Steal Fans in Conquest
@dirty-shawnchez_psn said in Steal Fans in Conquest:
@dap1234567890 said in Steal Fans in Conquest:
@dirty-shawnchez_psn said in Steal Fans in Conquest:
So, it's probably not wise to work on Stat Missions during a Steal Fans round?
You all are saying to do these are Vet or higher (AS preferred) and from past experience; I'm lucky if I can get 2-3 runs with maybe 4-5 hits on Vet or higher.
In that case, just steal on Rookie or Veteran for easier teams. You are not competing with other people on how fast to get it done! Get it done on your pace that you are comfortable or else you are going to get more frustrated and will take you longer overall. I recommend right away because that is when you need the extra fans, plus you can knock down the other teams which makes it easier to conquer.
What screwed me up is I did it one at time (against the Twins) until I got them Lowe enough to do a Conquer on Vet difficulty. That meant me bit even taking any hexagons and just building up my one spot.
That led to a bunch of teams having TONS of reinforcements before I could even get the Twins conquered.
It also didn't help that I was losing 10-2/3 sims.
After some practice, you'll get better with beating them on Veteran and that will make it easier.
Unless it’s a goal, I never steal , and if I do it’s HOF or legend. I play all conquest games on those levels as you it makes playing HOF online easier than ping ponging difficulties ( although I question my approach now that I seldom want to play RS). Having said that, I am an average player and still win 95 percent of legend conquest games as playing the computer is not challenging.
No real reason to steal fans unless you can’t play on at least AS, just adding games to the map that aren’t necessary.
What's the point of telling someone you only do it on HOF or Legend when the OP stated he has a hard enough time with Veteran in conquest? That sounds like a flex on someone who is still working on getting better at the game. This doesn't help the OP at all. How about providing some feedback that actually helps the OP with his situation (and not your preferences)?
@dap1234567890 said in Steal Fans in Conquest:
What's the point of telling someone you only do it on HOF or Legend when the OP stated he has a hard enough time with Veteran in conquest? That sounds like a flex on someone who is still working on getting better at the game. This doesn't help the OP at all. How about providing some feedback that actually helps the OP with his situation (and not your preferences)?
Fair enough, that was simply bad/lazy reading comprehension. Anyone who has ever seen me post here knows I am as far from a flex kind of guy as possible, as I am very upfront about my average at best skills, so my apologies to the OP if anything I said came across as arrogant or malice....
I will say I think many think they can not play above veteran against the computer, but will quickly find after a few games they can easily settle in and compete. Just takes getting out of a comfort zone.
But I have even seen videos of Conquest maps on Youtube where content creators have beaten every single non strong hold on the map before playing a stronghold game, with only 1-2 steals total, so I don't think stealing is truly necessary...
@oreorockstar_psn said in Steal Fans in Conquest:
Unless it’s a goal, I never steal , and if I do it’s HOF or legend. I play all conquest games on those levels as you it makes playing HOF online easier than ping ponging difficulties ( although I question my approach now that I seldom want to play RS). Having said that, I am an average player and still win 95 percent of legend conquest games as playing the computer is not challenging.
No real reason to steal fans unless you can’t play on at least AS, just adding games to the map that aren’t necessary.
I'm calling you out on that statement. Average he says hahahahaha.
I depends on the map and how many fans you have to steal. If it is More than 3 i do it right away, if it is 3 I will normally wait and get it done when I get to the last strong hold. Beside the US Map I will take over every spot that does not have a strong hold first get all the reward hidden packs, Once I know what Spot the CPU will attack I will leave extra fans in that slot. I probably take more time doing it this way, I like getting all the simulating out of the way first. Then I got just go back and play the strong holds.
@oreorockstar_psn said in Steal Fans in Conquest:
Unless it’s a goal, I never steal , and if I do it’s HOF or legend. I play all conquest games on those levels as you it makes playing HOF online easier than ping ponging difficulties ( although I question my approach now that I seldom want to play RS). Having said that, I am an average player and still win 95 percent of legend conquest games as playing the computer is not challenging.
No real reason to steal fans unless you can’t play on at least AS, just adding games to the map that aren’t necessary. too. You are better than average're just too modest to accept it. Me? I'm below, way below, average, so whenever I watch you play, it scares me.
In all fairness, Oreo has helped me beyond belief in my gameplay! He is a true gentleman, and I'm messing with him a bit
I never steal fans unless it is a requirement to finish the map.
Steal Fans IMMEDIATELY within the 1st 5 turns. Especially to the Team having it's Stronghold closest to you. Vet gives 2 & AS gives 3 (if you win) extra to Reinforce & letting you spread out faster & as well weaken that closest Stronghold so it can easily be challenged on Vet & possibly on RK. Most Conquest maps will just require 4-7 fans being stolen. So doing 3 to 5 Steal Fans Games on either Vet or AS will complete the goal. Only the "Pujols" Map requires 15 stolen.
@blind_bleeder said in Steal Fans in Conquest:
I steal fans as soon as possible. If you can get their stronghold down they won't spread as far. I will even steal fans multiple times from the same stronghold if their base is over 10.
Don't waste your time stealing fans on anything less than AS though, it isn't worth it. It makes it easier to move across the map when they don't spread out, so the key is to keep them from doing that...steal fans.
Once you have all the strongholds, then go back and take all the spots that you've left behind. Nine times out of ten, you'll still need to collect fans and you can do that while taking the rest of the spots by continually reinforcing. By that point, it's all simulating anyway.
I learned this from TEXAS10PT.
Great post. Thanks for this.
I clear the map then Steal fans one at a time because, I’m paralleling players and doing player programs missions too; I do the strongholds the following day.
I generally steal at the first opportunity from the team holding the stronghold I plan to attack first. In my opinion, if you can handle Veteran level conquest then you can probably win a majority on All-Star as well. For average players HOF puts you at a greater risk of having to replay games if you lose in order to meet those steal X fans goals.