Question for consistant WS players
@lazy_toast said in Question for consistant WS players:
I have noticed if im even slightly tired or if my mind is on something else i will not play well. You really have to be 100% focused in the game. So when im tired i just run around Apex
Facts, when you're too tired for a RS it's best to just do moments/conquest and if you're tired in general you'll end up closing the game w/ no harm done
I know a good chunk of consistent WS actually turn the strikezone off. AND the PCI off for that matter. They just want less on their screen to distract them. By now, you know where the strikezone and PCI are; physically seeing them won't change anything.
I guess the only exception is the height of the strikezone changing based on the height of the player. In which case the painters tape would be rendered useless.
@MHHW33 said in Question for consistant WS players:
@Ikasnu said in Question for consistant WS players:
Considering the strike zone changes for every player depending on the height of that player. You better hope you’re either fast with painters tape or get a lot more pause time added to the game. Somethings people come up with instead of practicing and playing the game.
I think they just mean the inside and outside part of the zone but I totally agree. Doing that tape stuff is pretty pathetic to me. If you want to get better then practice just like in anything else in life.
@lazy_toast said in Question for consistant WS players:
I have noticed if im even slightly tired or if my mind is on something else i will not play well. You really have to be 100% focused in the game. So when im tired i just run around Apex
Dude I play my best after play time with the wife and that is no joke. Might have to wear her down to make WS. I don't know if its the adrenaline, or if I'm more relaxed afterwards, but it is literally night and day as far as my play goes.
@Ikasnu said in Question for consistant WS players:
@lazy_toast said in Question for consistant WS players:
I have noticed if im even slightly tired or if my mind is on something else i will not play well. You really have to be 100% focused in the game. So when im tired i just run around Apex
Dude I play my best after play time with the wife and that is no joke. Might have to wear her down to make WS. I don't know if its the adrenaline, or if I'm more relaxed afterwards, but it is literally night and day as far as my play goes.
Lmao, I've experienced the same thing. I think it's a mental/hormonal thing, after being w/ her and sitting down to play a video game you realize how insignificant the video game actually is versus what actually matters lol. I feel more relaxed and just play rather than anxious/not wanting to lose, cause if you lose so what? You have what matters at home. Lol.
@arvcpa said in Question for consistant WS players:
@Ikasnu said in Question for consistant WS players:
Do you guys ever make any physical modifications to your TV to try and improve your game play? As an example, using painters tape to line up the strike zone so you can always see the inside/outside of the zone?
Curious to know.
LOL. My wife LOVES to tease me about this. I cut out strips of the sticky part of a Post-it-Note, and put them on my monitor to indicate the sides of the strike zone. She says "that's like using bumpers in bowling". Don't care. It helps me.
BTW - you said "TV". Have you tried a monitor? That really helped me go from "terrible" to "average".
PS - I'm NOT WS level. I float between 600-699.
Brilliant... lol my wife couldn’t look at me the same after she saw me line up a piece of paper on my phone to play that billiards game.
@Ikasnu said in Question for consistant WS players:
@lazy_toast said in Question for consistant WS players:
I have noticed if im even slightly tired or if my mind is on something else i will not play well. You really have to be 100% focused in the game. So when im tired i just run around Apex
Dude I play my best after play time with the wife and that is no joke. Might have to wear her down to make WS. I don't know if its the adrenaline, or if I'm more relaxed afterwards, but it is literally night and day as far as my play goes.
LMAO that is just awesome. Be like "honey im about to hit WS assume the position". Playtime gets me to tired i have to smoke up alil after before i play DD again
@jz2016cubs said in Question for consistant WS players:
@mitchhammond24 said in Question for consistant WS players:
I’ve only made ws twice this yr cuz I’m bad and washed, but I just use a basic monitor, a basic controller, and a basic ps4, and a basic lan cable. Haven’t experimented with anything
Wait, if you have made WS and you are calling yourself bad, where does that put me? A burning pile of garbage?
Making WS is just the beginning. There’s a whole other dimension of players beyond WS. Back in ‘17, which is the last time I made WS, I got matched up against one of these other dimension players. It was like playing a computer that never misses. Not a lot of fun. These guys are so good it’s like slow pitch softball. If you have an inning where you don’t score, it could cost you the game.
@Guavacado12 said in Question for consistant WS players:
@shuker23 said in Question for consistant WS players:
I got a monitor
has it helped?
It's honestly like a completely different game. Consistently got to WS since upgrading after getting there periodically before hand.
@shuker23 said in Question for consistant WS players:
@Guavacado12 said in Question for consistant WS players:
@shuker23 said in Question for consistant WS players:
I got a monitor
has it helped?
It's honestly like a completely different game. Consistently got to WS since upgrading after getting there periodically before hand.
that's great, last season I got to 837, my best rating of the year, and I hope getting a monitor can get me over the hump.