Directional hitters are Cancer
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m finding directional hitters to be ruining this game with their no skill, just hitting the hit button play. I pride myself on good pitching, yet people are hitting sliders and curves Breaking out of the zone like they are meatballs down the middle. Sure there are some good players that have skill yes, but I’m getting blown out every game now and no one can tell me that everyone got that good over the past week. It’s a setting that needs to be removed and makes this game not enjoyable at all. Directional hitters are cancer for this game and with the developers adding more and more diamond players to DD it’s only going to get worse. So to the developers, please remove directional hitting either in the next update or in the next game because it’s ruining your game. [link text](link url)
Hahaha OP lost to a directional hitter.
Unfortunately, I don't think its going anywhere.
I use zone and I can't hit a thing today so howdy directional hitting (just kidding) (but honestly I can't hit a thing today)
Cancer is cancer. Directional hitting is something that annoys you in a video game. Big difference
@ikasnu_psn said in Directional hitters are Cancer:
Hahaha OP lost to a directional hitter.
Just for your information, I’ve been playing MLB the show since ‘08 on the PS2 when it was Road to the Show. This is the first year for me of MLB playing on a Xbox, and without you asking my play history your comment is pure unintelligent.
James97Mreplied to DayDrinker88 on May 25, 2021, 6:26 PM last edited by James97M_PSN May 25, 2021, 6:26 PM
@daydrinker88_xbl said in Directional hitters are Cancer:
@ikasnu_psn said in Directional hitters are Cancer:
Hahaha OP lost to a directional hitter.
Just for your information, I’ve been playing MLB the show since ‘08 on the PS2 when it was Road to the Show. This is the first year for me of MLB playing on a Xbox, and without you asking my play history your comment is pure unintelligent.
Directional doesn't give you magical talent
Ah missed these posts! Everyone seems so caught up in R2ing and contact swinging I almost forgot about directional hitting!
Thanks for bringing this up. I love going back to the 10,000 threads on directional hitting just to relive the glory days.
- Directional hitting has always been in the game; you've been playing for so long, you should know.
- It's in the game for a reason. You may not like what that reason is, but the hitting option will stay in the game for a long as SDS sees fit.
- Directional hitting does not produce the results you're speaking of. I've tried it; low and away pitches are treated as ground outs and the occasional line drive if the timing is good.
- If you feel so strongly about the removal of directional, this is not the place to do it. SDS has plenty of outlets for you to use in order to contact them directly.
Man i might change to directional
@daydrinker88_xbl said in Directional hitters are Cancer:
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m finding directional hitters to be ruining this game with their no skill, just hitting the hit button play. I pride myself on good pitching, yet people are hitting sliders and curves Breaking out of the zone like they are meatballs down the middle. Sure there are some good players that have skill yes, but I’m getting blown out every game now and no one can tell me that everyone got that good over the past week. It’s a setting that needs to be removed and makes this game not enjoyable at all. Directional hitters are cancer for this game and with the developers adding more and more diamond players to DD it’s only going to get worse. So to the developers, please remove directional hitting either in the next update or in the next game because it’s ruining your game. [link text](link url)
my favorite is when people pretend to know what their opponent is using....
To this day, I will never understand this complaint. If using Directional is so easy and gives people an advantage, why aren't more people using it? If it's so easy why do I hit worse with it?
Transcription of original post: players who can square up my pitches should not be allowed in the game.
Oh boy here we go with this again. I wonder why all the best players use zone when directional is clearly the best hitting interface to use.
@daydrinker88_xbl said in Directional hitters are Cancer:
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m finding directional hitters to be ruining this game with their no skill, just hitting the hit button play. I pride myself on good pitching, yet people are hitting sliders and curves Breaking out of the zone like they are meatballs down the middle. Sure there are some good players that have skill yes, but I’m getting blown out every game now and no one can tell me that everyone got that good over the past week. It’s a setting that needs to be removed and makes this game not enjoyable at all. Directional hitters are cancer for this game and with the developers adding more and more diamond players to DD it’s only going to get worse. So to the developers, please remove directional hitting either in the next update or in the next game because it’s ruining your game. [link text](link url)
Do some people directional hit and contact swing lol? Sounds like a deadly combo this year.
Just dot corners and throw outside the zone. Easy peezy. I laugh when I see a directional hitter. Probably just a little kid
@mickdrenalen_psn said in Directional hitters are Cancer:
Just dot corners and throw outside the zone. Easy peezy. I laugh when I see a directional hitter. Probably just a little kid
you wouldnt even know. thats what is laughable
Pure analog is actually better than directional if you ask me.
@daydrinker88_xbl said in Directional hitters are Cancer:
@ikasnu_psn said in Directional hitters are Cancer:
Hahaha OP lost to a directional hitter.
Just for your information, I’ve been playing MLB the show since ‘08 on the PS2 when it was Road to the Show. This is the first year for me of MLB playing on a Xbox, and without you asking my play history your comment is pure unintelligent.
But he has likes and you don't
@daydrinker88_xbl said in Directional hitters are Cancer:
@ikasnu_psn said in Directional hitters are Cancer:
Hahaha OP lost to a directional hitter.
Just for your information, I’ve been playing MLB the show since ‘08 on the PS2 when it was Road to the Show. This is the first year for me of MLB playing on a Xbox, and without you asking my play history your comment is pure unintelligent.
Assuming someone is a Directional hitter because certain pitches throw by you, that you don't think could be hit with Zone, is making your own unintelligent comment.
Some people can hit ANYTHING and some people can't.