Collection at the same pace of others based on how much you are biaching about this. LMAO
Don't forget that some of these content creators on YouTube, buy every hot card in the game to get more subscribers and views on their respective channels. The key is they claim all money spent on the game as a tax write off for their "business". Money spent = money returned.
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
The first month of every The Show is pay to win. Not even day one, early access players can go to their Twitch or Youtube and write that they got Randy Johnson early but in reality they spend $600 to $700 to rush and get Randy Johnson so they show off their cup of tea and monocles to everyone who doesn't want to spend an extra $30 or microtransactions. This is a disadvantage for grinders and no money spenders who play at day one because what happens when there is a new ranked season, everyone goes down to the same level and you face a parrel V Randy Johnson, Chase Utley, and Roberto Clemente with your team is filled with low tier diamonds and some goldies.
People should be asking CCs how much money did they spend to get Randy Johnson and every collection reward every year. or maybe shift their luck to the casinos if they are actually getting these high teir cards from free packs
You should not go into business as a career.
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
What is your solution? Ask SDS to give everyone every card for free?
Very Original. I am saying SDS will see that microtransaction can be the main reason for their high profit. The fact that they push nine sets of headliners within the first month means they are trying to get people to buy their stubs. We see this a lot in games, the more profit they make, the less they care about the game. I like the grind, easier than Madden and 2K. I just don't want SDS to become like EA or 2K.
Let me ask you again, what is your solution? Any proposition to make things better?
My solution is don't release the LS collection on day one or even early access, wait until 2 weeks. The Divisions collection is fine but wait for NL and AL collections for 2 weeks after release.
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@saintskde_xbl said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
@raesone_psn said in Collection Rewards Disadvantage:
What is your solution? Ask SDS to give everyone every card for free?
Very Original. I am saying SDS will see that microtransaction can be the main reason for their high profit. The fact that they push nine sets of headliners within the first month means they are trying to get people to buy their stubs. We see this a lot in games, the more profit they make, the less they care about the game. I like the grind, easier than Madden and 2K. I just don't want SDS to become like EA or 2K.
Let me ask you again
Yeah I'll pile on that it's wrong to assume people with Randy now spent big money.
First week? Yeah that's heavy credit card use.
But by now? I have it complete due to the following:
- Digital Deluxe
- Bulk buying of bronzes for silver exchange (this was lucrative the first month although it's now dried up since the roster update)
- 15 Mini Season championships