Pout-Quitters: Idea For Dealing w/Them
But then you're earning "online" stats against the CPU.
Just take the 'W' and move on with your life.
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Pout-Quitters: Idea For Dealing w/Them:
The CPU will pitch fastballs in the strike zone for the remainder of the game.
The CPU will not swing under any circumstances.
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Pout-Quitters: Idea For Dealing w/Them:
Opponent quits while losing.
Remaining player given option to take the win immediately or continue playing, with a note that they will not be hit with a loss no matter what.
If play continues, the CPU takes over for the pouter - all stats will count.
The CPU will pitch fastballs in the strike zone for the remainder of the game.
The CPU will not swing under any circumstances.
The pouting player will be hit with a Loss and a Quit. For example, a record of 25 wins, 20 losses will show as 25-20(18) if said player threw 18 tantrums.
This might be one of the most thoughtless posts of the year!
Sometimes a quit is just a quit...
Take the dub and be happy.
If I'm outmatched I will quit. You get the win and it saves you time and I get to match with someone that I have a chance of beating.
Really dont need to change anything...
@mrcityofwin said in Pout-Quitters: Idea For Dealing w/Them:
If I'm outmatched I will quit. You get the win and it saves you time and I get to match with someone that I have a chance of beating.
Really dont need to change anything...
Agreed take the W and proceed.
This is one of the most ridiculous posts I’ve ever seen
Even if this sounded somewhat doable or entertaining, Numbers 4 and 5 completely blew it.
Haha so the CPU just sits there and lets you pad your pitchers stats and on top of that the CPU throws meatballs for your batters to do the same. Yah this is a ridiculous idea.
I agree with everyone else take the W and move on, there are worse things to worry about then someone quitting a video game.
I could get on board with 1 thru 3, and don’t care about 6. But 4 and 5 are just insane.
@asocial_grace said in Pout-Quitters: Idea For Dealing w/Them:
I could get on board with 1 thru 3, and don’t care about 6. But 4 and 5 are just insane.
Assuming that for #3 you are also including the CPU padded stats from after the opponent quit, then #3-5 are some of the worst suggestions I have ever seen brought to the attention of members of this forum.
This is an overly complicated and unnecessary solution to something which barely even qualifies as an issue. The only legitimate complaint regarding opponents quitting mid-game is when it's mid-homerun, which could be even more easily solved by SDS not linking online stats to something like prestige cards, or by them making the stat count the instant contact is made since the game knows what is going to happen.
Plus, with how random the outcome is at times in The Show, it's way better for you when the opponent just throws in the towel. Chances are they would have clawed their way back and made it interesting on some BS anyway.
@PennStateFencer said in Pout-Quitters: Idea For Dealing w/Them:
Assuming that for #3 you are also including the CPU padded stats from after the opponent quit, then #3-5 are some of the worst suggestions I have ever seen brought to the attention of members of this forum.
This is an overly complicated and unnecessary solution to something which barely even qualifies as an issue. The only legitimate complaint regarding opponents quitting mid-game is when it's mid-homerun, which could be even more easily solved by SDS not linking online stats to something like prestige cards, or by them making the stat count the instant contact is made since the game knows what is going to happen.
Plus, with how random the outcome is at times in The Show, it's way better for you when the opponent just throws in the towel. Chances are they would have clawed their way back and made it interesting on some BS anyway.
Letting you continue against CPU ok. All stats after quit, counts as online stats.
Madden used to have something like this when your opponent quit. Gave you the option to continue against CPU. -
@mrcityofwin said in Pout-Quitters: Idea For Dealing w/Them:
If I'm outmatched I will quit. You get the win and it saves you time and I get to match with someone that I have a chance of beating.
Really dont need to change anything...
Exactly. If I'm getting beat by a far superior player, why continue. Some say keep playing to get better. Im sure that if I keep playing I won't better, I get worse because Im frustrated, so I quit. No need to continue.
Pardon my french but this is a [censored] retarted post,
@drg179 said in Pout-Quitters: Idea For Dealing w/Them:
Pardon my french but this is a [censored] retarted post,
The irony in this post
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Pout-Quitters: Idea For Dealing w/Them:
Opponent quits while losing.
Remaining player given option to take the win immediately or continue playing, with a note that they will not be hit with a loss no matter what.
If play continues, the CPU takes over for the pouter - all stats will count.
The CPU will pitch fastballs in the strike zone for the remainder of the game.
The CPU will not swing under any circumstances.
The pouting player will be hit with a Loss and a Quit. For example, a record of 25 wins, 20 losses will show as 25-20(18) if said player threw 18 tantrums.
LMAO you're sad
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