Constant “Network Error” is killing this game for me
@ScaryLarito said in Constant “Network Error” is killing this game for me:
@grandchamp3500 said in Constant “Network Error” is killing this game for me:
i dont get why someone has to get a loss for it, its not like i quit out of the game. they should just void network error games, at least that would take the sting away a little bit
There lies the fine line in all of this. Opponents get pissy when you don’t say yes to friendly quit. You chose to play in Ranked. Didn’t get the result you wanted? Tough. Handle it like an adult.
I had a game in hand the other night and every 2-5 mins the game would just freeze in the middle of a thrown pitch. Then I’d hear the sound of the bat hit it, 3-5 seconds later it was sitting on the base of the wall. Another few seconds I’d see it was actually an out. Then the game disconnects and I get the L.
It wasn’t my home network, ISP or a bad cable. I work in IT Security for a living and I know my home network speed and gear inside and out.
However, this much is true - it is both the fault of SDS’s poorly configured server infrastructure and the cheap NIC card that Sony chose to put in the PlayStation console. None of these instances should result in a loss.
If friendly quits are accepted as a wash, then server disconnects should result as if the game was never played. There is no other way to put that.
That's a super flawed take. You're opening the door for people to disconnect their LAN cable once they're about to lose a game. In which case the person winning gets hosed and completely wasted 45 minutes of their life thanks to a horrible opponent. Trust me you do not want this to be engineered into online play. You and others will be singing a different tune if it were to happen.
Same Thing is happening to me with the network connection errors.
Another day, another disconnect. SDS, I see you've been responding to some folks. Please tell me what’s going on? It’s NOT my internet! I’m even hardwired in. I’ve had more disconnects in the last 20 days than the last 5 years!! If this continues there will be no reason for me to keep playing.
Another day, another network error.
Another day another network error! I’m 3 points away from the Trienen card but I can’t get him cuz I can’t get through a game without a network error. I’ve tried 5 times now. But if you check my history you’ll only see one try, cuz PCU games don’t register when there’s a network error......apparently. SDS, I’m gonna post on this thread every single time it happens until you address it. This is absurd. It’s not my net!! ALL my devices work fine without interruption!! Please please do something!
3 disconnects within20 minutes!
I've been getting this issue too... i bought a new Ethernet cord and everything. i get 750 MBPS and my ping is 13... i should not be losing connection
Your WiFi sucks bro. End of story
someone call the [censored] waaaaaaaaambulance already- first world problems are so tragic
@Mickdrenalen said in Constant “Network Error” is killing this game for me:
Your WiFi sucks bro. End of story
I’m hard wired in bro! I’ve got the best internet around.
Another day another disconnect. It let me play long enough to complete 4 Cargo Evolution challenges. So I though maybe it’ll let me get a cpu game in so I can complete the Trienen program. Nope.....disconnected in the 1st inning. I said it once I’ll say it again, this game is a polished piece of [censored]!
Credit where credits due. It let me play long enough to get the Cargo program card just now. We’ll see about online play....
SDS.......job well done. No disconnects tonight.
Guess I spoke too soon....
Just played an event game. Didn’t even make through the top half of the first before I got disconnected. I got the win, but also a disconnect card. SDS......put the ganja down, and fix your game. Jeez
I get the frustration. But I hate to tell you, it’s got to be on your end.
Call your internet provider. I was having issues. Found out they changed some things systematically and I needed a new filter, so it was a physical change that gave me what I needed.
@bhall09 said in Constant “Network Error” is killing this game for me:
I get the frustration. But I hate to tell you, it’s got to be on your end.
Negative sir! Net is fine. All devices work without interruption.
@Ikasnu said in Constant “Network Error” is killing this game for me:
Call your internet provider. I was having issues. Found out they changed some things systematically and I needed a new filter, so it was a physical change that gave me what I needed.
I’ll try that thanks!
Hello, I never had that issue when hardwired at home and recently came to my in-laws and it happens to me once or twice a day.
The ultimate kick in the nuts, it happened to me down 4 runs to a Final Showdown Boss. Yes, ALL was lost...
Has to be a local network thing.