MLB The Show 22 wishlist.
I just want to add 5 more ideas.
#6 Fan favorite grand slam stances.
#7 Zone defending flares.
#8 Contact hit star zones.
#9 Infinite body collision recovery.
#10 Superstar gem level fielding plays.
I would like to see all time teams included.
Add steroid area guys we want like Bonds and McGwire and Sosa. Add all the bat flips to be picked, like if I want Tatis’s bat flip on Judge let me do it. Add a thing for arm sleeves and high sock frequencies like 2k, like a player I make OFTEN wears his arm sleeve but wears high socks RARELY. Add more animations that make sense based on the fielding ability, MLB does a great job on improving every single year. Lastly dial PCI down; like if I throw a high fastball and some how you get on top of that ball, it should not be a home run. I feel homers are too common and base hits are almost rare at this point.
Make the Babe a hitter in home run derby.
I'd like to see all the minor leagues in the game not just Double & Triple A but the high & Low A divisoins as well. I'd love to see local teams for me like the Yankees affiliate Hudson Valley Renegades get to have a team in the game & Dutchess Stadium where they play is there too.
I'd like to see the following:
- Roster transfers from MLBTS21 to MLBTS22.
- Franchise transfers from MLBTS21 to MLBTS22.
- Stadium transfers from MLBTS21 to MLBTS22.
- Old time equipment like black Wilson shoes, Macgregor gloves, etc.
- Leather colors (from glove) for catcher gear.
- Ability to set no flap helmets or no helmets at all for players in Create/Edit Player.
- Ability to set no numbers for players in create/Edit Player.
- Ability to change the age of the SCEA player's that come with the game. We can change their salary and years of service but we can't change their age.
- Ability to set retired numbers for all players. For example: if I create Yogi Berra I am unable to easily set his number to 8. It would be great if we could toggle whether or not retired numbers were allowed or not.
- Ability to place bullpens anywhere in created stadiums, not just automatically set down in the foul lines.
- Ability to place ads/billboards on outfield fences in created stadiums.
- Ability to play night games using created stadiums.
- Roster/Player Vaults that don't constantly give you an Unhandled Exception errors.
#1 dust coming from gloves when caught by catcher
#2 spit out seeds and gum chew
#3 authentic fireworks for each stadium
#4 bring back white Sox lights around score the Board
#5 camera shots of fans entering and leaving stadium
#6 fan give away nights
#7 authentic pa announcer and commentators for each stadium
#8 booth shots of commentators
#9 bring in more legends I can name a ton load u guys left out Moses Alou Manny Ramirez come on guys let’s get it together -
Make the players input determine the outcome of the game.
I’d be happy if they’d just fix the catcher archetype for RTTS, bronze only??? Obviously more than that, but that would be a good start
I want to start 22 with 5 million free stubs
Thanks 🥳 -
The DH
I would like to see you make the early bosses as good or if not better than the later bosses.That would really add more excitement I think. -
How about 3 or 5 inning DD matches
How about the ability to use stadium creator on ps4 by means of a separate download for a cost
- More equitable Events matchups. Maybe create two divisions with one for beginning opponents with smaller rewards. Give us older guys a chance.
- Fewer hit batters and (especially) hit pitchers. I had a pitcher hit in the head. We don’t need that in this game.
I'd like to be able to create more than one My Ballplayer, or at least be able to reset My Ballplayer's stance so that if I decided to restart RTTS for any reason, I wouldn't begin my path to the majors OP. That's my biggest request.
@avid_game-knocks said in MLB The Show 22 wishlist.:
What do you want to see in the game?
For the Show 22 it’s should be like 2k we Walk Round Shop baseball gear hit batting cages fielding drills then like Pro AM on 2k Get your friends go against other people on baseball diamond playing your position like if you play first base then you play first base and your friends just play they position if it’s not enough of y’all then they add CPUs On Your Team man this make game extra lit
then you still play road to the show but make it like fun and realistic to story like it’s your senior year in High school how preform determined u go college or to the pros and put more hair design and clothes stores buy mlb gear clothes tattoos cleats and etc Please Sony make this possible
In RTTS, let us call an entire game as catcher. There is no point in playing as a catcher if I only get to field bunts and pop outs.
I’d love to see high A and low A teams added. I’m hoping like crazy that’s the real reason they couldn’t add Y2Y saves is because they’re adding low A and high A teams and they couldn’t figure out how to make that work
@thebootman88_psn said in MLB The Show 22 wishlist.:
In RTTS, let us call an entire game as catcher. There is no point in playing as a catcher if I only get to field bunts and pop outs.
Not to mention the ridiculous steal attempts by Willians Astudillo!
Can you choose to watch/play entire game? Press square after a play.
Hello! I think having the option to select light mode or dark mode for the menus could be a good idea. Please take care!