Who can you not pitch with, but also not hit?
Maddux but I bought him back and am figuring him out so might Change
Paxton but only because i'm not trying and if i was trying i'd hit him every time !
Seaver, I get lit the f up every time I try to use him, but I can't hit him at all
Newhouser i can not hit, and not saying i am awful with him, but his command is so bad that a real patient player will light me up, because i have to work the middle of the strike zone just to throw strikes.
I’m terrible with Newhouser. I get lit up every time I have used him to the point that I may pull him. I can’t hit him until after a few innings when I get the timing down but if I fall behind early I’m screwed haha
most lefty starters for me get killed unless its a lefty lefty matchup
Seaver - I Can't hit his sinker at all and mine gets shelled.
maddux & snell
I don't play that much online, other than trying to complete missions. I think I'm 0-6 with Jon Lester.
@Jholla31 said in Who can you not pitch with, but also not hit?:
I probably have a 10+ ERA with POTM James Paxton, but I feel like he always has a chance to no hit me when he faces me.
Oh i can pitch my [censored] off. Almost threw a shutout last night in RS with a silver dimaondback player just to complete a challenge. Hitting on the other hand is a challenge. I am late on every fastball. No matter the card i cant hit to save my live
@lazy_toast said in Who can you not pitch with, but also not hit?:
@Jholla31 said in Who can you not pitch with, but also not hit?:
I probably have a 10+ ERA with POTM James Paxton, but I feel like he always has a chance to no hit me when he faces me.
Oh i can pitch my [censored] off. Almost threw a shutout last night in RS with a silver dimaondback player just to complete a challenge. Hitting on the other hand is a challenge. I am late on every fastball. No matter the card i cant hit to save my live
EDIT: I read the post wrong my bad