Are 6 inning quick counts the best event format?
I personally feel like 6-inning quick counts are the most enjoyable form of event. Difficulty level of HOF would be preferred, but even on All-Star, some of that HR derby nature is negated by the fact that you usually already have 1-2 strikes on your opponent.
Pitch Speeds: What is so hard about All-Star difficulty in other event modes is that it is VERY hard to fool somebody for three strikes with the slow All-Star pitch speeds.
Pitching Depth: Because the games are 6 innings instead of 3 innings, I find myself having to be more strategic with my use of starters and relievers etc. making them both seem equally as valuable unlike 3 inning games where RP stamina is so nerfed that they all have about 60% effectiveness.
Lineup Depth: Because a lineup turns over 2-3x in a 6 inning game you get a chance to utilize your bench in pinch hitting situations more often which I like.
Time: I have found that despite the fact that the games are 6 innings, the quick counts DRAMATICALLY reduce the time of the game but...
RNG/Random luck: the same time it doesn't feel as random and as luck based as a 3 inning game. In a 3 inning game if you have 2-3 Good/Okays or Perfect/perfect lineouts that is 33% of your outs and you are likely going to lose. In a 6 inning game I find myself able to overcome those poor outcomes more often than not if I stay patient.
Curious what everyone else thinks. I think I would prefer them being on HOF speed for an 'Ideal' event, but at the same time i don't mind juicing chipper's stats on All-Star
When I first heard the events being quick counts, I was like ewwww.
But I've come around on it, it's great for stat grinding, it's great for making 6 inning games go by fast. I'm a fan.
I don’t mind quick count, guess pitch is stupid though.
Agreed, makes the gms more enjoyable for avg players imo
I’ve enjoyed it a lot. It’s my preference we keep it going
I like it and didn’t think I would, that being said I prefer a straight up battle even if it’s onky 3 innings as opposed to 6. I think LS 2 will be 6 quick as switch 1 was 3 reg and so was LS 1. I hope that they allow us to use potm or future star cards too
I think the switch hitters combined with the small numbers of great pitchers was also a huge part of this. The really good players could score a million runs and the rest of us could play fun games without have to focus on getting jammed by the high and in fastball.
Great for missions. Two thumbs up!
Have enjoyed this style so much. Innings grind is great in this and it’s enjoyable to play baseball in a quicker style. Gameplay is gameplay with the homers and RNG filled in but I’ve enjoyed my experiences far more often than they are effected by those examples. Would love to see more quick count events in the future.
Quick counts are great for reliever stamina. But for 3 and 6 inning games, they really need to ditch the 3 batter minimum and scale it accordingly (1 and 2, respectively) the same way they scaled stamina. It doesn’t make sense to arbitrarily keep that the same as in a full game.
They did it, they successfully found the events sweet spot. Please continue with 6inn, quick counts ON, events!
I personally like it. When I started my first event game and struck out after taking my first pitch I was like wtf but then I realized it was quick counts lol. I really like it
This pleases me greatly.
Can we go down to 5 innings?
@vagimon said in Are 6 inning quick counts the best event format?:
Can we go down to 5 innings?
My guess is 3-6-9 innings are what we are looking at.
It’s a lot more enjoyable. They should take br to quick counts . The game still is a shot show, but the event has been fun