Xbox users
They also have twitch drops during streams "So sign up for twitch drops b4 the developer streams start!!" This a place i cannot direct you b/c i do not know how xbox works. So search forums see if info is already out there if not maybe someone can chime in who is familiar with said subject.
@longhornslegend_xbl said in Xbox users:
Appreciate it. I am a baseball fanatic so it's been a long, painful, grind waiting to play one again haha. I was lucky enough to get a Series X in launch day, so I will be spending most of my time on the show this year. I'll need all the tips I can get.
After doing some research on what legends are in, or usually in the game, I'm really hoping to see Randy Johnson and Albert Belle this year if each year gets a couple new guys.
Legends are definitely one of the most sought after items to watch for in streams! But they also reveal some throughout the year. So keep eyes peeled!
They had Albert "Joey" Belle in 2018. And of course, right after the game launched, Mr. Belle decided to get himself into an altercation.
Hasn't been in the game since.
Thanks, it feels good to have an A grade baseball game since 2k13
Welcome Xboxers so now more people can mercy rule me in ranked
@savefarris_psn said in Xbox users:
They had Albert "Joey" Belle in 2018. And of course, right after the game launched, Mr. Belle decided to get himself into an altercation.
Hasn't been in the game since.
Awww man, just my luck lol. At least he's been in before maybe he can make a return.
Thanks so far the game is awesome just need to fix some quirks like can't add friends or do crossplay
@elbowedice58361_xbl said in Xbox users:
Thanks so far the game is awesome just need to fix some quirks like can't add friends or do crossplay
Well i assure you if any developer team can do it it's SDS. Rest assured it will be fixed by launch or they wouldn't have introduced it.
As far as your experience so far, glad to hear it, but wait it only gets better!! The days leading up to launch are so exciting and chocked full of information it will have you saying to yourself 1 hour b4 launch " i'm so pumped i don't even know what to do first!"
I used to have an Xbox One X and a PS4 Pro, just to play the show. Excited to have only a Xbox SX now with an LG OLED CX Series 55" to experience the show on in all its glory. Really looking forward to game launch.
Is anyone else having tech test issues?
Here is a tid bit for you new to show folks!! Did you know that Road to the show or (RTTS) is the most played mode and the cornerstone of what made this game great!
Hey Grizbear55, great to be here.
I've been playing this alpha non stop on the Series X and loving it. Sure, there were some hiccups, but I'm surprised most don't actually realize that's completely normal at this stage. If it was perfect, there is no point to having a Tech Test. Anyway, it's been too many years without a great Baseball game on Xbox. So happy to help Sony San Diego out.
@xburk_xbl said in Xbox users:
Hey Grizbear55, great to be here.
I've been playing this alpha non stop on the Series X and loving it. Sure, there were some hiccups, but I'm surprised most don't actually realize that's completely normal at this stage. If it was perfect, there is no point to having a Tech Test. Anyway, it's been too many years without a great Baseball game on Xbox. So happy to help Sony San Diego out.
Well glad to hear you are enjoying it! So many modes for everyone to enjoy. Tech test is just tip of the iceberg.
One of the things they promote is being able to earn XP Rewards no matter what mode u play! Last year there were 5 levels of rewards just for playing the game! I assure you this team takes care of their fans!
@mikester8692_xbl said in Xbox users:
I used to have an Xbox One X and a PS4 Pro, just to play the show. Excited to have only a Xbox SX now with an LG OLED CX Series 55" to experience the show on in all its glory. Really looking forward to game launch.
Well i am excited for you! And sounds like a pretty solid setup!
One the great things you could experience with that setup is when you play and set game to Broadcast mode omg it feels like you are at the ballpark no lie!
@grizzbear55_psn said in Xbox users:
First of all welcome to the Community !!!
I am so excited to see new players that will be able to knock some of the arraogant players that are on the top leaderboards off of there high horse pedastals! With that being said most of players on leaderboards are good people and legit in there gameplay and will go out of there way to help you.
So one tip i will share is setup your gamestyle the way it makes you comfortable! What i mean is if you prefer directional hitting over zone hitting then by all means use directional hitting. Contrary to what some believe there is absolutely no inferior style!!!
^ THIS!I use Directional for 2 reasons: 1) It's the most realistic to me. In real batting, batters don't place a PCI icon/cursor, then swing.
2) I still keep dropping my PCI, which is MADDENING!!! That's a reason I am contemplating moving to an XBOX controller where that may not be an issue
I also use Meter pitching. While not as accurate as I'd want, it also feels more natural. With Meter, there IS a way to put a little extra break on pitches. I wish I could explain. It's kind of a 'follow-through.'So, play whichever way you're comfortable with, like the OP said.
Welcome to The Show! -
I always own both consoles, but for MLBTS 21 I’m playing on my series X. Can’t wait for April 16th!
I appreciate it, Mr. GrizzBear55! What game mode do you play?
@thomas7807_xbl said in Xbox users:
I appreciate it, Mr. GrizzBear55! What game mode do you play?
I actually started out on RTTS and Franchise for about first 6 years of playing. I Dabbled in MP those 6 years anywhere between 120-200 games online, the rest of my time i would play RTTS or Franchise.
There was a a sense of "Man it's like i am really @ the ballpark." electrifying crowds, stadium sounds, graphics have always been one of key factors i would consider buying the game. And if u ever made it to postseason the noise level of everything felt like it went 10 octaves up even in AA and AAA.
Then Diamond Dynasty started taking off so it was just the opposite the last 4-5 years. I still played RTTS and Franchise.
But there was something about getting a card of somebody you always watched as a kid and being able to play that card on the same team as another fav player. They may have been on rival teams irl so they never played together but in DD you could do it, this intrigued me.
For first 2 of last 5 years i played online MP religeously but last 3 I just build a team and play vs CPU because for me i have picked up on things i am not happy about in mp and if i bring up those issues it causes controversy. So from here on out whatever i play will be single player.
You are quite welcome and hope you xbox players get as much enjoyment out of the game as i have!!
What a great positive, upbeat thread. Thanks for doing this GrizzBear. I've been playing the show since 2008 (Franchise mode and only Franchise mode) but in October of 2020 I joined a league and for the first time ever started playing DD (Diamond Dynasty for all you new Xboxers joining us). It's been a huge learning curve for me to get online (I've played with my settings on Beginner the whole time).
So here is my tip - join a league. Find a group of players that will help you be a better player. They're out there. Playing against guys that you chat with on a regular basis is so much better than playing random people. They can give you tips and hints on how to get better. Nod to the Dad's League - you guys are the best! Sure - I'm still the cellar player in the group but I've gotten better and will continue to do so as long as I stick with it.
Welcome to MLBTS - hope you like it as much as we do!
Finally the better system gets baseball back!!