Britton or McGee???
I currently have Britton in my pen, and my pen is loaded:
Sig Franco
Sig Smoltz
Sig ChapmanI love Britton, and I have roughly a 2ERA with 1 save in 12IP with him. I love his pitch selection, too. But, with that being said, he's basically double the price of McGee. Do I sell Britton to save stubs and get McGee? I love Brittons pitch selection, and McGee only having 3 pitches kinda scares me. Any reviews on McGee or input is appreciated! Thank you!
I’ve wanted both for the longest time so I’m interested to see the replies. Britton I should’ve snagged for 40k a month plus ago. I regret it
McGee has been my best reliever so far this year, and I have Sig Chapman, Gagne, Rollie, Rodney, Dibble, etc. I just feel really confident every time I use him. Haven't used Britton though so I can't compare apples to apples, but I'd highly recommend McGee.
Same situation here. Never used Britton but have McGee. I’ve done well rotating he and Wagner as my lefties in the pen. You could buy him first and try him before you sell Britton in case you don’t like him.
I had Britton get smacked around.
I'm a big fan of AS Miller but that's probably out of budget.
McGee, Britton is way less effective this year because they changed his delivery (used to be deceptive, not anymore).
I've had both. I like McGee more. Lively fastball and breaking stuff that you can dot with, unlike Britton. I find the less pitches, the better with pen' arms. For example, Dibble only has 3 pitches, but they're all elite with the speed differentials.
McGee is basically a lefty version of Dibble.
You've got a good amount of sinkers so maybe try McGee first, I rarely face either but I have heard several people say that Britton's new delivery hurts him. How do you like that new Smoltz CP?
Britton sucks for me wish i didnt lock him him ..
Bob_Loblaw1984wrote on Aug 26, 2020, 1:14 AM last edited by Bob_Loblaw1984_PSN Aug 26, 2020, 1:15 AM
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I had both. McGee lost his spot to the 94 Wagner.
I’ve got McGee and he’s surprised me with how good he’s been with just the 3 pitch mix. Haven’t used Britton this year, but have faced him and he’s more hittable this year than in years past. I remember when Britton just absolutely dominated in the show 17!
Both are good. Stay with Britton. Less people have him, so fewer see him.
Mcgee for me too
@doomtrain69 said in Britton or McGee???:
You've got a good amount of sinkers so maybe try McGee first, I rarely face either but I have heard several people say that Britton's new delivery hurts him. How do you like that new Smoltz CP?
I like Smoltz alot. I think he's better as a CP than SP because you can use him in small doses. As always, though, gotta mix pitches and locate, but so far so good!
I prefer Mcgee to the 94 wagner just seemed to be a little more deceptive. We'll see if I like the 99 wagner better if only I could buy him.