57-4 yea ok
Pretty sure it's near impossible to cheat on a PS5 or Xbox. Can you even add software programs to manipulate a game? And I'm not talking about cronus zen. I'm talking about a software program like engine owning.
I disagree with this... we've seen people with similar records right here chime into this thread. It's True... there are a lot of variables, but the thing about variables is they become less and less of a factor the further apart the skill gap is. Variables, randomness, DDA or whatever don't guarantee a loss... just a bigger challenge and makes a bigger difference in a close game.
@kovz88_psn said in 57-4 yea ok:
To me assuming anyone with a record like that is cheating is such an arrogant view point because deep down what you're saying is "there is no way someone is THAT much better than me". People that are this concerned with dragging down people with top records need to get over themselves and worry about their own game.
Just my opinion, I'm entitled to one.Lol you sound like my wife
Can't tell what you're going for with that posts but it sounds like 1 of 2 things:
1:you're wife is logical and smarter than you.
2: you are trying to insult me by comparing me to your wife and therefore inadvertently (I hope) insulting your own wife. -
lol, come on over to online rated
https://mlb21.theshow.com/leaderboards/online_ra -
It's very possible. I am 32-9 yet I am terrible and my best rating is just over 700. I usually stay around the 650 range.
22-0 and I’m probably slightly above average. Haven’t played RS in like 3 seasons though and so my unbleamished record remains
I believe the record. Heck people like Kyle and mcgunski go undefeated to World Series the first season to start the year. Someone could also play so much ranked at the beginning then miss a season or two to drop then start back up. Who knows.. but some are that good, it’s crazy.
With less than 60 or 70 games played, a record like that isn’t far fetched because they probably don’t play too far past World Series, and if you are a consistent WS player, just wait two weeks after RS starts and the road to 900 is a cakewalk for the most part.
@exotic_combs_psn said in 57-4 yea ok:
With less than 60 or 70 games played, a record like that isn’t far fetched because they probably don’t play too far past World Series, and if you are a consistent WS player, just wait two weeks after RS starts and the road to 900 is a cakewalk for the most part.
This! I use to care and do all this [censored]. Plan out when to start my RS runs to keep my precious record intact. Now I play high as a kite most games and it’s fun. Who cares if some one is x-y. If you’re a WS player you’re already playing sweaty games.
@exotic_combs_psn said in 57-4 yea ok:
With less than 60 or 70 games played, a record like that isn’t far fetched because they probably don’t play too far past World Series, and if you are a consistent WS player, just wait two weeks after RS starts and the road to 900 is a cakewalk for the most part.
Yeah it’s more than likely just this. I’ve only played about 40 games this year and at this point I'm back the 400s. The 10-15 games I need to play to get back to my actual ranking is what basically keeps me here forever. For some online is boring unless you are being challenged, and if you don’t play every day it’s hard to even get up there and be challenged. That 57-4 guy is completely bored out of his mind playing this game.
I saw a guy yesterday in RS (ended in a friendly) that was 84-0 and I was like ok that doesn't sound fishy at all
i got to 10-0 this season for my cool 7500 xp ... I think I will retire perfect
This sounds like when people look at someone who is super strong and immediately say, "they're obviously on steroids". People who say stuff like that either a) have never worked hard at something in their life so they don't understand how someone can be so good, strong, etc. or b) they do work hard and still aren't good or as good as other people so they build a hate toward anyone who is that good. I could be wrong and you may not be like that at all but that's what you sound like when you make assumptions like this.
@codywolfgang_xbl said in 57-4 yea ok:
@sumodeads600_psn said in 57-4 yea ok:
My current record is 52-9.
I have one loss probably within my first 15 games where I got disconnected after hitting a HR to go up 4-1 vs a weak opponent.
I also have one win from a few weeks ago where I was losing by a few runs and my opponent got a disconnect loss.
Other than those two games, my RS record is the result of games played(no other disconnects). I consider my self a good player, but I am far from elite. I struggle to hit on HOF like many people on this forum, but unless I face a total goon I usually hit enough to beat them.
Some of these youtubers/content creators can hit on HOF as if it’s slow-pitch softball. It really is amazing. Also, if you look at the standings there are tons of players who are even better than them which makes it even more crazy. Team Batting AVG. .400+ on HOF/Legend. Wild
The thing I don’t get about the .400 BA for a few guys in the top 50 is that it would be kind of tough to bat .400 on Legend if someone threw a fastball down the middle every pitch.
Find me someone in the top 50 that isn't at or very close to the alleged server locations.
Watch someone like OhChev and Movie Gaming on legend. One is at a server and one isn't close. There is a noticeable difference in pitch speeds when you watch them. People will say you can't see the pitch speeds when they are streaming but you can. I have seen a ton of laggy warping pitches on Movie Gaming.
I'm definitely not great. I've never made WS, nor have I ever gone 12-0. My RS batting avg is about .270.... maybe.
My RS record is currently 18-0. I have no idea how. I probably win 55-60% of my event games.
Someone who's actually good at this game having a record of 57-4 is completely believable as far as I'm concerned.
I'm proudly 20-11... I'm a terrible online player. I can't seem to hit for the life of me (my PCI placement is terrible due to the limited use of my left hand because of medical issues which causes me to use directional more than I would like). I can pitch a bit... more than that, I have fun playing. I love baseball and my son and I love this game.
@killerpresence4 said in 57-4 yea ok:
@bigceddibiase said in 57-4 yea ok:
I can already read people saying git gud but there is no way in hell when you take into account all of the variables it take to start and finish no way in hell. Say what you want we got us a cheater… just my opinion I’m entitled to one
Uhhhhhhh I’m 17-0 and last year I went like 90 or 100-20. I think I was like 50-5 at one point too. So why does that person have to be cheating. I also don’t disconnect like a lot of people as I have a specially manicured network that prioritizes my gaming connection. I’ve only disconnected from server mishaps and not my isp being garbage. I also don’t cross platform.
Serious question. How do you not cross-platform? When I go into ranked season I get a warning that it will be cross platform but nothing for me to choose on PS players... I would love to be able only to play PS players for one reason..This is anecdotal but in my experience I find Xbox players take foreeevvvvveeeeerrrr to play. Watch every cutscene....pause every 5 seconds...Take 20 seconds between pitches. Again just anecdotal on my part.
@baracesilk_psn said in 57-4 yea ok:
@killerpresence4 said in 57-4 yea ok:
@bigceddibiase said in 57-4 yea ok:
I can already read people saying git gud but there is no way in hell when you take into account all of the variables it take to start and finish no way in hell. Say what you want we got us a cheater… just my opinion I’m entitled to one
Uhhhhhhh I’m 17-0 and last year I went like 90 or 100-20. I think I was like 50-5 at one point too. So why does that person have to be cheating. I also don’t disconnect like a lot of people as I have a specially manicured network that prioritizes my gaming connection. I’ve only disconnected from server mishaps and not my isp being garbage. I also don’t cross platform.
Serious question. How do you not cross-platform? When I go into ranked season I get a warning that it will be cross platform but nothing for me to choose on PS players... I would love to be able only to play PS players for one reason..This is anecdotal but in my experience I find Xbox players take foreeevvvvveeeeerrrr to play. Watch every cutscene....pause every 5 seconds...Take 20 seconds between pitches. Again just anecdotal on my part.
Before you go into diamond dynasty, hit your profile in the upper left. You will see that profile on the next screen but to the right of that you will see cross platform. I think you go to that and hit a button to turn it off. Sorry, can't remember the exact button.
Haters love to hate. To even make this topic is sad