Such trash
Why even play RS or BR when the servers will randomly end your run? How about one of you SDS employees make a comment about this. Please tell me why I should play BR when SDS servers are just going to [censored] me with no recourse or payback from SDS?
@worterror_psn said in Such trash:
Why even play RS or BR when the servers will randomly end your run? How about one of you SDS make a comment about this. Please tell me why I should play BR when SDS servers are just going to [censored] me with no recourse or payback from SDS?
Total bs
I got kicked too, thankfully it was just a conquest game. It's maddening, sorry for your BR run.
It's all about that conquest life.
I may play ranked in a few months. Maybe by than you can get some clean games in.The dashboarding and all the other antics people will do to not lose has completely taken me away from ranked.
So not only has my wins not counted for this season. I get disconnected mid game with the lead. The joy .
@worterror_psn said in Such trash:
I’m up 4-1 in a BR run and ahead in the game 4-1. Servers close my game session and I get a loss? And lose the run I’m on. I had a very good team. Just wanted to thank SDS fools for wasting my [censored] time and 1500 stubs. Fix your game good grief. Absolute b u l l s h I t!!
When was this disconnect and "BR run"?
Today around 1630 mst. The server closed my game session and kicked me out of DD. I logged back in immediately to a loss and rewards for 3 wins.
Exactly why I haven't played RS yet, because I know I'll lose my freaking mind when that happens. Last year I started like 11-0 in RS then got 2 losses in a row from disconnects. I'd be scared that even if I got lucky and put together a run in BR I would just lose it to a disconnect.
All my br runs have had a disconnect resulting in a loss. Usually around my 6 or 7th win.
Good job SDS, your [censored] servers have left a lot of people with NO confidence in your abilities to provide stable servers but this appears to be beyond your limited abilities. How about you UP your game and provide consumers with the experience we paid for?
I had zero issues playing in over 70 ranked games. I had the freeze off 2 times in BR over a small sample size of around 10 games. I was up both times but I just quit. Annoying
@kangbang8888_psn said in Such trash:
I had zero issues playing in over 70 ranked games. I had the freeze off 2 times in BR over a small sample size of around 10 games. I was up both times but I just quit. Annoying
Annoying is putting mildly I feel. You are paying an entry fee to play BR; if you get screwed over by SDS servers then you should get your entry fee refunded at the very least.
If you asshats can’t get your servers stable then don’t charge an entry fee for BR. -
@worterror_psn said in Such trash:
@kangbang8888_psn said in Such trash:
I had zero issues playing in over 70 ranked games. I had the freeze off 2 times in BR over a small sample size of around 10 games. I was up both times but I just quit. Annoying
Annoying is putting mildly I feel. You are paying an entry fee to play BR; if you get screwed over by SDS servers then you should get your entry fee refunded at the very least.
If you asshats can’t get your servers stable then don’t charge an entry fee for BR.You get a pack, that is valued at 1500 so you are essentially buying a pack for the entry. I get mad at dc s too but th ya have gotten so normal I just move on to the next games. yeah it’s frustrating and needs to be fixed, but you entered the BR run knowing the game servers are shaky. Just play conquest until it is fixed, or just know it is a possibility and when it happens, oh well. At least that’s how I’ve coped with it, but there has been some controller throwing haha
@worterror_psn said in Such trash:
I’m up 4-1 in a BR run and ahead in the game 4-1. Servers close my game session and I get a loss? And lose the run I’m on. I had a very good team. Just wanted to thank SDS fools for wasting my [censored] time and 1500 stubs. Fix your game good grief. Absolute b u l l s h I t!!
Same thing happened to me yesterday. I was only on my 4th game but I had a good squad as well, very annoying. Also annoying since I was winning and my opponent refused to concede the freeze off. Such a b!tch move.
@crimson_monk_psn said in Such trash:
@worterror_psn said in Such trash:
@kangbang8888_psn said in Such trash:
I had zero issues playing in over 70 ranked games. I had the freeze off 2 times in BR over a small sample size of around 10 games. I was up both times but I just quit. Annoying
Annoying is putting mildly I feel. You are paying an entry fee to play BR; if you get screwed over by SDS servers then you should get your entry fee refunded at the very least.
If you asshats can’t get your servers stable then don’t charge an entry fee for BR.You get a pack, that is valued at 1500 so you are essentially buying a pack for the entry. I get mad at dc s too but th ya have gotten so normal I just move on to the next games. yeah it’s frustrating and needs to be fixed, but you entered the BR run knowing the game servers are shaky. Just play conquest until it is fixed, or just know it is a possibility and when it happens, oh well. At least that’s how I’ve coped with it, but there has been some controller throwing haha
Game companies will keep on putting out unreliable and unstable products as long as we have your kind of attitude. If you put in the time you should not get screwed by the servers. [censored] poor, SDS, you guys need to git good, or get the [censored] out!!