More offline grinds
As a mainly offline player, I would like to see a mix of Moments/Conquest from '19 with the long-term grinds of Programs from '18. Fingers crossed.
I hate H2H play, so anything I can do to avoid playing people is good for me. But I'm not holding my breath.
Yeah man, play the Rockies or the Orioles on rookie at Coors Field all day every day, go crazy, no one is stopping you.
The custom leagues looks interesting now. Maybe you can run a league using mlb teams and your DD team or something. We will know Thursday
It's complicated with offline grind, on one hand, I enjoyed getting some stats, but overall, it was a drag playing at Coors/Rookie on repeat.
I found ‘18’s version to be best. The offline grind is the only reason I play. I found it very fun & challenging. Certain I could do without of course but moments & conquest was not a good substitution.
It's tough for me. I play mostly online, so of course I dug moments so much more than beating the computer into the ground on Rookie at Polo with a lineup full of cards I didn't care about for 20 full 9 inning games. Placing myself in an offline player's shoes, though, I can see how they found moments too short and unrewarding and anticlimactic. I don't really know what the right answer is to satisfy both, maybe give folks the option to either complete moments or grind against the CPU?
@XiX_85 said in More offline grinds:
I found ‘18’s version to be best. The offline grind is the only reason I play. I found it very fun & challenging. Certain I could do without of course but moments & conquest was not a good substitution.
I was exactly the opposite. I was done with MLB 18 by May with maybe 50 hours played. The grinds and collections killed it for me.
I hated that the game basically constantly forced you to bench the players you worked hard for or were lucky enough to obtain so that you could gain stats with some bronze or silver card. I don't want to bench those players.
@Dolenz said in More offline grinds:
@XiX_85 said in More offline grinds:
I found ‘18’s version to be best. The offline grind is the only reason I play. I found it very fun & challenging. Certain I could do without of course but moments & conquest was not a good substitution.
I was exactly the opposite. I was done with MLB 18 by May with maybe 50 hours played. The grinds and collections killed it for me.
I hated that the game basically constantly forced you to bench the players you worked hard for or were lucky enough to obtain so that you could gain stats with some bronze or silver card. I don't want to bench those players.
I think a lot of people, myself included, liked having a reason to use different lesser flashbacks. That’s why I think they should’ve incorpated a small stat collecting mission for every card you obtained through team affinity this year.
I’m all for moments taking the place of single game missions, but cumulative stat missions need to come back.
& last years wasn’t user friendly. The entire setup was awful.
I loved 2017, especially after they eliminated most of the need for online to complete the programs. In '18, I got burnt out keeping spreadsheets to try to keep track of where I was in the programs and trying to obtain very hard outcomes with crappy cards (never did quite get the Ruth program finished). I do love the stat grinds and I would like to see them return, but I definitely don't want to see a return to '18s model.
I wish 90% of the content would work like the final program and be achievable online, offline, conquest, stat based missions or whatever way people want to complete it. They SHOULD NOT be timed and require every single type of mode every single time.
10% should then be specific to a certain mode and require quite a lengthy grind as a reward for people who play that mode over the others.
I hope they do something this year for the offline players. Conquest is OK and Moments are, eh, but, I miss the stat grinds. They gave us a taste of it with the final Inning program by having stats in Conquest. Give us more of that! Give us a reason to keep (and use) all those All-Star, Hardware, Rookie, etc., cards.
Not many liked the grind of 18, myself included. But I do think a form of stat grinding will be gd. Accumulating stats online, thru conquest and some offline stuff for those that like offline.
Moments are boring and in my case if I didn't finish it in whatever amount of time it became increasingly frustrating!!
And one more thing make conquest different tiers. Make rewards or the amount ofstubs more. Like different tiers: play rookie this amount, vet a little more, All star more etc. That way it's more of a challenge and better rewards to push people to their limit. IMO -
Hopefully they get rid of all offline grinds for DD. If your scared to play online do franchise.
@yanksthebest said in More offline grinds:
Hopefully they get rid of all offline grinds for DD. If your scared to play online do franchise.
It always puzzles me with these type of posts and the other end of the spectrum that turn their nose at DD and those that play it Like, guys there is a middle ground.
@eatyum said in More offline grinds:
@yanksthebest said in More offline grinds:
Hopefully they get rid of all offline grinds for DD. If your scared to play online do franchise.
It always puzzles me with these type of posts and the other end of the spectrum that turn their nose at DD and those that play it Like, guys there is a middle ground.
It's a troll post, #1 who is scared to play online? #2 Franchise is nothing like DD so not sure how that is a substitute. #3 SDS largely ignores franchise so clearly they want us to play DD.
I dont play online because I hate people, people with [censored] poor attitudes, basically guys like this troll. Here on the forums I can block him, but you can block people all you want on PSN and still get matched up with them.
@nflman2033 said in More offline grinds:
@eatyum said in More offline grinds:
@yanksthebest said in More offline grinds:
Hopefully they get rid of all offline grinds for DD. If your scared to play online do franchise.
It always puzzles me with these type of posts and the other end of the spectrum that turn their nose at DD and those that play it Like, guys there is a middle ground.
It's a troll post, #1 who is scared to play online? #2 Franchise is nothing like DD so not sure how that is a substitute. #3 SDS largely ignores franchise so clearly they want us to play DD.
I dont play online because I hate people, people with [censored] poor attitudes, basically guys like this troll. Here on the forums I can block him, but you can block people all you want on PSN and still get matched up with them.
Not trying to start anything but what do you mean by people with poor attitudes? Like how they play the game?
@cvogsfashow said in More offline grinds:
@nflman2033 said in More offline grinds:
@eatyum said in More offline grinds:
@yanksthebest said in More offline grinds:
Hopefully they get rid of all offline grinds for DD. If your scared to play online do franchise.
It always puzzles me with these type of posts and the other end of the spectrum that turn their nose at DD and those that play it Like, guys there is a middle ground.
It's a troll post, #1 who is scared to play online? #2 Franchise is nothing like DD so not sure how that is a substitute. #3 SDS largely ignores franchise so clearly they want us to play DD.
I dont play online because I hate people, people with [censored] poor attitudes, basically guys like this troll. Here on the forums I can block him, but you can block people all you want on PSN and still get matched up with them.
Not trying to start anything but what do you mean by people with poor attitudes? Like how they play the game?
Cheese players exploiting every AI issue, then getting messages from people who when I get lucky and win a game and told I am a terrible player who should have lost and only won because I had all immortals. And with messages off they send a friend request with their toxic message. I can go on and on, I know you all love H2H, but you guys take winning and losing too seriously like it's the end of the world to take a loss. So I don't play, it's not worth it. Yes it's not every game. And if there wasnt cheesers or bad attitude guys I'd probably feel different. but I am also not buying a monitor to gain an advantage either. Oh and let's not even talk about lead offs.
I agree about the 11th inning program. It was fun for me to be strategic about my lineups to achieve those stat missions in conquest, and got good rewards for doing it. I think that just having innings as the only stat requirement for T affinity is boring. I’m also ok with moments, except for the tuning was super off on them and I thought your innings should count towards DD stats and TA. I wouldn’t mind seeing stat missions come back in part, but the full your lineup with 3rd basemen and play a half an inning on rookie is something I hope to never have to repeat.