Can Anybody Beat This?
I just made World Series with a .194 team batting average for the season. Has anyone bested (worsted?) this number on a World Series run?
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
I just made World Series with a .194 team batting average for the season. Has anyone bested (worsted?) this number on a World Series run?
Yuck lol. Must have a good ERA? What was your record?
If I make it this season I might beat that. We’re batting .217 right now
@hikes83_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
I just made World Series with a .194 team batting average for the season. Has anyone bested (worsted?) this number on a World Series run?
Yuck lol. Must have a good ERA? What was your record?
2.83 ERA. Record was 27-13. Neither I nor my opponents had much fun at the plate.
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@hikes83_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
I just made World Series with a .194 team batting average for the season. Has anyone bested (worsted?) this number on a World Series run?
Yuck lol. Must have a good ERA? What was your record?
2.83 ERA. Record was 27-13. Neither I nor my opponents had much fun at the plate.
Thats a solid ERA but yeah alot of games are low scoring
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@hikes83_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
I just made World Series with a .194 team batting average for the season. Has anyone bested (worsted?) this number on a World Series run?
Yuck lol. Must have a good ERA? What was your record?
2.83 ERA. Record was 27-13. Neither I nor my opponents had much fun at the plate.
Might as well try to get 3 more wins since it’s 30 for another WS reward and you’ve got 27
@cosmic_wonders said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@hikes83_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
I just made World Series with a .194 team batting average for the season. Has anyone bested (worsted?) this number on a World Series run?
Yuck lol. Must have a good ERA? What was your record?
2.83 ERA. Record was 27-13. Neither I nor my opponents had much fun at the plate.
Might as well try to get 3 more wins since it’s 30 for another WS reward and you’ve got 27
You’re absolutely right. That was my plan this weekend. I had no intention to try to make World Series, but I had a nice little win streak with some clutch disconnects and my opponents inexplicably quitting along the way.
I'm batting just over that with a putrid .545 ops, in mid 800s right now
I'm not sure how I made WS this season with the laggy, warping [censored] I am seeing every game. Batting avg down, era up. Currently in a freeze off with some clown from Florida. Shocking getting froze against someone with Florida internet. I don't even need or care about the win but not giving in up 1-0 against a guy with dial up. Again, are these the only people playing? Every game against someone in a server city or close to it and every game feels like 120 mph wiffle balls. Whoever does networking/match making for SDS needs to go.
In the meantime, I will be tanking down yet again so I can actually play the game without 120 mph pitches. Would rather not but until the servers/connection issues are addressed I will do so.
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
I'm not sure how I made WS this season with the laggy, warping [censored] I am seeing every game. Batting avg down, era up. Currently in a freeze off with some clown from Florida. Shocking getting froze against someone with Florida internet. I don't even need or care about the win but not giving in up 1-0 against a guy with dial up. Again, are these the only people playing? Every game against someone in a server city or close to it and every game feels like 120 mph wiffle balls. Whoever does networking/match making for SDS needs to go.
In the meantime, I will be tanking down yet again so I can actually play the game without 120 mph pitches. Would rather not but until the servers/connection issues are addressed I will do so.
Yeah, I really don’t know what pitch speeds are supposed to look like at this point. All I know is that pitches are really really fast. And it seems like everybody I play against would agree because they can’t hit either. Actually for me, it’s not really even the pitch speeds, if I’m being honest. It’s the timing windows. I can sit on 102 and hit it, but I can’t keep it fair. But then if I sit back at all, I’m very late. It is what it is. I would like for hitting to stay difficult for my opponents, but I wish it was much easier for me.
I’m kinda burned out on rs. Used to love it and always rushed to make ws. Last year a few times made it on the first day of the new season. Made top 50 once. This year just hasn’t been fun for me. I think back in July was my last time pushing for ws and actually made it with only one loss but it wasn’t fun at all. Kind of stinks that even if you win it isn’t much fun. Every game was 2-1 or 1-0. I’d happily take a 15-12 loss from previous years over these 1-0 wins. The last two seasons I think I’ve played a total of 3-4 rs games. The upside is I’m enjoying the events more this year and kind of enjoyed quick counts. Hopefully they tone down the pin point next year so rs will be a bit more fun again.
Timing windows are completely screwed this year. No way the same swing should be late on 102 but early on 96 lol. That window isn't that big. I can hit irl better than on a video game now.
I'm that bad at hitting too. Last season I have 5-0 and scored around 5 runs total I think. I don't want to play online any longer because it isn't fun.
@pfcorporate_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
I’m kinda burned out on rs. Used to love it and always rushed to make ws. Last year a few times made it on the first day of the new season. Made top 50 once. This year just hasn’t been fun for me. I think back in July was my last time pushing for ws and actually made it with only one loss but it wasn’t fun at all. Kind of stinks that even if you win it isn’t much fun. Every game was 2-1 or 1-0. I’d happily take a 15-12 loss from previous years over these 1-0 wins. The last two seasons I think I’ve played a total of 3-4 rs games. The upside is I’m enjoying the events more this year and kind of enjoyed quick counts. Hopefully they tone down the pin point next year so rs will be a bit more fun again.
I completely agree. There are some games where I just don’t have a chance at the plate. And all games are low scoring. I just tried my new Eric Davis out on legend with his needle head sized pci. It went as expected. And I just lost 2-1 in the eleventh. I had 3 hits and my opponent had 4. It’s all good though. I’ll probably win the next one in the eleventh with the same score.
This post gave me more hope than I had ever previously thought.
This post gave me more hope than I had ever previously thought.
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
I'm not sure how I made WS this season with the laggy, warping [censored] I am seeing every game. Batting avg down, era up. Currently in a freeze off with some clown from Florida. Shocking getting froze against someone with Florida internet. I don't even need or care about the win but not giving in up 1-0 against a guy with dial up. Again, are these the only people playing? Every game against someone in a server city or close to it and every game feels like 120 mph wiffle balls. Whoever does networking/match making for SDS needs to go.
In the meantime, I will be tanking down yet again so I can actually play the game without 120 mph pitches. Would rather not but until the servers/connection issues are addressed I will do so.
Yeah, I really don’t know what pitch speeds are supposed to look like at this point. All I know is that pitches are really really fast. And it seems like everybody I play against would agree because they can’t hit either. Actually for me, it’s not really even the pitch speeds, if I’m being honest. It’s the timing windows. I can sit on 102 and hit it, but I can’t keep it fair. But then if I sit back at all, I’m very late. It is what it is. I would like for hitting to stay difficult for my opponents, but I wish it was much easier for me.
I watch streamers all the time and what I see on their screen is either what they are seeing or what it should be. Either way, it is not even close. I see faster pitch speeds on HOF than what I see on their screen.
In yet another freeze off. 2nd one tonight after maybe two all year. Both times against people that seem desperate to win the game. Makes me think something is going on. Too coincidental.
Not sure what my BA is but I’m 0-2 in WS games. First opponent was 120-10 so I quit. Second try was on legend against Verlander. I’m 0-2 on legend and haven’t scored yet.
I enjoy HOF and put up solid run support there. Legend is too hard for me.
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@hikes83_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
I just made World Series with a .194 team batting average for the season. Has anyone bested (worsted?) this number on a World Series run?
Yuck lol. Must have a good ERA? What was your record?
2.83 ERA. Record was 27-13. Neither I nor my opponents had much fun at the plate.
Unfortunately, that has become the norm. Doesn’t matter how good you’re lineup is.
@mjfc_363_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@hikes83_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
@vagimon_psn said in Can Anybody Beat This?:
I just made World Series with a .194 team batting average for the season. Has anyone bested (worsted?) this number on a World Series run?
Yuck lol. Must have a good ERA? What was your record?
2.83 ERA. Record was 27-13. Neither I nor my opponents had much fun at the plate.
Unfortunately, that has become the norm. Doesn’t matter how good you’re lineup is.
Even the top tier guys barely score on legend. Game needs a tweak on legend