90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...
@aaronjw76_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
@pfcorporate_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
In some ways I think skipping to the end is almost easier. If you do the thing where you get on base and steal second and third up to 8 runs it’s pretty easy. First by doing this you never hit into a dp. Second by the time you hit 8 runs the pitcher has zero confidence and almost everything you swing at ends up leaving the yard. I’m not sure if it the constant stealing or just the 8 runs but the confidence is gone.
I may give this a try again but the two times I tried it, selecting almost all lefty hitters I got matched up with Corbin and Luzardo lmao
I hear you. When this happens, I’ll usually play until the first boss just to get a few good righties in and then tackle it. I’m pretty successful skipping to the end otherwise
Yea I got Corbin a few times and that does suck. When I get Marquez it’s a guaranteed w.
@pfcorporate_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
Yea I got Corbin a few times and that does suck. When I get Marquez it’s a guaranteed w.
My biggest struggle is I’ve had 4 wins now that went to server error after the success screen so I didn’t get the vouchers.
@aaronjw76_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
If I can do that then anyone, including Stevie Wonder, can do that.
There's a "rhythm" to them that once you figure out will get you humming through them if you're one who is struggling. The more you play, the better you will get - esp true of figuring out what hitters YOU do well with.
I'm not good enough to simply skip to the end like many here but seriously, if I'm having success then anyone can find success completing these.
I wasn’t able to win any of the showdowns last year. NOT A ONE. This year I’m 3 for 4 and the loss was a server issue. Now I may have gotten better but I think it’s easier. It’s nice to not have to skip a showdown but I curious to see what happens in later showdowns.
I honestly think the difficulty fluctuates on them. To steal a favorite from the Madden community “Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment”. I beat showdown extreme on the 1st try in ‘20 and probably won 75-80% of the others I attempted. There were still times it felt like no matter what I did I was going to lose in the end. Same went for some wins as well. I won the first ‘21 showdown I attempted then lost 3 straight. I’ve won 3 in a row. The wins feel like I could close my eyes, mash buttons, and win. The loses felt like I was swinging a pool noodle and regardless of patience and solid swing input I was losing. In the end I agree though, if you are patient you will win more than you lose.
Any specific tips for someone new to The Show? I'm only 1 for 3 in Showdowns so far...
@pfcorporate_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
In some ways I think skipping to the end is almost easier. If you do the thing where you get on base and steal second and third up to 8 runs it’s pretty easy. First by doing this you never hit into a dp. Second by the time you hit 8 runs the pitcher has zero confidence and almost everything you swing at ends up leaving the yard. I’m not sure if it the constant stealing or just the 8 runs but the confidence is gone.
What is this steal thing? I have heard other ppl mention it.
@wclancy_mlbts said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
Any specific tips for someone new to The Show? I'm only 1 for 3 in Showdowns so far...
Lock into a location on an 0-0 count, if it isn't right there let it go, the deeper you get into a count the better your results seem to be. Basically you will have a higher exit velo on a squarred up 2-1 than you would the same on an 0-0 pitch.
@hopeful1137_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
@pfcorporate_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
In some ways I think skipping to the end is almost easier. If you do the thing where you get on base and steal second and third up to 8 runs it’s pretty easy. First by doing this you never hit into a dp. Second by the time you hit 8 runs the pitcher has zero confidence and almost everything you swing at ends up leaving the yard. I’m not sure if it the constant stealing or just the 8 runs but the confidence is gone.
What is this steal thing? I have heard other ppl mention it.
If you have fewer than 8 runs they won’t hold you or throw to the bag when you steal so once you get on base you can steal second and third with everyone. This will keep you out of double plays and also forces you to take more pitches which wears down the pitcher energy and confidence.
@pfcorporate_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
@hopeful1137_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
@pfcorporate_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
In some ways I think skipping to the end is almost easier. If you do the thing where you get on base and steal second and third up to 8 runs it’s pretty easy. First by doing this you never hit into a dp. Second by the time you hit 8 runs the pitcher has zero confidence and almost everything you swing at ends up leaving the yard. I’m not sure if it the constant stealing or just the 8 runs but the confidence is gone.
What is this steal thing? I have heard other ppl mention it.
If you have fewer than 8 runs they won’t hold you or throw to the bag when you steal so once you get on base you can steal second and third with everyone. This will keep you out of double plays and also forces you to take more pitches which wears down the pitcher energy and confidence.
So don't have to do anything special? You can just take two steps and steal?
Yep don’t need any extra steps. Just steal with everyone. As long as they are not holding you on you know they won’t throw to second. Once you hit 8 runs they will hold you on and you can’t do it any more but usually by then the pitcher is toast so you can tee off on him.
Yep don’t need any extra steps. Just steal with everyone. As long as they are not holding you on you know they won’t throw to second. Once you hit 8 runs they will hold you on and you can’t do it any more but usually by then the pitcher is toast so you can tee off on him.
@hopeful1137_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
@pfcorporate_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
@hopeful1137_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
@pfcorporate_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
In some ways I think skipping to the end is almost easier. If you do the thing where you get on base and steal second and third up to 8 runs it’s pretty easy. First by doing this you never hit into a dp. Second by the time you hit 8 runs the pitcher has zero confidence and almost everything you swing at ends up leaving the yard. I’m not sure if it the constant stealing or just the 8 runs but the confidence is gone.
What is this steal thing? I have heard other ppl mention it.
If you have fewer than 8 runs they won’t hold you or throw to the bag when you steal so once you get on base you can steal second and third with everyone. This will keep you out of double plays and also forces you to take more pitches which wears down the pitcher energy and confidence.
So don't have to do anything special? You can just take two steps and steal?
Dont even need to take steps. Until you have 8 runs, you could have an older Cecil Fielder at first with 0 speed and take 2nd and 3rd without a throw.
Basically ever hit turns into a triple until its 12-8
@pfcorporate_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
Yep don’t need any extra steps. Just steal with everyone. As long as they are not holding you on you know they won’t throw to second. Once you hit 8 runs they will hold you on and you can’t do it any more but usually by then the pitcher is toast so you can tee off on him.
I was already knocking them out 12-0 without this so this will definitely make it a lot easier. Gotta get on this and do it before the first patch.
@hopeful1137_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
@pfcorporate_psn said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
Yep don’t need any extra steps. Just steal with everyone. As long as they are not holding you on you know they won’t throw to second. Once you hit 8 runs they will hold you on and you can’t do it any more but usually by then the pitcher is toast so you can tee off on him.
I was already knocking them out 12-0 without this so this will definitely make it a lot easier. Gotta get on this and do it before the first patch.
Yea for me best part is the no double plays. That is always the scary part early on. I just want to get guys to second base to avoid that. Double plays can wipe out a run quick.
Yeah I also play all the missions. Theyre pretty easy to do and it makes it less stressful at the end. I haven't lost once yet doing it this way
@rudad76_xbl said in 90%+ win rate in TA showdowns...:
I struggle. My biggest issue it correctly putting the left analog stick where the ball is in the zone. My timing is generally ok...but this results in a lot of pop ups.
I see you're an XBox user. My son just started playing this year, as he's an XBox guy, too. He's struggling out of the gate. It just takes time. Keep at it.