Directional is the more realistic batting input
@CalisGW said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
@Whereismymind808 said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
It’s a video game ... you’re required to have good user input in order to be good at / compete in a VIDEO GAME. Sitting there & simply pressing the X button, expecting to be competitive, is kinda pathetic to be honest. Requires the epitome of ZERO skill. The fact that you’re allowed to use it at all in an online-based game mode, is actually pretty dumb. Anything to shrink that skill-gap, eh?
Sometimes you have to push the stick into a direction to counter the way a pitcher is pitching to you. So I’m sorry to have to educate you and burst your bubble. It takes more than hitting X.
Oh and an advantage that directional has over zone is that it’s easier to push or pull a pitch based on situation ( runners on base ). Also to make a grounder or sac fly
You should take your keenly developed eye and switch to zone. You’ll be a beast.
@janoosh said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
@CalisGW said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
@Whereismymind808 said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
It’s a video game ... you’re required to have good user input in order to be good at / compete in a VIDEO GAME. Sitting there & simply pressing the X button, expecting to be competitive, is kinda pathetic to be honest. Requires the epitome of ZERO skill. The fact that you’re allowed to use it at all in an online-based game mode, is actually pretty dumb. Anything to shrink that skill-gap, eh?
Sometimes you have to push the stick into a direction to counter the way a pitcher is pitching to you. So I’m sorry to have to educate you and burst your bubble. It takes more than hitting X.
Oh and an advantage that directional has over zone is that it’s easier to push or pull a pitch based on situation ( runners on base ). Also to make a grounder or sac fly
You should take your keenly developed eye and switch to zone. You’ll be a beast.
Oh god nooooo!!! I’m horribly even with directional. I occasionally play online and if I am lucky , I eventually get matched up with someone as bad as me in the event.
Also my twitch skills are bad , old and blind. Yet I have fun still in this game.
There is no comparison!!! Zone is far and away more difficult. This shouldn’t even be a discussion.
@mjfc_363 said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
There is no comparison!!! Zone is far and away more difficult. This shouldn’t even be a discussion.
Sigh, learn to read. No one is arguing that zone is not more difficult. We all concur.
Stat wise , swing and misses wise, directional is more realistic to actual baseball outcomes.
Reading is your friend
@CalisGW said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
@mjfc_363 said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
There is no comparison!!! Zone is far and away more difficult. This shouldn’t even be a discussion.
Sigh, learn to read. No one is arguing that zone is not more difficult. We all concur.
Stat wise , swing and misses wise, directional is more realistic to actual baseball outcomes.
Reading is your friend
You are infinitely smarter than me. I apologize for my rude input.
@i4theluvofthegam said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
I admit I’ll switch to it when I get frustrated. Either way I still get perfect/perfect fly ball outs
Stop using Gwynn and Juan Pierre.
@hoboadam said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
My Shih Tzu plays with Classic pitching and directional hitting. She's not bad. lacks the opposable thumbs focker
Directional hitting feels like I have no control over my bat whatsoever which gives me no confidence to hit whatsoever. I would only consider trying directional again if I was to play off-line franchise Using a good presentation camera.
@CalisGW said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
Never said directional is better. Said it’s more realistic ( as far as results are ). Again , go check your strikeout ratios with know players who have high strikeout rates. Then come back and tell me if this is an arcade game or a simulation game.
Too many people whine about contact results and say if isn’t realistic, yet the same people are not happy if they strike out. They expect a 400 batting average lol
Most competitive players don’t want sim though.. people whine about contact results not being realistic because they square up a pitch with the pci and get “okay” contact, that’s not realistic. People expect if their input dictates they hit .500 they hit .500, if their input dictates they hit .250, they hit .250
Tried directional for a week last year...I put that behind me. It is boring and requires way less skill. I would say with zone I swing at about 60% of the pitches, make contact on those 75% of the time, put 40% of those in play, and 20% of my swings are hits.
I’m in the minority. I use analog and have plenty of fun. I’m too old to be able to time the pitches and put the pci on the ball. But I still have an over .500 record in ranked and have beat all showdowns even before they got easier. So life is good.
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
@i4theluvofthegam said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
I admit I’ll switch to it when I get frustrated. Either way I still get perfect/perfect fly ball outs
Stop using Gwynn and Juan Pierre.
Never used Pierre and never got a perfect with Gwynn. Mantle, Murray, Edmonds, Biggio, etc. have all got perfect outs numerous times list goes on.
It’s been so long since I’ve used directional. I can usually tell when I’m playing someone who does use it. If you face someone that is good with it, it’s [censored] near impossible to pitch to them especially on all star.
I use Zone for years, but the days of being snobs towards directional users are done really. If it’s an advantage, why not use it.
I suck with it. So I’m stuck with Zone.
As an older player that went from playing Baseball Stars/Bases Loaded to Triple Play '98 to MVP '05 to The Show '17, always using a single button, I can tell you I have never been able to adapt to Zone Hitting. What I will also tell you is it is nearly impossible to get a base hit with an up and in strike using Directional. However, I frequently give up home runs on up and in (even out of the strike zone) pitches to users playing online. I have to assume they are using Zone. With that being said, while all hitters should wait for their pitch, it does seem more important on Directional. edit: after reading the original post again, this may mean I agree that Directional is more realistic. Seeing guys hit 420 ft home runs on pitches outside of the zone regularly does not seem realistic and I, maybe falsely, assume those players are using Zone.
@copeland934 said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
As an older player that went from playing Baseball Stars/Bases Loaded to Triple Play '98 to MVP '05 to The Show '17, always using a single button, I can tell you I have never been able to adapt to Zone Hitting. What I will also tell you is it is nearly impossible to get a base hit with an up and in strike using Directional. However, I frequently give up home runs on up and in (even out of the strike zone) pitches to users playing online. I have to assume they are using Zone. With that being said, while all hitters should wait for their pitch, it does seem more important on Directional. edit: after reading the original post again, this may mean I agree that Directional is more realistic. Seeing guys hit 420 ft home runs on pitches outside of the zone regularly does not seem realistic and I, maybe falsely, assume those players are using Zone.
Man if you really want to compete against good competition on this game you gotta use Zone. It took me a couple years to switch cause it seemed so tough at first but if you stick with it eventually you'll start seeing how much better it is.
@KOTANK1334 said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
@hoboadam said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
My Shih Tzu plays with Classic pitching and directional hitting. She's not bad. lacks the opposable thumbs focker
That's on your dog to figure out how to handle a controller. Mine is smart AF.
@CalisGW said in Directional is the more realistic batting input:
Think on it. Average swing rate is around 46% ( real baseball) last few years. Now using zone, how often are you swinging at pitches ? How many pitches in the strike zone are you swinging at? I would guess zone hitters swing at around 75% or higher of strike pitches.
I think that’s why people get mad at directional batters. Directional wait for THEIR PITCH to capitalize. They lay off pitches meant to induce poor results and they wait for the mistake pitch ( either by user input or the rng )
Food for though
what bout the fact that most pitchers are throwing way more strikes in the strike zone than in real life? No pitcher in real life consistently pounds the zone against Trout, the best in the game right now, yet people still pound the zone to guys like Mantle and Sheffield besides occasional offspeed. It goes both ways.
It's always funny how certain trigger words bring out the worst in people.
OP says directional is more realistic (it's true to some extent).
Some people see directional and instantly bash it saying directional is easier and blah blah.
Not what the OP said, some of y'all are hilarious and need to chill out. If you've convinced yourself you're losing to directional players you need to get into custom BP and practice.
You make a statement with made up numbers. Zone hitters swing at 75% of pitches in the strike zone? Show me where you found those numbers lol.
Since when does the type of controls you use affect your eye and patience?
This is the worst argument for directional yet!