at this point in the year, what's your RS record?
I play almost no RS this year so I am at a beastly 10-5.
(But that’s a 2:1 win/loss ratio).
23-24 🤮🤮🤮
I’m about 150-70. I started off really hot and then hit a really bad slump for about a month. Back on track now winning more than losing.
A very average 315-285
21-1, albeit I’ve been playing in the 400s and 500s I just don’t feel like competing to get to WS this year.
108-92 or something in that range. I outhit my opponent 6 out of 7 times but still manage 500.
220-15, not bad
92-78. If i could hit consistently I'd be a lot better my pitching carries me.
73-56, trash.
RS been a rough go lately so sticking to events where I suck just as equally but it's over faster
55 - 71.
Plenty of quits in there too for inning grinds for TA.
I'm always kind of glad I have a losing record. Makes people underestimate me a bit and slack a bit sometimes. (Note that only matters if I can actually hit that particular game.)
24-25. I'm ok with it, first year playing online.
My record is... not good. Something like 60-80, ballparking it. It is my first year playing online and I would quit quite a bit in May and June whenever I ran into toxic players, but I've been sticking it out more and more - and getting incrementally better - over the last 6 weeks.
44-22, been doing alot more events lately and getting my [censored] kicked but 9 inning rs im able to scrape by and scratch out just enough hits.
15-2 lol. yes, taking this year off so far. And still lost twice in the low levels. Maybe I should take off.
120ish - 77 ish, I can win the games to get to high divisions but then I’m .500 after that
My God, I must play too much. I think I've played 800 RS games since March corona virus
47-24, meh. My hitting is still far too inconsistent. Pitching is usually pretty good, but when I’m not pitching well, it gets ugly fast with that lackluster offense.
I’m 40-17....ten of those losses are from disconnects. Pretty heartbreaking
I’d have a nice record if that weren’t the case
I’m 16-5 which I’m proud of at my age lol but I play events more trying to get those 15 stars because it’s quicker