“I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”
Screw the 5th inning one. I move my PCI too much for Ryan's outlier 102. With a human you can read tendencies and sit on a location. With the cpu, it's all stupidly random -- high curveballs and sliders, smoke 2 feet off either side of the plate, then a dot on the low inside corner.
Worst experience of this season for me. Hated it and won't replay it.
@jonblaze2424_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
God i love these posts.
The game isnt broken, you just need to get better. Plain and simple.
It’s not actually, plain and simple that is.
The gameplay is seriously flawed. Why should I need to “get better” to complete a moment on veteran difficulty?
I logged on just now and started the first Clemente moment. It took five or six attempts for the cpu to throw a pitch inside the zone. If I have to hit the one dot out of five pitches that are so far out that the pci doesn’t even reach them (yes, the game codes in pitches that are actually impossible to hit), I would say that is not the second easiest difficulty.
The game has a problem handling outcomes of batted balls. If you can’t see that, YOU need to get better.
@halfbutt_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
@jonblaze2424_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
God i love these posts.
The game isnt broken, you just need to get better. Plain and simple.
It’s not actually, plain and simple that is.
The gameplay is seriously flawed. Why should I need to “get better” to complete a moment on veteran difficulty?
I logged on just now and started the first Clemente moment. It took five or six attempts for the cpu to throw a pitch inside the zone. If I have to hit the one dot out of five pitches that are so far out that the pci doesn’t even reach them (yes, the game codes in pitches that are actually impossible to hit), I would say that is not the second easiest difficulty.
The game has a problem handling outcomes of batted balls. If you can’t see that, YOU need to get better.
Nah…..been playing this game for years and will go maybe one at bat, two tops where the pitcher throws garbage. Still, on rookie or veteran…you should be able to turn stuff like that into a hit/xbh. Sounds like you are just making excuses
Classic SDS defender post. I’m not looking for excuses, I’m looking for fun gameplay.
These moments are not on rookie or veteran. That is my entire point.
Clemente with almost max contact to both sides reveals the problems with the hitting in the game.
I HATE showdown. That being said, I knocked it out first try last night. Got 16/20 to start the final boss. Got it with like 15 outs left. Knocked out the whole Clemente program last night. If I can do it you can do it. I am not too good of a hitter, but am elite at pitching. It's funny, on another social media platform people were paying people to complete the program for them lol. Sad.
Unless you’re a top top player I’d probably beat you and I don’t like showdown because it’s random af. Haven’t done one since first inning until this one. Knocked it out first try but it’s not fun to good good out all over the place. I did enjoy the historic team builds though.
With that said I’d rather see people struggling come on here and post to vent their frustrations than someone come post something demeaning random people who are struggling.
Few things on this board bring me more joy then seeing higher level players complain about a moment that I was able to complete with minimal effort. I always think, "This person would probably destroy me online, but at least I'm better than them in at least one aspect of the game" and it gives me a confidence boost that makes me try even harder to improve.
@untchable704_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
Unless you’re a top top player I’d probably beat you and I don’t like showdown because it’s random af. Haven’t done one since first inning until this one. Knocked it out first try but it’s not fun to good good out all over the place. I did enjoy the historic team builds though.
With that said I’d rather see people struggling come on here and post to vent their frustrations than someone come post something demeaning random people who are struggling.
There is a difference between venting your frustrations and seeking guidance, and flat out trashing the game/acting like there is some conspiracy against them. Fact of the matter this is a video game, and not all is going to be peachy and SDS honestly makes these missions/moments/events easy enough as it is, it's tiring to see people cry that they can't finish things in one try.
Never actually did a showdown for xp. Can you get the 35kish reward more than once?
@mdafurball_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
Never actually did a showdown for xp. Can you get the 35kish reward more than once?
Showdown is optional in most cases. If your an offline player then it’s a requirement.
That being said shouldn’t it provide a challenge. I just remember old sega games and arcade games that made it so easy in the first few rounds. Then a boss would show up and it’d be a quarter dump trying to find tendencies to beat said boss. It was challenging. It was rigged. Part of that experience made me resilient when playing games. Yes showdown can be a sweaty mess with odds appearing to be stacked against you. But over time I’ve learned of ways to build my team through showdown and pick proper perks.
The 5th inning program I bunted a lot and took speed guys and took perks that would enhance that play style. I also stacked my team with guys that could hit righties very well. If I know who the final boss is, that’s how I construct my team.
I don't know which one you're talking about, but I got it done on the first try, making no outs, using one hand, while watching a movie and eating popcorn, blindfolded.
@jonblaze2424_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
God i love these posts.
The game isnt broken, you just need to get better. Plain and simple.
The game most certainly is broken. I love the get better posts.
*Baserunning is completely broken
*inconsistent results with same swings
*Balls going over wall but then teleporting in fielders glove
*Timing windows being inconsistentAnd that is just four off the top of my head. Yes the game is broken. Doesn't mean the game is not enjoyable because it most certainly is that.
@chrono_omega_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
@jonblaze2424_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
God i love these posts.
The game isnt broken, you just need to get better. Plain and simple.
How can you be better than the cpu god defense though?
by making better hits and stop blaming a game for your shortcomings or lack of talent / eye / patience at the dish etc.
You guys are so mean
i literally had a guy in an events game message me and ask me if i wanted to stat boost and we both throw fastballs down the middle.....really?
@lord-oimak_xbl said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
i literally had a guy in an events game message me and ask me if i wanted to stat boost and we both throw fastballs down the middle.....really?
I look forward to being matched up with these guys, because as soon as they figure out you're not gonna cooperate they almost always quit and give you a free win.
@jonblaze2424_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
God i love these posts.
The game isnt broken, you just need to get better. Plain and simple.
I never comment on the individual threads because I don’t want to make the OP upset, but every moment is too easy if you are decent at the game. I just chuckle every time I see people complaining about hitting moments.
@thehungryhole said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
@chrono_omega_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
@jonblaze2424_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
God i love these posts.
The game isnt broken, you just need to get better. Plain and simple.
How can you be better than the cpu god defense though?
by making better hits and stop blaming a game for your shortcomings or lack of talent / eye / patience at the dish etc.
You’re the same guy who would complain all the time last year. Now you make comments like that? Odd.
For me, it is not a question of whether the moment is “too hard” and I need to “get better” in order to complete it.
I’ll complete the moments I need to. My issue is that it is not that much fun. Especially if you actually want to “get better” at the game, mindlessly grinding repetitive moments until you get a pitch to hit or the stars to align or whatever, has the exact opposite effect.
If I want to get better, I will do bp on legend or something.
You guys commenting in defense of moments/showdown slider tweaked “not the difficulty it says it is” gameplay, are missing the point entirely.