Heres an idea....get yourself a USB, download a bunch of songs that you like and add it to the jukebox. Problem solved.
@woozypolarbear_xbl said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@myguymanny_xbl said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
if your gonna have a sports game with constant music playing, you gotta choose a BETTER and more baseball relevant playlist with ALOT more than 12 songs....I enjoy having music playing during all the gameplay but hearing the same songs multiple times in an hour sucks. Reach out to actual pro players In the league and see what REAL players are really listening to. This current playlist is terrible
The real players are millennials, so they probably mostly listen to rubbish hip hop or bubble gum pop. I'm quite fine with some good ol' AC/DC.
Nah dude, Millennials want Billy Joel. None-Stop.
@easyduhzit_mlbts said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
Heres an idea....get yourself a USB, download a bunch of songs that you like and add it to the jukebox. Problem solved.
Can't do it this year on ps5..
@writetoshawn_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
There are two songs on this soundtrack that I can listen to repeatedly: “Take Care in Your Dreaming” by The Avalanches and “Pick Up the Pace” by Big K.R.I.T.
Bruh I feel the exact same. I had to look up the lyrics to Take Care in Your Dreaming cuz in the second verse the girl is spittin fire!!
They added AC/DC, I love AC/DC but need some Ozzie. If they give me Ozzie & AC/DC next year I'll never complain about the sound track again.
Or I could learn how to use one of those gawd dang flash drives & put it in myself, I guess.
@mista6022_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@writetoshawn_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
There are two songs on this soundtrack that I can listen to repeatedly: “Take Care in Your Dreaming” by The Avalanches and “Pick Up the Pace” by Big K.R.I.T.
Bruh I feel the exact same. I had to look up the lyrics to Take Care in Your Dreaming cuz in the second verse the girl is spittin fire!!
! My favorite verse too!!
@hikes83_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@thegoaler_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@yankblan_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@thegoaler_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@yankblan_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@woozypolarbear_xbl said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@yankblan_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@woozypolarbear_xbl said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@mcgalamaad_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@yankblan_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@magicbush86_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@the_dragon1912 said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
This is the best soundtrack since MLB 16 by a long shot so your chances of it improving from here are slim
That's just sad if true. I only like 3 of the songs alright. Of course my opinion probably doesn't matter since I don't listen to much past 2006 as music took a nose dive off a cliff the last 10 years or so.
No it didn’t; you just got old. Happens to all of us. Your dad probably said the same thing. While I still listen to stuff from my teenage years (90’s), some of it sounds like chit today!
While I agree aging is part of it, music has gotten objectively worse lol. Even my young cousins can’t stand today’s music.
Music today is just generated to be a twitter trend or something viral...music was better from the 60's through the 90's. Now everything we hear is driven by some algorithm from the music studios.
The 80’s is probably the worst decade; had I not grown up then, not sure I’d listen much to it. Many sounds aged badly and the hair metal is embarrassing. Take out nostalgia and bleh
To me the 80's had some of my favorite albums. U2's Joshua Tree, AC/DC's Back in Black, Guns N' Roses: Use your Illusion. I can't even name you 2 bands that are popular today....they seem to come and go without much staying power anymore.
Use your Illusion is 91; pretty close (last hard rock hit album before grunge and punk rock took over). AC/DC feels worn out (to me). But sure if you’re a fan of rock you can’t listen to radio; always been more pop and R and B. Loved Motley Crue and Skid Row had one good album; Suicidal Tendencies was great back then. But Motley Crue, Poison, Def Leppard and all these types of bands have aged badly. Lots and lots of pink candy pop back then too: Madonna, Janet, Paula Abdul, Rick Astley, Wham/George, Debbie Gibson, Eurythmics... It always cracks me up when I see 80’s movies and the dancing lol
'Subhuman race' by Skid Row is underrated. I listen to Eddie Trunk, have since '99 and listen to stuff he plays, which are mostly deep tracks , not radio hits. That's why I'm a big fan of him. I like your shout out to ST!
Van Halen is my favorite band followed by Dream Theater then Overkill, and I'm a black dude, lol. Love my classic R&B right behind Rock. You'll never hear some of the stuff I dug and still do today.
Soundtracks stink nowadays.
Tell me why 'Viper King' by DT can't be in a game? Listen to it and you'll agree!Yes I know fans of DT but never could get into it or any prog rock for that matter. Can’t believe how long they’ve been around.
Yeah, their next album will be their 15th. I saw them live way back in 2002. They did 'Master of puppets' in its entirety. They're not for everyone
I’m a big time DT fan. Been listening to their music since I was 14 (I’ll be 38 in a couple months). Have all their albums and saw them live 4 times. Can’t get enough. Was sad to see Portnoy go but he had his own issues. Still love the old stuff better but I’m a loyal fan. Petrucci is a god. A guitar whisperer.
When I just want to listen to instrumental stuff, I stick with the side project they had, Liquid Tension Experiment
You say "had" for LTE, so just a heads up, they released a new album last month.
As someone who plays madden too I’m just blessed the entire play list isn’t modern hip hop. Lol
My tastes in music are very different so I just turn it off and play Spotify. It does seem better this year overall though.
@doppelganger39 said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
They added AC/DC, I love AC/DC but need some Ozzie. If they give me Ozzie & AC/DC next year I'll never complain about the sound track again.
Or I could learn how to use one of those gawd dang flash drives & put it in myself, I guess.
Are you on ps4?
@grizzbear55_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@doppelganger39 said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
They added AC/DC, I love AC/DC but need some Ozzie. If they give me Ozzie & AC/DC next year I'll never complain about the sound track again.
Or I could learn how to use one of those gawd dang flash drives & put it in myself, I guess.
Are you on ps4?
@doppelganger39 said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@grizzbear55_psn said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
@doppelganger39 said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
They added AC/DC, I love AC/DC but need some Ozzie. If they give me Ozzie & AC/DC next year I'll never complain about the sound track again.
Or I could learn how to use one of those gawd dang flash drives & put it in myself, I guess.
Are you on ps4?
It's really easy to do with flash drive. Here are the steps if you would like to try.
Take flash drive insert into PC.
Click on flash drive from task menu on PC, Create folder named MUSIC. Sounds of show needs it named this.
Google a free mp3 converter, install. find music videos on you tube VEVO is best converted sound quality i have found. Follow instructions of mp3 converter, i usually create folder on desktop to put mp3's into then copy n paste all @ once into flash drive folder labeled music.
Once you have done all your conversions and downloads. insert flashdrive into ps4 go into media player test a few songs for quality purposes. Once satisfied go to MLBTS and top right gear select sounds of the show. And you should see option to upload and once you do that should be good to go.
Flash drive does not need to be in it anymore in fact i reccomend removing b/c if power goes out or system shuts down for some reason could corrupt files. Hope this helps!
Side note: I have close to 100 songs not sure if there is a limit or not.
The best we can do on ps5 is use spotify. I just find a death metal or bebop playlist and let it play continuously. I dont think i even listened to the playlist once this year.
I actually Loved Last years soundtrack every song was embedded in my brain LoL this year ehh it’s ok not as good as last years tho and with them taking SOTS away from PS5 this year even makes it more DULL.
@koufax_yourself said in UPDATE THE MUSIC!!!:
The best we can do on ps5 is use spotify. I just find a death metal or bebop playlist and let it play continuously. I dont think i even listened to the playlist once this year.
Well hopefully they implement it back next year for everyone ! I do think it had to do with next gen for reason y they didn't.