Why this game is a disgrace for baseball
You are actually wrong on many levels. If you are waiting for a pitch “to break” in real life, you are already to late. You don’t recognize breaking balls from a pitcher by waiting for it to break, you identify breaking ball from fastball by identifying pitcher release point, and spin of the laces.
@crimson_monk_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
Most of your post is a frustration for me too. But using the pci is much more realistic than directional because you actually have to use hand eye coordination. I don’t care which one you use, they both have the same bs tho. Lots of questionable results. Pitching does make you hang pitches across the board unless you are able to be perfect every time on pinpoint.
The most frustrating thing is that if you try and play or pitch like real life, it isn’t as effective.. well pitching is for me at least but I coached college ball, but some of the results are laughable compared to the real. And most guys throw the same every with every pitcher and every at bat. It’s frustrating that I literally have my pci set on the spot yet the ball never goes anywhere 90 percent of the time .( yeah I’m looking at you high inside sinker or fastball guy) I can’t time it or if I do it is a weak pop up or a 490 foot foul homerun lol
I don’t think using the PCI feels more realistic, it actually hurts the real feeling of batting … Hitting is about timing and placing bat on ball not lining up some circle
️ … I’ve always liked timed hitting in baseball video games not lining up a circle, just feels more like you’re actually hitting with timing and choosing the right pitch …
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
@crimson_monk_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
Most of your post is a frustration for me too. But using the pci is much more realistic than directional because you actually have to use hand eye coordination. I don’t care which one you use, they both have the same bs tho. Lots of questionable results. Pitching does make you hang pitches across the board unless you are able to be perfect every time on pinpoint.
The most frustrating thing is that if you try and play or pitch like real life, it isn’t as effective.. well pitching is for me at least but I coached college ball, but some of the results are laughable compared to the real. And most guys throw the same every with every pitcher and every at bat. It’s frustrating that I literally have my pci set on the spot yet the ball never goes anywhere 90 percent of the time .( yeah I’m looking at you high inside sinker or fastball guy) I can’t time it or if I do it is a weak pop up or a 490 foot foul homerun lol
I don’t think using the PCI feels more realistic, it actually hurts the real feeling of batting … Hitting is about timing and placing bat on ball not lining up some circle
️ … I’ve always liked timed hitting in baseball video games not lining up a circle, just feels more like you’re actually hitting with timing and choosing the right pitch …
I mean I get your thought but it also includes tracking the ball with your eye. I think the pci simulates that better than just timing. Bc pci includes tracking and timing.
@crimson_monk_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
@crimson_monk_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
Most of your post is a frustration for me too. But using the pci is much more realistic than directional because you actually have to use hand eye coordination. I don’t care which one you use, they both have the same bs tho. Lots of questionable results. Pitching does make you hang pitches across the board unless you are able to be perfect every time on pinpoint.
The most frustrating thing is that if you try and play or pitch like real life, it isn’t as effective.. well pitching is for me at least but I coached college ball, but some of the results are laughable compared to the real. And most guys throw the same every with every pitcher and every at bat. It’s frustrating that I literally have my pci set on the spot yet the ball never goes anywhere 90 percent of the time .( yeah I’m looking at you high inside sinker or fastball guy) I can’t time it or if I do it is a weak pop up or a 490 foot foul homerun lol
I don’t think using the PCI feels more realistic, it actually hurts the real feeling of batting … Hitting is about timing and placing bat on ball not lining up some circle
️ … I’ve always liked timed hitting in baseball video games not lining up a circle, just feels more like you’re actually hitting with timing and choosing the right pitch …
I mean I get your thought but it also includes tracking the ball with your eye. I think the pci simulates that better than just timing. Bc pci includes tracking and timing.
I hear ya … If you enjoy it that way it’s all good .. I’m just hoping SDS always gives gamers the options, options are important ….
Nobody's gonna give this guy credit for describing pinpoint pitching as "transcribing sorcery"? That's classic. OP levels up.
I feel your pain... I know this is a video game but we , as humans , also want to "climb the ranks " so to speak . so when your ace is in the 3rd inning and you aim the pitch low & away. ..... and it flies right down the middle of the plate ..... UGHHHHH !!!! . yes its a game but cmon can't they make this more realistic ??? cmon you are so close ...
I would say that next to the real thing or virtual reality this is about as close you’ll get to simulating real baseball with a console controller. Pinpoint pitching requires a different stick motion for the first part of each pitch, which is similar to having to grip the ball differently and/or rotate your arm in a different way. The second part, the downward motion, is timing of the release point, which will effect the hight of the ball relative to where you’re aiming. For hitting, the PCI acts as your eyes tracking the ball if you were actually standing at the plate and then having to make your hands go to where you’re seeing the ball/predicting where it will move to. Real hitting requires some actual guesswork when reading the rotation of the ball in under a second because you do have to start your swing prior to its arrival at the plate. I’m not a fan of buttons to swing, which is why I prefer using zone hitting (PCI) with a right analog swing instead of the buttons, with the analog swing set to analog stride instead of flick. Down on the right stick is you loading your hands back and taking your stride, while up on the stick is the actual decision yo swing the bat. That combined with the PCI gives, what I feel is, as realistic of an approach to hitting as you’re going to get in a video game.
@easyduhzit_mlbts said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
Thats an awful lot of words to say "I suck at this game and i probably shouldn't be playing it"
How old are you again? Come back when you can:
Make a video game with your own little fingers and brain, complete from scratch.
Learn what is baseball all about.
At least try to make it to college, or make something out of your life that provides your mind? of some common sense.
Until then, your comments mean nothing.
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
I would say that next to the real thing or virtual reality this is about as close you’ll get to simulating real baseball with a console controller. Pinpoint pitching requires a different stick motion for the first part of each pitch, which is similar to having to grip the ball differently and/or rotate your arm in a different way. The second part, the downward motion, is timing of the release point, which will effect the hight of the ball relative to where you’re aiming. For hitting, the PCI acts as your eyes tracking the ball if you were actually standing at the plate and then having to make your hands go to where you’re seeing the ball/predicting where it will move to. Real hitting requires some actual guesswork when reading the rotation of the ball in under a second because you do have to start your swing prior to its arrival at the plate. I’m not a fan of buttons to swing, which is why I prefer using zone hitting (PCI) with a right analog swing instead of the buttons, with the analog swing set to analog stride instead of flick. Down on the right stick is you loading your hands back and taking your stride, while up on the stick is the actual decision yo swing the bat. That combined with the PCI gives, what I feel is, as realistic of an approach to hitting as you’re going to get in a video game.
You seems to know little about what hitting is. There is no guessing whatsoever in hitting:
When you learn to swing, you are taught to lead the swing by focusing on the ball until the moment of contact. Only a person who does not know how to hit, would think that the PCI is a correct representation of this. The swing movement, is a full coordinated body rotation, while you extend your arms in the process trying to approach the ball next location, NOT the current one, but the NEXT. So in a manner of speak, batting for the brain is like taking a step, you aim your steps by proyecting your entire body to it, so its impossible to use one hand or both to do a body projecting aim like batting requires for the brain. That's why is so SO WRONG.
Also from the game design point of view is quite the fraud: I have found more than one player, that just put the most important part of the crossair on the low area of the strike zone: and then, they can make a decent, even a great contact. So basically, when they are unsure if the pitch is good, they dont move the crossair from the low area, just press a button and voila you are guaranteed not to suffer a swing and a miss when a pitch goes there, no matter how good the pitch was.
the pitching, its all about two things: aiming, and your pitching area choosing. the type of pitch becames irrelevant when a good hitter times it out right: 90% of the times it will be a good base hit at least. So a pitcher, only has those two resources to make the batter either swing at a terrible pitch for him, or miss timing the swing.
speed is inversely proportioned to control: the fast you throw a pitch, the less it breaks and the more offsetted of the initial target is. Pitchers all have areas they control better, so an accurate representation would be a notable difference on control over an ouside and inside breaking ball, and an upstairs and knee high fastball. Once again, your mind as a pitcher only cares about those two things when executing a pitch: now indulge me being mostly right, how doing stick japanese writing connects to this train of thought? Sometimes, I wonder if they ACTUALLY listen to the advisers and consultants they hired to help figure out these very same things for the development and game design team.Instead, in classic pitching mode, you get all sorts of weird ball location: maybe they haven't even touched that part of the code who knows how many versions ago: 2016? and maybe because they want to enforce these chance and miss game mechanics, which I can only assume serves to justify the salary of the game design team, which finds no other way to make their presence meaningful in the current and upcoming versions of the game. I just hope they are keeping the rest of the staff happy in general civics and social pleasures otherwise. Baseball is a very well known and studied game, does not need game designers improving on any mechanic whatsoever, but that's how people function: the more they see themselves relegated, they more chaos they create to prove themselves they are not. Result? super mario ball game!
Have you looked at the sliders? There's a ton that influence the play.
This game plays like a$$. Guarantee you the sliders are currently the same as 20 aside from AI having even more influence. And as far as the pitching............
@newplayerone257_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
Who knows how long this post will last, but here it goes:
A game where they claim to be a simulation of real baseball, and then:
Professional Pitchers have less control over their target than little kids playing in the elementary league. Honestly I'm surprised how mlb figures allow these developers, to portrait them in such a shameful way about their performance. Then they came out with this new pitching mode that seems you are transcribing sorcery with the left stick instead of focus as in your next pitch, which is what a normal pitcher does after throwing the last one.
They favor in their engine a hit mode where all you need to do is place your marker in a certain zone and press the button when it comes. Their millionaire budget didn't came across anybody, to tell them the process of swinging a bat its a single action to your brain. Batters are not snipers to use crossairs, not in their minds or any other way. On the other hand, the directional hitting mode, is highly punished, you hit broadway center balls at almost perfect timing and you can choose an ample menu from:
popups, short fly balls, silly catch' em up bouncers, and right at him liners. Anyone who has seen at least 3 baseball games, knows this is impossible to happen even in the tuesday night neighborhood league.
Then, they mock your love for baseball with the who knows based on what reference timing window to hit the ball. Why? because the timing of the breaking balls is so slow compared to the fastballs, that if you wait to see if the ball is breaking, you are never in time for the fastball:
newsflash devteam, the whole purpose of the breaking balls is for you to confuse them with the fastball , because of their BREAKING, not the difference in speed. Actually, a too slow breaking ball, losses their entire effectivity in the trained eyes of a professional batter, no matter how many 97 mph fastballs they just faced. Its a fact, the window of time difference its just too great. Another horrible fact, is that the pitch paths are just wrong, sometimes the ball even dissapears Some times I have pressed the button, only to expectate how my batter does nothing but a delayed swing to justify that : "it blew it fast by him!" I mean, what a joke.Then, there is the fact of the supposedly enforced code of conduct. You are still allowing people to desync and spam the game, just because you are afraid of losing users over 40+ in a row strike outs and 20+ homers over their pitching: Be real with the kids and younger who play baseball, baseball its a hard game to play well, there is no other way to learn that receiving strikeout after strikeout, and homer after homer. Its clockwork, I had games where I have hitted even 5 homers, and I have lost. Why? because they start spamming and desyncing the game, all of my pitches end up right down the middle when I specifically put them anywhere but, and when Im hitting, I'm lossing frames in the animations, specially when my power hitters are due up.
You are enabling , enforcing and supporting a platform where kids:
Think its the right thing to do cheating shamelessly to win
Disconnect their cable from their network outlets when they are being hitted around, after finger fatigue on the cheating maneuvers. No temporary ban or the like for such a nasty behaviour.
Think that if they buy you stubs, things are great: I have played with players who obviously have spent extra money on the stubs, and the moment I give them to straight strikeouts in a row in the first inning, I suddenly start losing control of the pitch target, (I pitch using classic mode) and the ball lands in the center no matter what.
You are making them believe that the mind process with the crossair is appropiate to play baseball. You are just destroying the american and all around the world baseball tradition by making them think they are aware of how to think in a baseball game.I wish I had a way for you guys to return my money, and gladly I will uninstall the game from my ps4. Is a shame, that people like you had the budget and the change to make a baseball game, only to make this disgrace. You are destroying the sport.
You lost me at “hitted” 🥴
@newplayerone257_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
@car-ramrod-18_xbl said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
I would say that next to the real thing or virtual reality this is about as close you’ll get to simulating real baseball with a console controller. Pinpoint pitching requires a different stick motion for the first part of each pitch, which is similar to having to grip the ball differently and/or rotate your arm in a different way. The second part, the downward motion, is timing of the release point, which will effect the hight of the ball relative to where you’re aiming. For hitting, the PCI acts as your eyes tracking the ball if you were actually standing at the plate and then having to make your hands go to where you’re seeing the ball/predicting where it will move to. Real hitting requires some actual guesswork when reading the rotation of the ball in under a second because you do have to start your swing prior to its arrival at the plate. I’m not a fan of buttons to swing, which is why I prefer using zone hitting (PCI) with a right analog swing instead of the buttons, with the analog swing set to analog stride instead of flick. Down on the right stick is you loading your hands back and taking your stride, while up on the stick is the actual decision yo swing the bat. That combined with the PCI gives, what I feel is, as realistic of an approach to hitting as you’re going to get in a video game.
You seems to know little about what hitting is. There is no guessing whatsoever in hitting:
When you learn to swing, you are taught to lead the swing by focusing on the ball until the moment of contact. Only a person who does not know how to hit, would think that the PCI is a correct representation of this. The swing movement, is a full coordinated body rotation, while you extend your arms in the process trying to approach the ball next location, NOT the current one, but the NEXT. So in a manner of speak, batting for the brain is like taking a step, you aim your steps by proyecting your entire body to it, so its impossible to use one hand or both to do a body projecting aim like batting requires for the brain. That's why is so SO WRONG.
Also from the game design point of view is quite the fraud: I have found more than one player, that just put the most important part of the crossair on the low area of the strike zone: and then, they can make a decent, even a great contact. So basically, when they are unsure if the pitch is good, they dont move the crossair from the low area, just press a button and voila you are guaranteed not to suffer a swing and a miss when a pitch goes there, no matter how good the pitch was.
the pitching, its all about two things: aiming, and your pitching area choosing. the type of pitch becames irrelevant when a good hitter times it out right: 90% of the times it will be a good base hit at least. So a pitcher, only has those two resources to make the batter either swing at a terrible pitch for him, or miss timing the swing.
speed is inversely proportioned to control: the fast you throw a pitch, the less it breaks and the more offsetted of the initial target is. Pitchers all have areas they control better, so an accurate representation would be a notable difference on control over an ouside and inside breaking ball, and an upstairs and knee high fastball. Once again, your mind as a pitcher only cares about those two things when executing a pitch: now indulge me being mostly right, how doing stick japanese writing connects to this train of thought? Sometimes, I wonder if they ACTUALLY listen to the advisers and consultants they hired to help figure out these very same things for the development and game design team.Instead, in classic pitching mode, you get all sorts of weird ball location: maybe they haven't even touched that part of the code who knows how many versions ago: 2016? and maybe because they want to enforce these chance and miss game mechanics, which I can only assume serves to justify the salary of the game design team, which finds no other way to make their presence meaningful in the current and upcoming versions of the game. I just hope they are keeping the rest of the staff happy in general civics and social pleasures otherwise. Baseball is a very well known and studied game, does not need game designers improving on any mechanic whatsoever, but that's how people function: the more they see themselves relegated, they more chaos they create to prove themselves they are not. Result? super mario ball game!
No need to be condescending. I actually know a lot about hitting. Been a successful ball player and coach for a long time. When you learn to swing you’re taught to follow the ball to the point of contact, yes. However, it’s physiologically impossible for your brain to compute what you’re seeing in real time. There’s a whole segment of Sports Science that explains this better than I can’t type it, but given the fact that the ball gets to the plate in under 1 second and your eyes actually signal what you’re seeing to the brain slightly behind real time, your brain has to make up for that by predicting what’s to follow. The hands are what lead the swing and the bat follows that path. You need to start your swing before the ball arrives and it’s not physically possible to maneuver your into position and swing the bat at the ball right at the moment the ball reaches the hitting zone. You’re essentially saying exactly what I’m saying. I said predict while your “move to the ball’s next location”, which is a longer way of saying predict. You can attack my knowledge all you want, but unless you’re superhuman then what I’m saying is true. I can’t find the Sports Science video from years ago that I saw on TV, but this video sums it up quickly, citing research done by Yale and UC Berkeley. The latter half of the video, with is only about two and a half minutes, explains what I’m talking about in terms of predicting the ball’s path.
As for the pitching, in real life every pitch requires something different. A fastball is a standing two finger and thumb grip with straight arm motion. A two seam, cutter, sinker and change up are all fastball arm movements but with different grips. Curves and sliders require different grips with arm contortion. Other pitchers fall under either category. Can that be realistically recreated using a controller? The answer is no. My point simply is that they figured out a way to make every pitch require you to do something either a little different or a lot different than the fastball depending on the complication of the pitch you’re trying to throw. I’m not saying it’s an exact representation of pitching, but we’re talking about a video game here. There’s no way to have an exact representation using buttons and sticks. To me, in my opinion only, I think it’s a fun way to add a little bit of skill to mixing your pitches as opposed to the old meter system where no matter what you’re throwing, all you have to do is time the meter the same way every single time.
Weird thread. There's a real problem though -- how to make a good baseball video game seeing as sitting in a chair with a controller in your hand can never accurately simulate on-field baseball. Aside from VR, video game baseball tethered to a controller will never really accurately simulate real baseball.
So conventions matter. The old ones (pure analog, PCI placement) we accept because we're used to them. A new one like pinpoint is harder for me to accept because (1) it in no way simulates anything having to do with baseball ("transcribing sorcery" -- lol) and (2) it's new.
So I'm not worried about the controls per se. This year, more than anything, balls hit right to fielders has me close to giving up on the game. I've never seen it this bad.
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
Weird thread. There's a real problem though -- how to make a good baseball video game seeing as sitting in a chair with a controller in your hand can never accurately simulate on-field baseball. Aside from VR, video game baseball tethered to a controller will never really accurately simulate real baseball.
Exactly! Never going to be a pure simulation with a controller in your hands. To your point about Pinpoint Pitching, I can understand why some people do not like it. Personally it works for me because 2K had it (or something similar to it) in their game almost 10 years ago. I liked it then, and I like how it also has you delivering each pitch differently, just like real pitches have to be delivered differently. Is it 100% accurate to real pitching? No, and neither are the other options, but at least there are options. No one has to use the same controls as the next guy and I actually kind of like that. We all get to play the game the way that works for us individually, and each option has its pros and cons so no one way is the dominant way to play. I can play my way, you can play your way, and it’s still fair.
@warpedzilla_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
That fact that you get to use the best of the best over the last 50+ years kind of throws a wrench in the whole wanting a true sim experience kind of thing.
And tldr but after a brief glance I didn't really see any valid ways to "fix" the game. You don't like zone hitting and you get mad about how useless directional is. So what's your solution? You dont want the part that takes skill and you don't want the part where you simply press x to swing.
I love how you "develop games" or used to play real baseball so you should automatically translate that to being great at the game and if your not then it's all the games fault. Is this game perfect? Heck no! Do I complain as well sure. But I swallow my pride pick myself up, dust off, and try again.
First off: its not my duty to dedicate myself to think of a solution for the implementation mess they did here (familiar with the word implementation, "developer"?)
Second off, its a FACT that they are not representing the real experience to the point of MOCKERY. Honestly if I was a professional pitcher represented in this game, I would sue them for damaging the reputation of my skills and performance as a ball player.
Third off, it's not that I want to win and if not the game is broken. there has been occasions when I won, and honestly I thought what a load the engine decision to give me a hit on such a terrible pitch, or not give out a homer to the other guy over some great contact.
Whats the point of trying again if its just broken, broken broken and guess what broken! over sixty dollars, at least I enjoy watching the fielders throw around and such, but Honestly if I could get my money back. please moderators contact me so I can get a refund, and you can ban my account and console from installing the game again.
If you’re going to post whiny complaining posts, you’re most likely to get flamed. If you point out flaws or ask legitimate questions, chances are you’ll get constructive replies, with the occasional [censored] here and there. If this game had an 80% approval rate, that means 20% don’t like it. But it’s a haters world, so if you don’t like something it’s automatically bad. Like he posted.
That's the solution for you blind people, "he is a hater" by pointing out FACTS Im not being a hater. Sure, my wording is stingy, designed for the developers, so they can suffer at least some frustration and shame because they know I'm right. And then, turns out you are a cheater as well , because you approve cheating behaviour as a regular standard on online gaming. Thank you for presenting yourself so honestly. Now ppl here knows what to expect if they play you. Reread my post, seems your brain forgot to process some parts, specially the 3rd to last, being this one the last one.
@ericg819_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
@newplayerone257_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
Who knows how long this post will last, but here it goes:
A game where they claim to be a simulation of real baseball, and then:
Professional Pitchers have less control over their target than little kids playing in the elementary league. Honestly I'm surprised how mlb figures allow these developers, to portrait them in such a shameful way about their performance. Then they came out with this new pitching mode that seems you are transcribing sorcery with the left stick instead of focus as in your next pitch, which is what a normal pitcher does after throwing the last one.
They favor in their engine a hit mode where all you need to do is place your marker in a certain zone and press the button when it comes. Their millionaire budget didn't came across anybody, to tell them the process of swinging a bat its a single action to your brain. Batters are not snipers to use crossairs, not in their minds or any other way. On the other hand, the directional hitting mode, is highly punished, you hit broadway center balls at almost perfect timing and you can choose an ample menu from:
popups, short fly balls, silly catch' em up bouncers, and right at him liners. Anyone who has seen at least 3 baseball games, knows this is impossible to happen even in the tuesday night neighborhood league.
Then, they mock your love for baseball with the who knows based on what reference timing window to hit the ball. Why? because the timing of the breaking balls is so slow compared to the fastballs, that if you wait to see if the ball is breaking, you are never in time for the fastball:
newsflash devteam, the whole purpose of the breaking balls is for you to confuse them with the fastball , because of their BREAKING, not the difference in speed. Actually, a too slow breaking ball, losses their entire effectivity in the trained eyes of a professional batter, no matter how many 97 mph fastballs they just faced. Its a fact, the window of time difference its just too great. Another horrible fact, is that the pitch paths are just wrong, sometimes the ball even dissapears Some times I have pressed the button, only to expectate how my batter does nothing but a delayed swing to justify that : "it blew it fast by him!" I mean, what a joke.Then, there is the fact of the supposedly enforced code of conduct. You are still allowing people to desync and spam the game, just because you are afraid of losing users over 40+ in a row strike outs and 20+ homers over their pitching: Be real with the kids and younger who play baseball, baseball its a hard game to play well, there is no other way to learn that receiving strikeout after strikeout, and homer after homer. Its clockwork, I had games where I have hitted even 5 homers, and I have lost. Why? because they start spamming and desyncing the game, all of my pitches end up right down the middle when I specifically put them anywhere but, and when Im hitting, I'm lossing frames in the animations, specially when my power hitters are due up.
You are enabling , enforcing and supporting a platform where kids:
Think its the right thing to do cheating shamelessly to win
Disconnect their cable from their network outlets when they are being hitted around, after finger fatigue on the cheating maneuvers. No temporary ban or the like for such a nasty behaviour.
Think that if they buy you stubs, things are great: I have played with players who obviously have spent extra money on the stubs, and the moment I give them to straight strikeouts in a row in the first inning, I suddenly start losing control of the pitch target, (I pitch using classic mode) and the ball lands in the center no matter what.
You are making them believe that the mind process with the crossair is appropiate to play baseball. You are just destroying the american and all around the world baseball tradition by making them think they are aware of how to think in a baseball game.I wish I had a way for you guys to return my money, and gladly I will uninstall the game from my ps4. Is a shame, that people like you had the budget and the change to make a baseball game, only to make this disgrace. You are destroying the sport.
There is no consistency between games and that's because we are all victims to the hitting engine keeping the games within realistic baseball stats. I think we can all agree that the hitting is a simulated experience and it's up to the game whether or not you get a hit...
That's why you don't have the same results on the same swing every time. I understand that's baseball but this is a video game and I beleive we're not looking for a simulated baseball experience, we're looking to see who's skill is better.
In my opinion, if I wanted to see a random pitch result, I would just watch a real baseball game. What's the point to play a video game against another human opponent if what you are doing doesn't control the outcome? Why wouldn't we just play the computer to get these realistic outcomes?
You are missing the point:
The way they implemented the game, your skill means nothing. Did you notice they punish/reward you with the odds for a good hit even if the ball is right down the middle if you strike out too many times? That's wrong in sooo many ways, let me list a few:
in regular baseball, a hitter that has not batted or striked out 3 or 5 times or whatever times, if you pitch him one right down the pipe, you are going to get hurt. Period.
They are creating an environment where no matter if you miss one and again over the heart of the plate, you will get your out. a little wrong no?
When the other guy is hitting, he gets rewarded with crazy texas hits and such even throwing the bat instead of swing it , to extremely bad pitches. So then, the reward for you pitching and piling strikeouts, is getting to hit bad pitches on your end?
If the game is tied, you will NOT get a hit no matter what on a first pitch strike. you have to wait AT LEAST one pitch, for the engine to provide you a better odd value to get a good hit.
Make some tests, strike yourself out a lot on one game so you can see it for yourself.
@watsonoeh_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
Boy, this is a creepy post to look at. Sure, the guy may be upset, but he makes some valid points, some ideas that relate to how to make the game better, some things that he thinks occur in baseball that are not reflector in this simulation game. I could see debating with him, but you people gang up on anyone who looks at the game this way. "It's just a game?" No, way really? If it's so meaningless why are you reading a post on its message board. It's just a condescending way to speak to anyone. What does his score have to do with anything? He bought the game just like you, these are his consumer thoughts. You debate and discuss like children in junior high and honestly, I would have thought that a group of men playing a baseball game would have some level of decency and intelligence, I guess I was thinking of the real sorry not the video version. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, or my gamer score isn't high enough to be included in such a high brow discussion, but I can't say I'm impressed. At least one guy finished a book once and learned the word diatribe... It doesn't really fit here, but it's really pretentious, points for that.
I always welcome a constructive respectful discussion, as you may see I have tried not to disrespect anyone, present my points of view maybe in a candid way, since I love to be able to relay my opinion on a matter that certainly is sad, because definitively otherwise what I have pointed out, this is a great game. Its a shame not to try and fix what I have mentioned so far. I do not believe I have all the answers, but would love to see a game where the facts I pointed out are not present.
@newplayerone257_psn said in Why this game is a disgrace for baseball:
Then, they mock your love for baseball with the who knows based on what reference timing window to hit the ball. Why? because the timing of the breaking balls is so slow compared to the fastballs, that if you wait to see if the ball is breaking, you are never in time for the fastball:
newsflash devteam, the whole purpose of the breaking balls is for you to confuse them with the fastball , because of their BREAKING, not the difference in speed.Not sure how much baseball you've played in your life but breaking balls are a type of off-speed pitch. So yes, the purpose of a breaking ball is both for break and change of speeds. No point in reading your rant after this.