Check swings
Check swings are not the problem. They are in fact an important part of the pitcher/hitter dynamics. What the issue is that I see is there are just way too many checks down to the umps down the line.
Wait. What? Check swings are not a problem??
@PhatWhiteOwl said in Check swings:
Check swings are not the problem. They are in fact an important part of the pitcher/hitter dynamics. What the issue is that I see is there are just way too many checks down to the umps down the line.
Agreed, this game is unplayable without the ability to check, just get rid of the cutscene.
@halfbutt said in Check swings:
Wait. What? Check swings are not a problem??
No, a big part of the game.
I would agree. You'll get AB's where they'll check down to the third or first base umpire 2 or 3 times. Never see that in real life.
Remove checkswings.
It is annoying to see a checkswing on a 2-strike count. We all know that a big leaguer is in protect mode at that point. They are more likely to swing fully and miss than to leave it in the umpire's hands.
A few too many two strike checkswing punchouts for my liking this year...
The appeal frequency is also unrealistic, but doesn't bother me quite as much.
The issue with me isn't necessarily a check swing. It's the fact that I hold X with the force of a thousand suns and check swing resulting in the equivalent of a hard bunt to third. But when I barely touch X in an attempt to check, the game just swings through anyway. It's been iffy at best once Sony started cheaping out on the "Pressure sensitive buttons"