Britton or McGee???
I've had both. I like McGee more. Lively fastball and breaking stuff that you can dot with, unlike Britton. I find the less pitches, the better with pen' arms. For example, Dibble only has 3 pitches, but they're all elite with the speed differentials.
McGee is basically a lefty version of Dibble.
You've got a good amount of sinkers so maybe try McGee first, I rarely face either but I have heard several people say that Britton's new delivery hurts him. How do you like that new Smoltz CP?
Britton sucks for me wish i didnt lock him him ..
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I had both. McGee lost his spot to the 94 Wagner.
I’ve got McGee and he’s surprised me with how good he’s been with just the 3 pitch mix. Haven’t used Britton this year, but have faced him and he’s more hittable this year than in years past. I remember when Britton just absolutely dominated in the show 17!
Both are good. Stay with Britton. Less people have him, so fewer see him.
Mcgee for me too
@doomtrain69 said in Britton or McGee???:
You've got a good amount of sinkers so maybe try McGee first, I rarely face either but I have heard several people say that Britton's new delivery hurts him. How do you like that new Smoltz CP?
I like Smoltz alot. I think he's better as a CP than SP because you can use him in small doses. As always, though, gotta mix pitches and locate, but so far so good!
I prefer Mcgee to the 94 wagner just seemed to be a little more deceptive. We'll see if I like the 99 wagner better if only I could buy him.