Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball
@nobuntcheese_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
The 2K gameplay might be [censored] but at least the servers will be better even tho 2K servers sucks
I think you're out of your [word redacted] mind
No thanks
Last thing this sport game needs is for 2k to get there greedy hands on it trust me .
2K already tried. It went ... poorly.
@nobuntcheese_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
The 2K gameplay might be [censored] but at least the servers will be better even tho 2K servers sucks
2K is a predatory trash company. Say what you will about contact swing and late hits or the servers.....SDS is outstanding in comparison.
F 2K
I'm all for 2K trying, EA too, competition is a good thing, keeps them from resting on their laurels.
@nflman2033_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
I'm all for 2K trying, EA too, competition is a good thing, keeps them from resting on their laurels.
Only competition those two companies are having is who’s worse/More greedy . honestly think no one beats EA but 2k gives them a run for there money .
@nflman2033_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
I'm all for 2K trying, EA too, competition is a good thing, keeps them from resting on their laurels.
But it seems like they're scared, and that ticks me off. There is no competition in Baseball, Football, and Hockey.
Something is VERY wrong with that picture.
2K Had Baseball. Why they let it go, i'd like to know. Not the 2K of today, though. They ruled Football. Their Hockey wasn't bad. Their Baseball got some things right, but 2K today is too microtransaction driven. Hard pass, but i get the OP's point, but from a competition standpoint. -
Let everyone who wants to make a game, make it. No competition is a bad thing, as we continue to see every year with this trash. The gameplay this year is leaps and bounds ahead of last year, and I'm giving praise where it is due.
But the reduced stubs/packs in game modes, the removal of an XP path to grind at whatever speed you want, and the servers kill it for me.
Almost everyone I play with has already maxed out at 650K XP, and most content creators I follow have too. The game is completely dead for a week or two each month, with the exception of online modes. Even then, all that XP goes to waste.
@nobuntcheese_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
The 2K gameplay might be [censored] but at least the servers will be better even tho 2K servers sucks
This makes no sense..."at least I can play a bad game" thank you
@savefarris_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
2K already tried. It went ... poorly.
Whats wrong? The hits actually land
2K obviously doesn't want to make a baseball game seeing as there is nothing stopping them like an exclusivity deal. If you want 2k to make a baseball game, go BabyRage on their boards.
Go home OP, you're drunk
Keep 2K far away from Baseball until they fix their own Basketball game and dont even get me started with EA...
@thegoaler_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
@nflman2033_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
I'm all for 2K trying, EA too, competition is a good thing, keeps them from resting on their laurels.
But it seems like they're scared, and that ticks me off. There is no competition in Baseball, Football, and Hockey.
Something is VERY wrong with that picture.
2K Had Baseball. Why they let it go, i'd like to know. Not the 2K of today, though. They ruled Football. Their Hockey wasn't bad. Their Baseball got some things right, but 2K today is too microtransaction driven. Hard pass, but i get the OP's point, but from a competition standpoint.Yes, I really hate how each sport is now down to only one game per developer, they have no motivation for ingenuity. You want a realistic baseball game you are buying the show, that's it.
I also really hate what O'Bannon did to college sports games, at least there we had an alternative football and basketball option, even if was still 2k and EA, at least there was a reason to try and be innovative.
@joeythebigboss said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
@nflman2033_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
I'm all for 2K trying, EA too, competition is a good thing, keeps them from resting on their laurels.
Only competition those two companies are having is who’s worse/More greedy . honestly think no one beats EA but 2k gives them a run for there money .
You are only seeing what they are right now where they have thier sport monopolized. If they have to compete with each other for customers, you'd see a different side. Sure they will still be greedy, but not to the point that they will sacrifice improving the game.
Right now it feels like collusion, all 3 of them have thier monopoly and have made some sort of pact to not try and compete, that way they can keep pumping out the same mediocre game year in and year out.
FWIW, SDS is better than the other 2, but that is an extremely low bar to get over.
If there was money to be made from a competing sports title, they’d be one.
2k already invest big in PGA tour and to be honest it's a pretty good game but also completely different kind of game ... NBA 2K is still the greatest online game on earth..... Oh it's smell sarcasm !!!
@nflman2033_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
@joeythebigboss said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
@nflman2033_psn said in Think its time you let 2k takeover baseball:
I'm all for 2K trying, EA too, competition is a good thing, keeps them from resting on their laurels.
Only competition those two companies are having is who’s worse/More greedy . honestly think no one beats EA but 2k gives them a run for there money .
You are only seeing what they are right now where they have thier sport monopolized. If they have to compete with each other for customers, you'd see a different side. Sure they will still be greedy, but not to the point that they will sacrifice improving the game.
Right now it feels like collusion, all 3 of them have thier monopoly and have made some sort of pact to not try and compete, that way they can keep pumping out the same mediocre game year in and year out.
FWIW, SDS is better than the other 2, but that is an extremely low bar to get over.
I hear you but I would have to see it to believe they would ever change . Also people keep handing them money like no Tmm why change ? There’s no incentive or backlash.
Did you play 2k this year? Current gen has a built in speed burst and next gen is curry slide, curry slide, curry slide shoot.