Pitching & Hitting in MLB The Show 2021 - Questions?
@sean_87__psn said in Pitching & Hitting in MLB The Show 2021 - Questions?:
Are you still allowed to use directional hitting in online ranked diamond dynasty? What about classic pitching and “throw meter” off while fielding? Do stats matter anymore? A little confused on that because y’all stated 100% user input for diamond dynasty online.
Why would any of those input options matter, as they are completely uncompetitive vs the skill based options. I am sure you can use them in h2h, but you will be at a severe disadvantage just like you always have been.
@gradekthebard said in Pitching & Hitting in MLB The Show 2021 - Questions?:
@sean_87__psn said in Pitching & Hitting in MLB The Show 2021 - Questions?:
Are you still allowed to use directional hitting in online ranked diamond dynasty? What about classic pitching and “throw meter” off while fielding? Do stats matter anymore? A little confused on that because y’all stated 100% user input for diamond dynasty online.
Why would any of those input options matter, as they are completely uncompetitive vs the skill based options. I am sure you can use them in h2h, but you will be at a severe disadvantage just like you always have been.
I’m fine with that. It’s the way I prefer to play. Looks better to me as well without all the junk of pci and meters on the screen.
Is zone plus analog stride still in the game and does stride timing matter right now it don't?
Is the stride difficulty slider and stride timing in the batter's analysis coming back to the game like was with MLB 14? -
Casual mode for DD, is it just conquest/play v cpu or can we please use it for moments/showdowns as well?
@yankblan_psn said in Pitching & Hitting in MLB The Show 2021 - Questions?:
Hello folks!
-Nate Bargatze
Anyone can explain the timing of the third move (12 to 6) in pinpoint pitching? In the video (Kyle?) said when the circles are on top of each other. Do you go 12-6 when the circles line-up, or time it so you get down at the same time they line-up?
Starting at step 1: do the gesture in the ideal timeframe. Step 2: gesture finishes at “12” on the circle. Step 3: hold the right stick at 12 while the circle at “6” closes in, then flick from 12 to 6 (or slightly left or right based on actual pitch location) when the bottom circles overlap.
The best thing to keep in mind is that the circles at 6 line up to when the pitcher is going to release the ball. If you think of it that way, you can time it so that you flick 12 to 6 right when he’s at the release point and it’ll feel more natural.
@john3221 said in Pitching & Hitting in MLB The Show 2021 - Questions?:
Is zone plus analog stride still in the game and does stride timing matter right now it don't?
Is the stride difficulty slider and stride timing in the batter's analysis coming back to the game like was with MLB 14?Yeah this is important to me and I ask every year if they still have Analog Stride, if they took it out I'd basically have no reason to play this game...I can't press an X button to hit. It will be amazing if they put back stride timing back in the game, how the heck they took it out is beyond me....maybe it was too much for casual noobs.
Are we going to get answers on some of these?
@bhall09_psn said in Pitching & Hitting in MLB The Show 2021 - Questions?:
Are we going to get answers on some of these?
Yes, if you read original post it says they will try to answer in a blog.
@victor_sds_psn said in Pitching & Hitting in MLB The Show 2021 - Questions?:
Hey folks!
Did you have any additional questions after watching the hitting and pitching feature premiere? Ask them here and we will try to answer as many as we can in a blog next week.
In case you missed it the feature premiere, it's been uploaded to YouTube here.
Will MLBTS21 allow use of custom camera views in Competitive mode?
Any new classic, spring training, and minor league stadiums in the game to hit and pitch in?
@john3221 said in Pitching & Hitting in MLB The Show 2021 - Questions?:
Any new classic, spring training, and minor league stadiums in the game to hit and pitch in?
I see what you did there
very clever. This question deserves an answer just because you went to the effort of linking it back to the actual topic.
Can you give us the option so the pci doesn’t go back to the center when we let go of the joystick. If I push it up or down, side to side, I would like it to stay there until I move my joystick again. Thanks
Directional isn't in competitive right?
Make DD show lefty or righty pitching pre match. And to avoid cheating. Its simple. Once you have connected. Before the game starts when you're choosing your pitching (which is the first screen you go into) make it if you exit there you get the loss. Simple easy done and done.
Its not like you can exit now then go get all rights or all leftys and get connected to that same person... the way it is now... not realism. Like I said in previous posts. Get the loss once you exit even the very first screen (pitching selection) done and done. Duh... get rid of spider tac in D D as well. No starting pitcher in the MLB that throws 102 can throw that 102 fast ball every single fast ball pitch they throw. Not realism... Also very simple fix. Only perfect release can be top speed. Easy simple DUH.... done and done. Please mlb the show... fix this please. Id play every day and spend more money thanks and good day lol
@michaelnight22_psn said in Pitching & Hitting in MLB The Show 2021 - Questions?:
Its not like you can exit now then go get all rights or all leftys and get connected to that same person... the way it is now... not realism. Like I said in previous posts. Get the loss once you exit even the very first screen (pitching selection) done and done. Duh... get rid of spider tac in D D as well. No starting pitcher in the MLB that throws 102 can throw that 102 fast ball every single fast ball pitch they throw. Not realism... Also very simple fix. Only perfect release can be top speed. Easy simple DUH.... done and done. Please mlb the show... fix this please. Id play every day and spend more money thanks and good day lol
All valid points, but they're not in any rush. Maybe they'll get to it in The Show 24 or 25