Dads playing The Show
So, does anyone actually know how to set up a league or do we have to get the kids to set it up for us?
I’m 39 with two kids, 18 and 13yo. So I guess I qualify.
@ComebackLogic said in Dads playing The Show:
I’m 39 with two kids, 18 and 13yo. So I guess I qualify.
Of course you do!!! If we play, please throw me a floater over the heart of the plate. LMAO
@TEXAS10PT said in Dads playing The Show:
@ComebackLogic said in Dads playing The Show:
I’m 39 with two kids, 18 and 13yo. So I guess I qualify.
Of course you do!!! If we play, please throw me a floater over the heart of the plate. LMAO
The game will ensure I do at some point anyway
45 year old dad. My first Baseball games were on Atari and Intellivision. Baseball Stars, Major League, Original baseball all on Nintendo. Yeah pretty much played a lot of baseball games. I have 3 boys 16, 11, and 7 they all have there own PS4
I remember playing 97 Triple Play baseball on the PC with my dad. Played a bunch of MVP 2004 and 2005 baseball a ton. Even really liked OOTP too. Played little league for several years. I even recall a baseball card game a buddy of mine used to play that you could get from card shops. (They only release its for like 3 years from what I remember back in the early 2000s.)
My interest diminished a bit for several years, came back when the Cubs were doing well in 2015 - 2018 and kind of diminished till I really played DD hardcore this year. My first show that I played was 19.
My two boys are very young though, but my oldest is already showing an interest in baseball.
@bostondirtdog21 said in Dads playing The Show:
So, does anyone actually know how to set up a league or do we have to get the kids to set it up for us?
Yeah I’m in several custom leagues....have run a few....I could set it up if we have enough guys interested
@Hbomb_HOF said in Dads playing The Show:
@bostondirtdog21 said in Dads playing The Show:
So, does anyone actually know how to set up a league or do we have to get the kids to set it up for us?
Yeah I’m in several custom leagues....have run a few....I could set it up if we have enough guys interested
How many do we need? I'll cap right?
This thread seems to have gotten a lot of interest - I’m sure we can get quite a few. Especially considering we’re all, ahem, responsible dads.
Btw, real cool reading through all of these. I was starting to think that I was too old and should stop playing and “act my age”. Now I know where to come when I throw a no hitter and can’t exactly tell my work colleagues
@TEXAS10PT said in Dads playing The Show:
@Hbomb_HOF said in Dads playing The Show:
@bostondirtdog21 said in Dads playing The Show:
So, does anyone actually know how to set up a league or do we have to get the kids to set it up for us?
Yeah I’m in several custom leagues....have run a few....I could set it up if we have enough guys interested
How many do we need? I'll cap right?
There is a minimum of 4, max of 30. Only even numbers, that I know of.
@vinnis1 said in Dads playing The Show:
@DeadPhish1976 said in Dads playing The Show:
Love this post! I'm with the rest of you, 43 year old Dad of 2 here. Been playing baseball games since I was very young on the old Intellivision which I believe rivaled Atari at the time. From there graduating to Nintendo and so and and so on. Like some others have mentioned I loved the old game Baseball Stars. Fake teams and fake players but the ability to play a season and track stats and all that was awesome. I did the same as someone else said too, playing RBI baseball and tracking my own stats. My friends and I used to play seasons and track are stats and all that kind of stuff. At one point we even made up a D and D (Dungeons and Dragons) type dice based baseball game. We would have drafts and form teams with baseball cards and had several different types of dice and roll for hits and all that. It was so long ago I can't even remember all the details but we had it down pretty good. We would roll a hundred sided dice and use a players batting average on the back of their card to determine whether they got a hit or not. Like if a guy had a .340 average you would have to roll under 34 on the dice to get a hit. We then had a system similar to that to determine what type of hit it was. Good times!
I get made fun of too by my wife and kids for playing this game and getting as into it as much as I do. I usually play later at night to have more peace and quiet since this game requires so much concentration. I play a lot more now than I used to with more time at home due to the pandemic and all that. I think it would be an awesome idea for a league made of with some of us older guys and I'd definitely be down for that!
WOW Intellivision had the BEST baseball check out "World Series Major League Baseball" For the intellivision ECS it came out 1981/2 AMAZING for its time.
I remember that game! Not sure exactly what year my Dad bought our Intellivision but in 1981/1982 I would've been 5 and 6 years old. I would say I was more like 7 or 8 but I can't remember exactly. It was definitely ahead of it's time though, being able to have a video game system at your house! You used to have to go to this thing called an arcade to play video games....haha. I played all those Intellivision games, the basketball game they had was pretty fun too. I wish I still had that thing, it would be fun to hook up and see what I think of all those games today.
@Hbomb_HOF said in Dads playing The Show:
@bostondirtdog21 said in Dads playing The Show:
So, does anyone actually know how to set up a league or do we have to get the kids to set it up for us?
Yeah I’m in several custom leagues....have run a few....I could set it up if we have enough guys interested
That would be awesome man. I've never been in a league but I think it would be fun. From reading through this thread it seems like we would have a few guys interested at least.
@bostondirtdog21 said in Dads playing The Show:
would be fun as hell knowing that when someone pauses the game, they’re not being jerks, they’re just yelling at their kids hahaha
Or, since it's "over 40", they're just going to pee.
Woo! I'm 56, two kids, both out of the house and gainfully employed. My wife keeps saying "isn't this a kid's game?" NO. I've played RTTS mode heavily forever, but with COVID decided to dip my toes into DD. Love it. Old Farts league? Yes please.
My favorite pre-MLB game is SNK Baseball Stars. That game was WAY ahead of it's time.
Feels weird knowing I'm 28 and one of the younger ones in here. Can't play RS with my kids around that's for sure.
Hbomb....lets set this thing up with no cap on players. I'm decent on All Star but if the group wants HOF I'm up for that to (I'll get killed LOL)
I’m not only a dad but I just became a grandfather. I have twin boys and we loved playing together before they left home to be adults.
I’m not the quickest and sometimes I throw to the wrong base or go after the ball with the wrong player (remembering afterwards to that I should have pressed L2 to switch players) but I love playing the game. I spend my time in franchise mode developing my team year to year.
Talk about an embarrassing confession...🥴
Blind_Bleederreplied to scottswann on Nov 5, 2020, 10:52 PM last edited by Blind_Bleeder_PSN Nov 5, 2020, 11:41 PM
@scottswann said in Dads playing The Show:
I bought my own PS4 exclusively for the The Show. My kids were hogging it too much!
Heh. I did that (I think it was a PS2 though) when SOCOM was out. My boys and I would end up playing teams with one in the bedroom and the other in the front room. It was during that game that my boys gave me my username...
I’d be up for a league. I’ll have to scrap my super heroes team (yeah, a mix of DC and Marvel heroes on one team, using their real names instead of their hero names).
Oops. Tried to delete the post but it wouldn’t let me.