Banking xp
Didn't they Add more levels to 1st inning after seeing soo many people finished early?. Maybe they'll add some more. Make it 900k or something haha
@louieepthree_psn said in Banking xp:
Didn't they Add more levels to 1st inning after seeing soo many people finished early?. Maybe they'll add some more. Make it 900k or something haha
That was the 1st event last year, not the 1st inning
@whitejw98_psn said in Banking xp:
I've seen quite a few posts lately from people who've hit 650k in the program. Pretty impressive for a game that's allegedly so unplayable that we all must demand compensation.
Exactly my thoughts. Lol. People complaining yet making post how about they’re so bored because they’ve done everything in the game within the 1st two weeks.
I mean xp I just tied to the inning program there is other stuff to work towards. If you have maxed out jump online and grind some wins in the event or RS. I know I won't make WS but I'll upgrade some players and maybe pick up a few wins and get some stuff
I owe my first 650k XP to COVID. I’m not sure maxing out Inning 2 will be as easy. Conveniently tested positive 2 days before early access.
@whitejw98_psn said in Banking xp:
I've seen quite a few posts lately from people who've hit 650k in the program. Pretty impressive for a game that's allegedly so unplayable that we all must demand compensation.
The people who hit 650k already are obviously home playing during the day. I only have free time in the evenings and it has crashed all but 2 nights since launch. I was playing for XP last night and the servers crashed from 8:30 until at least 10:00.... so that's how that's been going for us that can't play during the day.
I hit 650k xp last night. I’m doing the daily stuff then playing something else til the next program starts. I’m so frustrated with this game, Idk how the hell I logged 96 hours ahead but I did
I hit 650 with a week to spare. The expiration isn't a big deal to me because I will stop finishing the program when I get burnt out on the game. It's about the only game I play so it happens. I do think it would be cool if the old programs were available and you could just select which program you were using your XP towards. So if you bought the game late you could make up lost ground. Or if you didn't like the current inning bosses.
FWIW: Did the conquests and showdowns. A lot of daily missions. No real XP glitch. Played mostly at night.
@chuckclc_psn said in Banking xp:
Yeah kinda weird. It is like we are just wasting XP by playing that we could use for next inning. They really should have never taken away the XP reward path. That was an excellent thing they had going. Very odd that they changed that.
It was one of the thing that set it apart from other games that use XP. Madden for instance slow plays it 5 weeks at a time. Some of the FPS games are the same way. I loved that I could grind and play and it would always be working toward an end goal. Now that I am maxed out I have less reason to wait out the servers and play. They easily could have used XP for the inning programs but also put in a full year XP reward path for the people who play all year.
If I were SDS and reading all these complaint posts from people who finished early, my first thought would be, "Well I guess they don't need double XP anymore. In fact, maybe it needs to be way slower than we originally had it."
We've got a good thing going here and you guys are gonna ruin it for us lol.
@whitejw98_psn said in Banking xp:
If I were SDS and reading all these complaint posts from people who finished early, my first thought would be, "Well I guess they don't need double XP anymore. In fact, maybe it needs to be way slower than we originally had it."
We've got a good thing going here and you guys are gonna ruin it for us lol.
Well double xp was originally supposed to only be for the weekend. I'd expect it to be turned off eventually.
@pscrabro_psn said in Banking xp:
@whitejw98_psn said in Banking xp:
I've seen quite a few posts lately from people who've hit 650k in the program. Pretty impressive for a game that's allegedly so unplayable that we all must demand compensation.
The people who hit 650k already are obviously home playing during the day. I only have free time in the evenings and it has crashed all but 2 nights since launch. I was playing for XP last night and the servers crashed from 8:30 until at least 10:00.... so that's how that's been going for us that can't play during the day.
I don't play at all during the day and I had no problem finishing the program and that is before they provided the super easy 100k bonus xp collections for POTM/Topps cards. Do the conquest maps, do the player programs and put in some time.
You must play a lot more than I can then. I have played approximately 2 hours per night since the game came out and ended up at about 230k XP without even bothering with the collections for XP. This Game Is grinder friendly for sure and I'm not much of a grinder.... I like to grind a little and play h2h mostly. This Game is aimed toward those that play more like 4-6 hours a day not 2 like me.
@mubby_33_psn said in Banking xp:
@chuckclc_psn said in Banking xp:
Yeah kinda weird. It is like we are just wasting XP by playing that we could use for next inning. They really should have never taken away the XP reward path. That was an excellent thing they had going. Very odd that they changed that.
It was one of the thing that set it apart from other games that use XP. Madden for instance slow plays it 5 weeks at a time. Some of the FPS games are the same way. I loved that I could grind and play and it would always be working toward an end goal. Now that I am maxed out I have less reason to wait out the servers and play. They easily could have used XP for the inning programs but also put in a full year XP reward path for the people who play all year.
By the time the inning programs are over, the people who play all year have already maxed out their level. They're already giving a ton of stuff away, just by playing.