Shoeless Joe Jackson
Get the rights to release Shoeless Joe SDS. Would be amazing.
What are some pre WW2 players you guys would like to see them add to the game?
My other two would be Hank Greenberg and Charlie Gehringer.
Imagine one day if this game as 100 more legends..
I suggested a negro league series. Could be something like the HDR packs.
I wonder if that's even possible. Guys like Joe and Pete Rose all banned from MLB, would they be able to put them in a licensed game? Topps doesn't make cards of Pete Rose.
Is Shoeless Joe still banned by MLB?
@allmustfall16 said in Shoeless Joe Jackson:
Get the rights to release Shoeless Joe SDS. Would be amazing.
What are some pre WW2 players you guys would like to see them add to the game?
My other two would be Hank Greenberg and Charlie Gehringer.
Imagine one day if this game as 100 more legends..
Also, having a barefoot option with the cleat customization would be awesome too.
@MikeForbes101 said in Shoeless Joe Jackson:
Is Shoeless Joe still banned by MLB?
If he is that’s bs he hit over .400 in that series and my great great uncle pitched in that series against him and gave up like 6 hits to him
@WarriorsAreCool7 said in Shoeless Joe Jackson:
@MikeForbes101 said in Shoeless Joe Jackson:
Is Shoeless Joe still banned by MLB?
If he is that’s bs he hit over .400 in that series and my great great uncle pitched in that series against him and gave up like 6 hits to him
He’s still banned. He had 12 hits and committed zero errors. It’s a shame one of the top 5 hitters of all time still isn’t allowed in the HOF.
I think he was the only player that actually went all out in that World Series.
@imnotThatg00d_94 said in Shoeless Joe Jackson:
I think he was the only player that actually went all out in that World Series.
Buck Weaver did as well.
There’s so many pre ww2 players I’d want to see added, but I’ll name just a few of the more interesting ones:
Grover Cleveland Alexander, one of the best pitchers of all time, would have a 99 sig SP as well as a 85+ reliever card for his work in the 1926 World Series.
Bob Muesel was a forgotten member of the 1920s Yankees who was just as fearsome a hitter as anybody in the league except Ruth. He would likely be a 95-97 overall.
Dazzy Vance didn’t break out until he was 31 - but then proceeded to dominate the National League during the most prolific hitting era ever. He would be a 96-98 SP with outlier.
Smoky Joe Wood had a good pitching career before arm injuries derailed him. He decided to become an outfielder, and he had a decent end to his career. He would have two cards again, and his signature pitcher card would be a pitcher who rakes.
Finally there’s all of the negro league players that have been mentioned in a ton of other threads. Satchel Paige, Josh Gibson, Cool Papa Bell, Buck Leonard, and every single legend. Those would be the coolest.
I think they need to do the pre ww2 pitchers a favor and help their wind ups a little, I’m for realism, but since they’re giving every pitcher a sinker, why not give Johnson a quicker wind up.
After watching Field of Dreams again I need him in this game!
Carl Hubbel
Its really too bad that Shoeless Joe was banned from baseball. From everything I’ve seen he was reluctant to join in on the scandal and was forced into it by his teammates and the Gamblers/Mob types that they were working for.
@Therealest_JB said in Shoeless Joe Jackson:
Carl Hubbel
I wanted to put him in my post but I didn’t really have enough space. He would probably be a dominant pitcher with the screwball, a hard fastball, and they would most likely give him a sinker/slider/changeup combo, plus his high /9’s.
And there would have to be a moments extreme mission where you strike out Ruth, Gehrig, Foxx, and 2 other fill in legends (since they don’t have the rights to Al Simmons or Joe Cronin).
Al Simmons, Chuck Klein, Hugh Duffy, Sam Thompson, Chief Bender, Silver King.
Sadly, you will never see Shoeless Joe Jackson in MLB the Show because he is banned and I doubt there is anything that will change that. If I remember right, a few years ago when Bud Selig was commissioner of baseball, this was brought to him and he flat out said Jackson will not be reinstated under his watch and this is close to 100 years later. I highly doubt anyone after will do it either. It's too bad because he was one of the games best hitters and would be a beast of a card.
I don't think the league will tolerate a banned player appearing in their game. You'd have to do a Reggie Stocker tier workaround, and it won't be as obvious as Reggie was since he was an active player. As for NBL players, that would not only be cool, but it would be something the league would jump at. Of course you'd have to get the permissions from a healthy number of long since passed players. Of course, I'm a fan of most players from other leagues getting in. Imagine if they worked with NPB and got the rights to guys like Sadaharu Oh.
I would like to see Old Hoss. He would break the max on stamina easily. If Vet Cy has 125 Old Hoss would have 150 stamina. Plus he should be able to hand the bat a little bit with a .235 average. He would need a quirk that is only for him. Also he is known for this