SDS you must do something about dashboarding.
@JoeTheGamePlayer said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
I don't remember the game or games but there used to be video sports games that gave you the option to block players who you didn't want to play again in the future. This might be one way to fix the problem.
Until you get one clever SOB with too much time on their hands who blocks everyone with a winning record. I guess this would work to an extent if you could only block them after you played them, but even then the same people who dashboard would block everyone they ever played who was decent at the game.
@Jeviduty said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@PennStateFencer said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@ayman718 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@PennStateFencer said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@Exotic_Combs said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
Easy fix: wait 3 seconds, hit X, hit pause, scroll over to quit, hit X again
Unfortunately that is only an easy fix if you happen to be the man child that can't finish out the play. If you're actually playing well and earning stats, you're at the mercy of the person on the other end.
You're never going to be able to stop immature people from throwing a temper tantrum and quitting out mid play. Even if Sony or SDS made it take longer to get out of the game via the software, these people would just yank the power cord out of the wall out of spite.
People bring up a time out or cool down period as a solution and I have mixed feelings on that, mostly because those people tend to go over the top and want it implemented for people quitting out normally. If I'm crushing an opponent 8-0 and they would rather cut their losses and try again in a fresh game, I have no problem with that. Time is limited and I get that. Let the ball land in the stands, and then go merrily on your way. No harm, no foul, and no reason for further punishment other than the loss of ranking or BR run. Even if a cool down period were only implemented for rage quits, those people aren't thinking rationally anyway and I doubt they would care. Nothing solved there.
The easiest solution would be for SDS to make HR stats track the second the ball makes contact since the game has already predetermined the outcome at that point. That seems to be the biggest issues for loss of prestige stats. If they can't figure out a way to make that work, then just don't require online play for stats. That's the easy fix.
What about robbing homeruns?
If your opponent quits mid homerun, they weren't going to catch it. This is an extremely basic view which could be completely wrong since I have no coding experience, but I would imagine they could set the contact off the bat as "register as a homerun unless X happens" (x being the ball being brought back in), which then wouldn't happen because the connection is lost.
I have coding experience but not on the software end, even with writing that variable, if there is a lost connection mid flight, the homerun will never register because the variable was waiting to see if in fact X did happen before it can execute/register the HR as a score.
Essentially, what you can ask for is if it's a no doubt shot, auto-register it as a HR & risk getting dashboarded on the robbable HRs because there will be no solution for those, I can guarantee you that.Question for you. Would it be possible to code something along the lines of "if there is a disconnect big-play the game auto-registers a homerun for the batting team. At that point we know who's going to win and lose based on who's still connected, why not give them the benefit of the doubt? Lol
I’m convinced they will do something about this for next years game right no way they don’t. assuming they implement Prestige cards again of course .
@joeythebigboss said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
I’m convinced they will do something about this for next years game right no way they don’t. assuming they implement Prestige cards again of course .
I hope so man. This has plagued Maddens online play for years. You can blatantly see the leaderboards with the 80-0 records and they still don’t do anything. The dashboard glitch is annoying AF and they let it happen
@lazy_toast said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@joeythebigboss said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
I’m convinced they will do something about this for next years game right no way they don’t. assuming they implement Prestige cards again of course .
I hope so man. This has plagued Maddens online play for years. You can blatantly see the leaderboards with the 80-0 records and they still don’t do anything. The dashboard glitch is annoying AF and they let it happen
Hopefully, Crazy thing is remember next years game Xbox players will come in . so stuff like this will only get crazier if not kept in check
god speed .
@InigoMontoya_75 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
Dashboarding away prestige stats completely ruins online play for me. That’s it. That’s all I want to say.
I haven't been dashboarded in months because I decided that all I care about is prestiging cards. So I allow my opponent to get ahead by at least 3 runs and then I can focus on scoring prestige stats. I had too many 3 run homers and grand slams dashboarded. I love the game more than ever, because now I can get those little green completed signs on my prestigeable guys much faster and without being disgusted. Plus you stay in the 300-400's and getting 5-10 runs a game is easy. 51 guys prestige. Obsessed!
Just saying with all the complaints about dash boarding i don t understand why SDS did not make any comments Maybe they don t care about customers opinion.
@Cachou7 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
Just saying with all the complaints about dash boarding i don t understand why SDS did not make any comments Maybe they don t care about customers opinion.
They aren't commenting about anything right now, not even about MLB 21, I don't think it's a lack of "not caring", of course they "care" to a certain extent.
I just wish they'd be a bit more transparent, (and I'm not talking about about dashboarding, just in general, they aren't going to address dashboarding in MLB 20 at least),
@eatyum said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@Cachou7 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
Just saying with all the complaints about dash boarding i don t understand why SDS did not make any comments Maybe they don t care about customers opinion.
They aren't commenting about anything right now, not even about MLB 21, I don't think it's a lack of "not caring", of course they "care" to a certain extent.
I just wish they'd be a bit more transparent, (and I'm not talking about about dashboarding, just in general, they aren't going to address dashboarding in MLB 20 at least),
they have done a really poor job this year - everyone has had it rough in 2020 - the least they could do would be transparent and more communicative - big 0 for SDS this year
Anytime you require online stats your opponent will dashboard and make it harder for you if they’re losing. It’s been the same since 16. If you look up every prestige card someone has it done immediately after release due to boosting, or hitting and pitching and quitting. I’m an online only player outside conquest missions and I think it should all be able to be done offline. The 3 points don’t make or break any player and makes archiving them impossible for offline players.
I’ve never before seen this many people complain abt getting a free win.. Honestly don’t get why people care abt prestige sm either. It’s only +3 doesn’t make a difference in most cases. I’d rather see prestige be rs only
@mitchhammond24 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
I’ve never before seen this many people complain abt getting a free win.. Honestly don’t get why people care abt prestige sm either. It’s only +3 doesn’t make a difference in most cases. I’d rather see prestige be rs only
No one is complaining about a free win. The complaint is about dashboarding. If these clowns waited for the ball to land and then quit in the pause menu then there would be no issue.
Let me tell you that yes I have dashboarded
Reasons I Dashboard
Only for REASON OF PITCHING is a problem in this game. I can hit the corners and it call a ball after ball after ball then I can throw one over a betters head and it get hit for a HR. HR that are hit when the ball is going in the dirt that equals a Dashboard. My pitch is not in the location where it should be and it is hit for even a double I will dashboard because more of that nonsense will continue to happen. I my pitch goes where it is intended and someone crushes it, I Do not dashboard. It has nothing to do with Rage Quit but frustration of how broken pitching is in this game. I am not a great hitter. I stopped playing online for Months but started recently playing events. When I start getting strikes called on the corners or out of the zone dashboarding will stop. I try not to dashboard on prestige players. I will if the pitching is way off.If someone Dashboard on me even if it is a prestige player I say thank you for the win.
If they forced cool downs I would still dashboard for the same reasons but maybe not as often. The rest of the game just would not be fun.
@bayareaj1991 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@mitchhammond24 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
I’ve never before seen this many people complain abt getting a free win.. Honestly don’t get why people care abt prestige sm either. It’s only +3 doesn’t make a difference in most cases. I’d rather see prestige be rs only
No one is complaining about a free win. The complaint is about dashboarding. If these clowns waited for the ball to land and then quit in the pause menu then there would be no issue.
Yea but a dashboard is a free win that was the point of my post. I like when people dashboard idrc abt stats at all
@mitchhammond24 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@bayareaj1991 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@mitchhammond24 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
I’ve never before seen this many people complain abt getting a free win.. Honestly don’t get why people care abt prestige sm either. It’s only +3 doesn’t make a difference in most cases. I’d rather see prestige be rs only
No one is complaining about a free win. The complaint is about dashboarding. If these clowns waited for the ball to land and then quit in the pause menu then there would be no issue.
Yea but a dashboard is a free win that was the point of my post. I like when people dashboard idrc abt stats at all
Ya but the point of my post is that we can still get a free win if the person just waits for the ball to land and then quits. From what I have seen in these forums it seams like you are a really good player so you may not care but for most of us, when we hit a bomb with a player that can be prestiged, we want those stats that we earned.
@bayareaj1991 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@mitchhammond24 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@bayareaj1991 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@mitchhammond24 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
I’ve never before seen this many people complain abt getting a free win.. Honestly don’t get why people care abt prestige sm either. It’s only +3 doesn’t make a difference in most cases. I’d rather see prestige be rs only
No one is complaining about a free win. The complaint is about dashboarding. If these clowns waited for the ball to land and then quit in the pause menu then there would be no issue.
Yea but a dashboard is a free win that was the point of my post. I like when people dashboard idrc abt stats at all
Ya but the point of my post is that we can still get a free win if the person just waits for the ball to land and then quits. From what I have seen in these forums it seams like you are a really good player so you may not care but for most of us, when we hit a bomb with a player that can be prestiged, we want those stats that we earned.
yeah that’s fair. I’m not defending dashboarding, it is def annoying. I just don’t think there’s anything that can be done abt it and I don’t see why anyone thinks it’s such a big deal so I don’t get the excessive amount of complaints. I think the prestige grind itself is a more worthy complaint.
@dbarmonstar said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
Let me tell you that yes I have dashboarded
Reasons I Dashboard
Only for REASON OF PITCHING is a problem in this game. I can hit the corners and it call a ball after ball after ball then I can throw one over a betters head and it get hit for a HR. HR that are hit when the ball is going in the dirt that equals a Dashboard. My pitch is not in the location where it should be and it is hit for even a double I will dashboard because more of that nonsense will continue to happen. I my pitch goes where it is intended and someone crushes it, I Do not dashboard. It has nothing to do with Rage Quit but frustration of how broken pitching is in this game. I am not a great hitter. I stopped playing online for Months but started recently playing events. When I start getting strikes called on the corners or out of the zone dashboarding will stop. I try not to dashboard on prestige players. I will if the pitching is way off.If someone Dashboard on me even if it is a prestige player I say thank you for the win.
If they forced cool downs I would still dashboard for the same reasons but maybe not as often. The rest of the game just would not be fun.
Lmao wow
@Jeviduty said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
@dbarmonstar said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
Let me tell you that yes I have dashboarded
Reasons I Dashboard
Only for REASON OF PITCHING is a problem in this game. I can hit the corners and it call a ball after ball after ball then I can throw one over a betters head and it get hit for a HR. HR that are hit when the ball is going in the dirt that equals a Dashboard. My pitch is not in the location where it should be and it is hit for even a double I will dashboard because more of that nonsense will continue to happen. I my pitch goes where it is intended and someone crushes it, I Do not dashboard. It has nothing to do with Rage Quit but frustration of how broken pitching is in this game. I am not a great hitter. I stopped playing online for Months but started recently playing events. When I start getting strikes called on the corners or out of the zone dashboarding will stop. I try not to dashboard on prestige players. I will if the pitching is way off.If someone Dashboard on me even if it is a prestige player I say thank you for the win.
If they forced cool downs I would still dashboard for the same reasons but maybe not as often. The rest of the game just would not be fun.
Lmao wow
Whether you care about stats or not, the fact is dashboarding is theft. They are robbing you of stats that you accumulated in pursuit of a goal within the game (prestiging).
I'm not saying call the feds, but if SDS puts something in the game that requires you to accumulate stats via online games, then they should also provide measures to minimize the ability of other players erasing progress towards those goals.
If you need 3 HRs to prestige a guy and you have to hit 4 or more HRs because of dashboarders, that is impacting the player experience.
Either they get rid of online only stat grinds, or do something to discourage dashboarding.
@abbyspapa said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
Whether you care about stats or not, the fact is dashboarding is theft. They are robbing you of stats that you accumulated in pursuit of a goal within the game (prestiging).
I'm not saying call the feds, but if SDS puts something in the game that requires you to accumulate stats via online games, then they should also provide measures to minimize the ability of other players erasing progress towards those goals.
If you need 3 HRs to prestige a guy and you have to hit 4 or more HRs because of dashboarders, that is impacting the player experience.
Either they get rid of online only stat grinds, or do something to discourage dashboarding.
Very well said.
I love stats. I like knowing who my best players are. I hate looking at Soto's online stats and thinking "oh right, but he had two HR's taken away so actually his OPS is higher". Keep in mind I don't play online often (I have a hard time setting aside 45-60 minutes where I know I won't be interrupted for a RS game, and events are plagued with dashboarding and requests for stat boosts), so at this point I have hit 5 HR's with Soto and two of those were dashboarded... so I actually only have three on his stat line.
I also get bothered by the fact that people do it purposely, when they gain nothing by doing it. They do it 100% to be a [censored]. The only benefit they get from it is knowing it will annoy their opponent.