How do you deal with the emotional trauma of sucking it online?
@eatyum said in How do you deal with the emotional trauma of sucking it online?:
Idk, it's just something I simply don't think about anymore, I still get slightly annoyed, but I realized it just ruined my mood to dwell on it, I play if I'm having fun, I stop if I don't.
What @eatyum said.
I rarely play online and if I do; it's in BR or Events where my record doesn't matter and only if I need a certain Daily.
Heck I just got 99 Trout and haven't played one H2H game with him yet.
I may jump into RS at the end of year; but by then it will only be because all offline content is completed
Heh! I totally feel you, bro! This is the first year where I've played online fairly consistently. I feel like I am as good as you explained: can't hit squat, other dudes destroy me, I am always feeling like I need to avoid the mercy rule in RS, etc.
While I was enjoying trying to prestige some of my cards' stats while playing online, I quickly realized that I have no real skill online. It's like you said - any time I get a solid hit I feel it's just dumb luck. I'd say more than 50% of my online wins (RS & Events) have come from quits and disconnects. I'd say I've won about 10 RS games fair and square. Same goes for Events. I have no clue how to use the PCI. I've tried it, but can't stay with it long enough to get comfortable and go back to directional.
So what I do now is I go into every online game knowing I will lose - just make it a given. So if I do win, I feel great about it! Even if I'm up I still count on losing. But if I somehow pull off the win, it's very satisfying! When I have won big in rare occasions, I then realize how it feels to play against me! Lolz!
In any case, by having this "loser mentality," I've had tons of fun playing online! Unfortunately, that also means I rarely can prestige my cards that need the prestigin'.
I only have 4 Prestiged cards. Workin' on getting Paxton prestiged but still got a-ways to go.
But hang in there! Losing sucks but have some fun with it and change up your expectations and see if that helps! Good luck, yo!
Yah, I think I just need to change my mentality. I have this dream of prestiging cards (oh, he’d be amazing when prestiged!), yet I only have Henke prestiged... no hitters are really all that close. Thanks for the post though... I just have to keep it all in perspective and enjoy myself. Otherwise what’s the point in playing, right?
I get it. My online average is .179 and I strike out at least 16 times a game. Im just terrible, and have ZERO clue how to change it.
Read all the tips, watched the videos, nothing works.
I just play games in hopes I get lucky and win, but otherwise, it's a waste of time. Not quite sure why I even play. -
@InigoMontoya_75 said in How do you deal with the emotional trauma of sucking it online?:
Yah, I think I just need to change my mentality. I have this dream of prestiging cards (oh, he’d be amazing when prestiged!), yet I only have Henke prestiged... no hitters are really all that close. Thanks for the post though... I just have to keep it all in perspective and enjoy myself. Otherwise what’s the point in playing, right?
practice makes perfect mate...... you will get there if you play enough trust me
Lolz! Henke was the 1st guy I was able to prestige! (Or maybe after I managed to prestige Roy O. - not sure..was neck-and-neck.) But he’s 1 of my only 4.
@InigoMontoya_75 said in How do you deal with the emotional trauma of sucking it online?:
Serious question. I’m terrible online. I play offline a lot and do okay. But online... I’ll go event games with no hits. Half my wins are guys quitting or losing connection. I can’t catch up to a good fastball to save my life, and couldn’t recognize a slider vs a cutter until my PS4 tells me what pitch I just missed. Most of my hits feel like I simply “guessed right”. Sometimes just feels so frustrating to even bother with online play...
And, rant over... play ball!
I just remind myself it's just a game and meant for fun and relaxation. I'm horrible at online so mainly stick to offline play where I can enjoy it.
Baseball is all about patience and how well you deal with failure. Since you're playing the role of every player on the team, there's a lot of failure to go around between pitching and hitting. You are guaranteed to make an out 27 times in a game, and you will probably be lit up for at least 4-6 runs a game on average. Accepting this is the first step. You must be able to hit off-speed pitches and the only way this happens outside of luck hits is with patience and practice. You have to start your swing later. I like to hit off the slider, in other words, I look for the slider (or mid-range speed pitch if the guy doesn't have a slider) on nearly every pitch. When it comes and it's in my hitting zone, I'm ready. When I get a fastball, I can speed up my swing, and when it's a slower offspeed, I can delay longer. If I'm in a fastball count, 2-0 or 3-1, I look for it. Players who stink can usually only hit fastballs with any consistency because they are swinging for a fastball on every pitch, so the adjustment to delay the swing is very difficult when you're starting your swing so early. Also, if you're not using a monitor with a 1 ms response time, the game is extremely difficult and virtually impossible to ever become an above-average player. Nearly every other game you can get away with much higher response time, but baseball requires precision. Not a fan of directional hitting and I cannot do PCI. I'm consistently capped around 700 in DD, I think the PCI swing is a necessity to get to WS level and I'll never be able to do it but I still play good baseball. I like pure analog using the flick of the right stick. This allows you to focus entirely on getting a good pitch to hit and your swing timing. Best way to get better is to practice hitting off-speed pitches by trying to only hit them and taking the heaters and sinkers. Watch the pitcher, not the strike zone, and try to pick up the pitch out of their hand by watching their arm action.
This is the most positive thread I’ve read in this community in a long time and I love it. No toxic people, no douchebags, just genuine folks. That’s all! I enjoyed relating to a lot of the dudes here because I suck too!!!
@writetoshawn said in How do you deal with the emotional trauma of sucking it online?:
This is the most positive thread I’ve read in this community in a long time and I love it. No toxic people, no douchebags, just genuine folks. That’s all! I enjoyed relating to a lot of the dudes here because I suck too!!!
I will be the first to admit I stink at the game and thus why I play mostly offline. It's my first year playing and very proud I made it to all star level in RS. I'm not ashamed to be an offline player or that I enjoy playing it that way. It's all about having fun, enjoying the game and there's no right or wrong way to play (not including cheating).
@writetoshawn said in How do you deal with the emotional trauma of sucking it online?:
This is the most positive thread I’ve read in this community in a long time and I love it. No toxic people, no douchebags, just genuine folks. That’s all! I enjoyed relating to a lot of the dudes here because I suck too!!!
I was also pleasantly surprised by this thread.
Just keep at it guys. Online is a whole different animal. Try to remember you’re playing an actual person and look for their flaws. Do they repeat pitch selection? Do they struggle with off speed in the dirt or can’t catch up to high heat? Your first two or three innings are as much about identifying your opponents flaws as they are playing baseball. Try to find their weaknesses and exploit them, but also realize your opponent will be doing the same. If you chase off speed in the dirt, you’re going to keep seeing it until you stop. If you can’t hit a fastball, you’ll be seeing a lot of them.
Ultimately, it’s just a video game so just have fun! I almost always play at my best when I’m relaxed and not taking it too seriously.
Wow a Post where RNG isn't blamed for the sub-par performance.... props to the OP
Just keep playing through the years until you can hold your own I'm not the best upper 700s for me but I'm have an above .500 record and am at the threshold of championship series...your going to lose...get blown out...or get disconnected...or lose on a walk off error or squeeze play but just keep plugging
Last year was my first year playing and I have played a lot this year. Hitting seemed impossible at times and still does sometimes. I also watched a few YouTube videos read some tips but ultimately the one thing I heard was you just have to play the game and play it a lot and as you do like most things it will start coming to you. If you're not using analog to pitching start, it will dramatically increase your ability to control the ball and make you a far better pitcher also in my experience its been easier to become a better pitcher than hitter. If you're confident that you can limit your opponent it becomes a little leas stressful at the plate and, a little confidence goes a long way. Then just play spend more time playing online RS opposed to any other mode it plays different and it seems to be the hardest mode to be successful in. Last thing numbers dont lie check your online hitting stats and start identifying what types of hitters work for you I bet you will see a trend of similar swings use those guys. Not all but a lot of these players who seem to effortlessly crush everything have been playing a long time. Last thing dont let the meter run when searching for games in RS stop it so it will pair you with someone at your level you will typically have a pretty even matchup,
Even when you’re good or decent, this game still pisses you off.
Just try to stay calm and work on getting better. Don’t take it too serious.
Honestly, it gets said a lot on here, but a monitor really helps with hitting.
I also use Kontrol freeks on my controller. I use precision rings too. Some people don’t like them. You have to break them in before they are useful.
Basically anything to get better. I’ve realized with this game if you play daily it’s easier to hit. If you take a week or a few days off, it can throw off everything.
The last thing, hitting is completely nerfed for some reason at the moment. Results feel random and that’s disappointing this late in the year.
I’ve played a lot of really good players the last week, and even most of them are looking bad at the plate.
Keep at it man!
@InigoMontoya_75 said in How do you deal with the emotional trauma of sucking it online?:
stion. I’m terrible online. I play offline a lot and do okay. But online... I’ll go event games with no hits. Half my wins are guys quitting or losing connection. I can’t catch up to a good fastball to save my life, and coul
This sounds EXACTLY like me. Are you reading my mind? I am VERY bad. If I am having a good game, it makes my day.
Work on moving the PCI slightly next game you have. Instead of pointing it or over doing it. Just slight movement towards the direction you’re going. And take pitches. Even if you K sometimes.
@allmustfall16 said in How do you deal with the emotional trauma of sucking it online?:
Work on moving the PCI slightly next game you have. Instead of pointing it or over doing it. Just slight movement towards the direction you’re going. And take pitches. Even if you K sometimes.
this is great advice for those starting out - patience is truly a virtue in this game
@InigoMontoya_75 said in How do you deal with the emotional trauma of sucking it online?:
I’m terrible online. I play offline a lot and do okay.
I'm exactly the same. I do play online to try and earn stars, prestige players, etc. I can win an occasional game. I wish I was better... but given my age and declining hand/eye coordination, I'll never be an "A player" online.
I'm guessing there a lot of us out here. And it's ok! There's still a lot to like about DD without having to excel at on-line. So... chin up. Don't stress about it. Of course, I say "don't stress", but I have actually broken 2 controllers earlier in the year due to my online "terribleness".
OR... it could simply be because you're using your controller wrong:
Inigo: You are wonderful.
Westley: Thank you; I've worked hard to become so.
Inigo: I admit it, you are better than I am.
Westley: Then why are you smiling?
Inigo: Because I know something you don't know.
Westley: And what is that?
Inigo: I am not left-handed. -
Another thing that helped me switch from Directional to Zone is that I left me PCI in a set spot each at bat and didn't swing until the ball was in that spot.
Yes I struck out slot looking. But it also helped me to eventually learn how to track the ball.
You also have to try not to '[censored]' the stick that controls the PCI when you do hit the button to swing.
Something that may help you is to try to practice using Zone in Practice Mode.
Try Legend setting and Guess Pitch.
Select the pitchers main pitch and a certain part of the Zone and sit there.
If you guess correctly; then you'll know where the pitch is heading. If you don't guess correctly then you can follow the movement.