Well you guys ruined the mode that I started playing MLB The Show for.
I'm going to do my best to stay like, critical and not get too rude about it, but I'm extremely disappointed in the game already. First off, off topic from RTTS, but the entire UI is just.. lacking. The main menu has little personality outside of Tatis', and while I get he's the cover athlete, I wish the favorite team themed menus had stayed. I just don't care about Tatis' so seeing him on every menu is tiresome. And even in game there's a lack of color, so everything seems flat. I'm not sure how easy of a patch that would be, but I'm hoping we can see a change made to reflect our favorite team again.
But as for RTTS, I want to acknowledge the work that went into the mode, and applaud SDS for trying something to mix up the mode, and give us more narrative, but the cost was too great IMO. The introduction of two-way players is huge, and I love that we have it, but I think the decision to force it upon us, was a mistake. As was directly tying DD and RTTS through ballplayer. It restricts RTTS far too much. The removal of Sounds of The Show already put a damper on the customization, but the direct connection to DD took away the rest.
It's very confusing at first when you start a new RTTS, and are immediately thrown into being drafted. It took me awhile to figure out I had to customize ballplayer at the main menu before starting RTTS if I wanted my own guy in the initial cutscenes. And it took even longer to realize I had to get past some cutscenes to even pick my position.
And even then, it didn't matter. I understand the hype behind two-way players, but from a player perspective, it was extremely frustrating being forced to "give it a shot". I had zero interest in pitching even one game, and picked every dialogue option to make that clear, but the game still forces you to pitch at least one game. You're taking the game and the creativity out of our hands. Which is frustrating.
There is simply put, no connection to our players anymore. The magic of RTTS, for me at least, was I felt connected to my player. I chose where they're from, crafted their look and game style from the get-go, and made them my own. I spent time picking the perfect walk-up songs, and even sometimes customized the song to fit the team I was playing for, Detroit Rock City anyone? By stripping the mode down this much, and from the start forcing the two-way narrative on us, even after successfully removing myself from the pitching depth, it doesn't feel like MY player. It feels like a player handed to me that I made a few tweaks, but will always be someone else.
I feel there was a lot of inspiration drawn from the 2K games, and there's no harm in taking inspiration from other highly successful artworks, but I feel like the identity of RTTS was lost in the process.
It's still extremely early, so I will try to keep playing and hopefully enjoy it more, but I'm already hoping we can see revisions made in '22. Again, I applaud the work that went in, and no disrespect to the devs who worked tirelessly on this, and I appreciate the attempt to keep things fresh, but I feel the direction taken was a misstep.
Look forward to giving the other modes a bit of a try irregardless, and hope that those that do enjoy the two-way aspect, thoroughly enjoy the mode.
Yeah, I had high hopes for a nice overhaul of rtts with the next generation (consoles and users). There are many noticeable changes but they just feel cosmetic. There isn’t much depth added to the mode. The attempt is there but falls flat.
But, ever the optimist, I do approve of a couple changes. The archetype system over the last few years has been frustrating for me. I preferred the old point system for total control of your player’s build. This new system at least allows me to go back to one of the ways I used to enjoy playing: a career minor leaguer haha! By simply not applying any of the perks my player is atrocious!
I also approve of the removal of the training mini games. They got old really fast. Plus, once again I am not forced to artificially improve my player thus allowing him to be mediocre if I choose.
Much has been taken away but some control has been returned to me.
Overall grade: B-
To me, RTTS has been completely neutered. I'm extremely disappointed in how it plays now (50 overall caps on every attribute? really SDS?).
I never used CAPs previously in DD, but now I can't make a RTTS character be as good as I want in this system. I also can't create more than one character and have to use my one created player for everything, which is a huge disappointment. Lastly, removing sounds of the show on PS5 and not being able to upload custom walk up music/HR music is just bad and I feel like SDS really is just killing single player offline modes in favor of DD.
Now, I also play DD too, but killing off RTTS like this feels like they're taking it behind the shed with a shotgun. If I was offline only, I'd just stick to MLB 20.
@thefalconknee_psn said in Well you guys ruined the mode that I started playing MLB The Show for.:
To me, RTTS has been completely neutered. I'm extremely disappointed in how it plays now (50 overall caps on every attribute? really SDS?).
I never used CAPs previously in DD, but now I can't make a RTTS character be as good as I want in this system. I also can't create more than one character and have to use my one created player for everything, which is a huge disappointment. Lastly, removing sounds of the show on PS5 and not being able to upload custom walk up music/HR music is just bad and I feel like SDS really is just killing single player offline modes in favor of DD.
Now, I also play DD too, but killing off RTTS like this feels like they're taking it behind the shed with a shotgun. If I was offline only, I'd just stick to MLB 20.
I'm not much of a gamer so I thought it was just me, but I play this game with my son, and I was trying to create a second RTTS player, and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to do it. Is it just me, or is this in fact true that you can only use one RTTS player?
In previous versions we would have multiple save files of different players, of different positions, in various spots of their careers.
I don't have many gameplay complaints as of yet, but I am confused by everything else.
Yes, unfortunately you can only have one RTTS character in this version, as part of SDS's tying the mode into Diamond Dynasty.
I also did not realize that... I often have a main I focus on.. and some scrubs I play with when I want to play but don't want to really focus... disappointing
I am also deeply disappointed with this specification.
However, if you want to create a character different from your son, I think you can avoid it by playing with another account. -
@bear0571_psn said in Well you guys ruined the mode that I started playing MLB The Show for.:
@sydin_mlbts said in Well you guys ruined the mode that I started playing MLB The Show for.:
Yes, unfortunately you can only have one RTTS character in this version, as part of SDS's tying the mode into Diamond Dynasty.
And @InspCallahan53_PSN just hit square on the main menu when RTTS is selected to create a new player.
Also what they did with the xp programs, they made it so that you cant mod your sliders at all or else you would lose xp and, then it would completely break the mode because you would never be able to progress. I mostly play with my sliders juiced. I love just basically being a god. I get giving you no xp for modding them because they had to balance it for DD. But they should have put in an option where you could op out of having them connect. Then you could do what you wanted without consequences. I also almost never play DD so its kinda pointless for me.
Honestly this is so disappointing, RTTS is my number one reason I play this. I was two seasons away on MLB 20 from retiring. Come to find out it doesn’t transfer... LAME. Now, starting this year, I’ve already played half of my AA year and everything is nerfed. My contact has moved 4 attribute points from 30 to 34. What the heck SDS! I’m hitting .350+ and yet 80% of my hits are bleeders or bloopers over infielders heads or down the line. It’s nearly impossible to square one up and send it out. I still HAVEN’T hit a home run regardless of what perks I use on the ballplayer loadout. The mode is just super disappointing this year because of the such slow progression. Why couldn’t they just keep doing what was WORKING??? SDS please, go back to the RTTS we all loved.
To be honest, I'm not against slow progression. But it should be a difficulty level choice. Previously I wanted the option to make progression more challenging, but not impossible.
Here's my take: The Show used to offer you a choice between playing a video game, and playing baseball on a console. Now it's #justanothervideogame.
As I said on another thread, I've got nothing against DD players. I'm glad they have a game they love. I just wish I still did.
@thefalconknee_psn said in Well you guys ruined the mode that I started playing MLB The Show for.:
To me, RTTS has been completely neutered. I'm extremely disappointed in how it plays now (50 overall caps on every attribute? really SDS?).
I never used CAPs previously in DD, but now I can't make a RTTS character be as good as I want in this system. I also can't create more than one character and have to use my one created player for everything, which is a huge disappointment. Lastly, removing sounds of the show on PS5 and not being able to upload custom walk up music/HR music is just bad and I feel like SDS really is just killing single player offline modes in favor of DD.
Now, I also play DD too, but killing off RTTS like this feels like they're taking it behind the shed with a shotgun. If I was offline only, I'd just stick to MLB 20.
Waited.. seriously? I haven't even noticed. If this is true, I'm going to be pissed. I always create one position player and one pitcher. When I want to pitch, I load that one. And vic versa.
I'm sure there is a way to raise the cap. I honestly am so disguised with the mode, I barely played it. But I'm sick of the caps. I'm sick of being restricted. They claim they want realism in their game. Yet give us no real world options that ball players have to deal with. And last I checked, players can't be a power hitter one game then a speed burner the next. Seriously SDS what the hell are you guys doing? There needs to be some people losing their job,
@tymyers5757_psn said in Well you guys ruined the mode that I started playing MLB The Show for.:
The new way of playing road to the show is atrocious. It was a perfectly good game mode on its own. The only thing that needed improving upon was the story behind the game mode, but no you ruined it entirely. Stop trying to connect everything to Diamond Dynasty it's a perfectly good mode on its own, they can be separate entities. Congrats SDS you finally ruined something good about your game and for offline players.
I agree with you 110%. I spent $100 on a game that SDS completely screwed up.
@Spitfirex007_PSN dude you hit the nail on the head. I can’t remember a time when I saw frank thomas hit a 450+ bomb then steal 2nd base with ease the next day. REMOVE THE ATTRIBUTE CAPS SDS. Let me play the way I want. If I wanna make a speedy, powerful yet graceful fielding shortstop, LET ME.
@spitfirex007_psn said in Well you guys ruined the mode that I started playing MLB The Show for.:
And last I checked, players can't be a power hitter one game then a speed burner the next. Seriously SDS what the hell are you guys doing? There needs to be some people losing their job,
The simple solution to this potential flaw is for the user to select the same loadout from one game to the next. There are options for multiple load outs for multiple RTTS saves. Or at least that’s how I interpret it.
There use to be this game I loved to play called The Show, I don't know what this game they put out now is...
We don't want the mode to be connected to DD. People in DD will never use the " Ballplayer " anyway. We can only make one player which can get stale very fast. The loadouts aren't very fun just let us progress our player as we play. What is so bad about gaining attributes by playing RTTS? Forced to be online to play is also a baffling decision so when the servers go off in 2 years the mode will be completely unplayable if you go to revisit the game or keep playing it. Also can't play when your servers go out or when our internet goes out. The progression system isn't very good when it works which it doesn't most of the time unfortunately. You are forced to play DD to progress your player currently because that is the only way the " programs " will track missions and stats. Also every time you go into loadouts it glitches out your gear and you have to switch everything back. Like it will give you just one batting glove put the foot guard back on forced sunglasses on always instead of when just fielding and much more including swing types when you have a built stance it can be very frustrating to have to fix it just because you went to the loadout screen to check " programs " progress. So please SDS just make RTTS like you used to for next years game. We want to be able to make multiple characters, not be connected to DD, and just gain attributes from playing not this " perk/architype " system.
I miss the good ole days, when the server would go down. But you really didn't care because you could still play and increase your attributes for RTTS.