SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake
I prefer to keep it where it is and just fix dashboarding.
An alternative might be to only require innings online for hitters and pitchers both. 500 for hitters seems reasonable. Maybe 100 for pitchers.
@GradektheBard said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
And until they admit it was a mistake and change it, I (and many others) will keep making this suggestion. I think you are vastly underestimating the size of the “offline” customer base.
I think we as outsiders have no idea what the size of the offline customer base is.
I think SDS knows the size down to the person. And any speculation about base size either way is just that: speculation.Also, and this can't be overstated: this is a business and SDS has a financial incentive to push online play. Frankly, they deserve kudos for making as much of the card catalog offline-acquirable as it is.
@Hikes83 said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
@GradektheBard said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
@Hikes83 said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
Welcome to the weekly @GradektheBard complaint about online prestiging
And until they admit it was a mistake and change it, I (and many others) will keep making this suggestion. I think you are vastly underestimating the size of the “offline” customer base.
They don’t owe you or anyone any admission. They chose to go that route. Does it work perfectly? Of course it doesn’t. Even I get annoyed about how it plays out but I’m not gonna complain and expect them to come out and specifically admit that what they did was wrong? No business would. What you’re expecting from them is assinine
They effectively did in 17 when they moved all the programs to any mode after like the second set.
I think prestiging online is how it should be, but the dashboarding issue needs to be fixed for it to remain like that.
@GradektheBard said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
@Hikes83 said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
@GradektheBard said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
@Hikes83 said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
Welcome to the weekly @GradektheBard complaint about online prestiging
And until they admit it was a mistake and change it, I (and many others) will keep making this suggestion. I think you are vastly underestimating the size of the “offline” customer base.
They don’t owe you or anyone any admission. They chose to go that route. Does it work perfectly? Of course it doesn’t. Even I get annoyed about how it plays out but I’m not gonna complain and expect them to come out and specifically admit that what they did was wrong? No business would. What you’re expecting from them is assinine
They effectively did in 17 when they moved all the programs to any mode after like the second set.
That was the Griffey Jr year where upgrading him was locked behind a paywall(online) I was gifted some PSN 30 day trials in order to complete all the griffey stuff. Was not fun but I did it. I have PS+ now sharing with a friend but I am just not big on playing online since it's a different experience and not the same/as good as playing against the CPU or a friend on the same PS4. Offline play is vastly superior to online play. SDS just can't get online right.
Ok, but why couldn’t that be done offline too? The time difference between doing a pitching grind in an event and offline is minimal.
Not when the event is quick counts. Prestige is twice faster than offline with quick counts.
Can't do that now... too many folks already did it the hard way. I was bummed when they made it easier to get TA's done after the time and stubs I invested in obtaining mine. I hated that they made them sellable too. It feels like grading on a curve to me. It works well for the kid who now gets an A that earned the B. But it is a smack in the face to the kid who grinded to earn the A.
I still don’t understand offline players complaining about DD. You can literally play whatever team, from whatever era, with whatever team and attributes you feel you deserve..... WHENEVER YOU WANT....just don’t click “diamond dynasty”
You wait 9 months for Babe Ruth to release for fun? Like I reaaaaaaaly don’t understand it, go play with Babe Ruth now. Add +3 to as many players as you want. The XP and stubs you earn in DD, yeah those only unlock other cards you could also use RIGHT NOW. You could even do it in a season which DD players can’t. You could play in the World Series which DD players can’t. Hell you could make these guys all 18 years old and live out a fantasy career where every great that’s ever lived plays amongst each other. Yet you wanna complain about a check mark and good job you don’t even need.
If I could bypass the 600 hour grind for Mantle, the 8 month wait to for Ruth, add Kenny Powers, Bo Jackson, and Randy Johnson while still being able to play how I want, I would.
Space and Opportunity are the two things stopping you.
@ChArTeRBuS said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
I still don’t understand offline players complaining about DD. You can literally play whatever team, from whatever era, with whatever team and attributes you feel you deserve..... WHENEVER YOU WANT....just don’t click “diamond dynasty”
You wait 9 months for Babe Ruth to release for fun? Like I reaaaaaaaly don’t understand it, go play with Babe Ruth now. Add +3 to as many players as you want. The XP and stubs you earn in DD, yeah those only unlock other cards you could also use RIGHT NOW. You could even do it in a season which DD players can’t. You could play in the World Series which DD players can’t. Hell you could make these guys all 18 years old and live out a fantasy career where every great that’s ever lived plays amongst each other. Yet you wanna complain about a check mark and good job you don’t even need.
If I could bypass the 600 hour grind for Mantle, the 8 month wait to for Ruth, add Kenny Powers, Bo Jackson, and Randy Johnson while still being able to play how I want, I would.
Space and Opportunity are the two things stopping you.
This isn't about offline players complaining about DD, this is about online players that don't want to deal with hit and quitters all day in events.
People ruin events. Period.
Wish they would get rid of all offline stats needed for anything in this game. Playing the computer is worse than watching paint dry.
@Blue7_Gaming said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
People ruin events. Period.
Amen. The people who gripe about dashboarding and boosting are the same ones who throw you nothing but ankle-high sliders while telling you to EaRn YoUR StAtS LiKe A rEaL mAn.
They expect you to let their dingers land but won't throw you a pitch, then when you strike out (because you can't earn the stats working walks) it's SeE I aM a BeTtEr PlAyEr NoT mY fAuLt YoU hAvE No PlAtE DiScIpLiNe.
It's always the other guy that's the A-hole. STFU and look in the mirror. This is why having to do online only for certain missions stinks
@SevisonJN said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
Can't do that now... too many folks already did it the hard way. I was bummed when they made it easier to get TA's done after the time and stubs I invested in obtaining mine. I hated that they made them sellable too. It feels like grading on a curve to me. It works well for the kid who now gets an A that earned the B. But it is a smack in the face to the kid who grinded to earn the A.
As someone who has Mantle, Biggio, Shef, Chipper, Ellsbury, Correa, Belli, Didi, and Mo prestiged, I disagree. The only people who have any right to be upset are the small minority who prestige entirely at the higher levels of ranked. No one who did these in events has any legit complaint to allowing the grinds offline.
I think this post was a mistake. Online only is the only way it should be. You shouldn't be given any of these prestige cards. I take pride when I get to hit with my prestige Mantle, Biggio, Ellsbury, Gary, Belli, and Chipper.
@Oppo_Tacoz said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
I think this post was a mistake. Online only is the only way it should be. You shouldn't be given any of these prestige cards. I take pride when I get to hit with my prestige Mantle, Biggio, Ellsbury, Gary, Belli, and Chipper.
And had they been ranked only you would have a point, but once they were allowed in events any argument about skill and challenge went away.
Eh prestige looked fun when they first announced it, it was a nice lil mini game or bonus but now it's meh, it's lost it's pazazz so to speak. I almost have mantle and bigg prestiged which will be my first two with no boosting. Hell I just played a guy who had 6 prestige players in his lineup. Lmao
I honestly don't get why so many who play this game feel the need to divide themselves up into camps and make a big rivalry out of everything. Everything doesn't have to be a binary choice. Does no one else but me enjoy both online and offline, and switch back and forth between the two depending on their mood?
I understand the logic of making prestige online only because online play is generally harder and the prestige cards are meant to be a long grind for the average player, but i'm also one of the few wierdos who actually enjoyed racking up stats against the computer in 18 so I propose an alternate solution that embraces both play styles.
Why not just have two separate groups of prestige cards: one that can only be done offline and another that can only be done online? Each group could have their own unique fan favorites ( like maybe griffey could only be presitged online while babe ruth could only be presitged offline ) so everyone has something to grind for, and the true diehards would be rewarded for being willing to step outside of their comfort zones by playing both online and offline to prestige everything.
They could even use this idea to make inning programs more interesting by expanding the choice packs to four ( two online prestige, two offline ) and adding an extra layer of complexity to the decision, because you now have to consider your preferred way of playing the game in addition to just position needs or attributes.
I use events to grind TA innings and prestige player's, but I don't just hit or pitch and quit. But that's not the problem.
The problem is people dashboarding on the 3 run shot by Sheffield that doesn't count because of people with Anger Management Issues!! Lol -
@CHI-TOWN-WONDER said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
I use events to grind TA innings and prestige player's, but I don't just hit or pitch and quit. But that's not the problem.
The problem is people dashboarding on the 3 run shot by Sheffield that doesn't count because of people with Anger Management Issues!! LolIt may not be anger management. If you throw my prestige guys nothing to hit when I am grinding them (ie I don’t care about wins, so I’m not taking the walk), I may not let yours get stats either.
@whitejw98 said in SDS, Time to Admit Online Only Prestige Was a Mistake:
I honestly don't get why so many who play this game feel the need to divide themselves up into camps and make a big rivalry out of everything. Everything doesn't have to be a binary choice. Does no one else but me enjoy both online and offline, and switch back and forth between the two depending on their mood?
I understand the logic of making prestige online only because online play is generally harder and the prestige cards are meant to be a long grind for the average player, but i'm also one of the few wierdos who actually enjoyed racking up stats against the computer in 18 so I propose an alternate solution that embraces both play styles.
Why not just have two separate groups of prestige cards: one that can only be done offline and another that can only be done online? Each group could have their own unique fan favorites ( like maybe griffey could only be presitged online while babe ruth could only be presitged offline ) so everyone has something to grind for, and the true diehards would be rewarded for being willing to step outside of their comfort zones by playing both online and offline to prestige everything.
They could even use this idea to make inning programs more interesting by expanding the choice packs to four ( two online prestige, two offline ) and adding an extra layer of complexity to the decision, because you now have to consider your preferred way of playing the game in addition to just position needs or attributes.
Thats actually a good idea.