What do you want in RTTS 20
I like @hondarrbaby his idea is great. And adding NCAA and maybe EVEN..2 high school games or a High School state tournament, than you can choose if you get drafted outta' high school or go to College. And SINGLE A...WHERE IS SINGLE A EVERYONE!?!? I have a local Single A team. Idk why they don't add that. It would make the grind so much more fun. Idk why they just don't do that.
@Papa_Johns101 said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
I like @hondarrbaby his idea is great. And adding NCAA and maybe EVEN..2 high school games or a High School state tournament, than you can choose if you get drafted outta' high school or go to College. And SINGLE A...WHERE IS SINGLE A EVERYONE!?!? I have a local Single A team. Idk why they don't add that. It would make the grind so much more fun. Idk why they just don't do that.
Because you can't just "do it", the likenesses cost $
@hondarrbaby said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
I would like to see a revamp to contracts. Like as of right now, there is really no reason to go for the big bucks in the game. An idea is maybe for every $1,000 you get in your contract, you get 100 stubs, in order to prevent people from simulaying RTTS to get stubs, you must play at least 81 games, or a way to use your contract money in game would be easier.
I like this idea, but rather than give us stubs, I hope they keep the benefits of higher contracts related to your RTTS character. This could help build the RPG aspect of RTTS. For example, maybe a bigger contract = increase in stamina and durability (because more money means your character can buy a comfy bed and healthier food, etc.). On the flip side, making toooo much money would leave your team without much payroll flexibility, so you'd need to figure out the right balance for your character and your team. I think the player personality thing was kind of interesting, but it didn't really go anywhere. I'd like to see them deepen the RPG aspect on the whole.
I'd say this list is now geared towards 2021 and next gen. But who knows. Maybe we'll be surprised.
Online RTTS - I want to play a career with a friend. We work out together, compete against each other if we share the same position. Watch each others draft stock raise and fall. Then we can either be drafted to the same team or different teams. From there we just play our careers as your normally would.
I want to see news updates. It can be a MLB website, newspaper or whatever else. I want to see/read about big game moments, trades and trade rumors, maybe some player made a comment and it's "headline news" really anything. Injiries etc etc
I want to see a personality meter. Interviews, social media interactions, fan interactions etc all effect how our player is viewed. This in turn effects our market value. How teammates view us and how fans view us. Maybe have a cut scene were our character is out to lunch. A fan wants a selfie. Give us options. And there would be pros and cons for all the different personality types.
I get baseball is a long season. Asking for a story mode is pretty much impossible. But how about a mini story that follows your career through the minors? Or at the very least do something with the farm system. It's so boring. It almost ruins the mode. At least for me. Real stadiums for starters (or this is were create a stadium would be handy) Make the minors feel like the minors. Why not give us a different broadcast team? NBA not only give you different teams for different NBA games. But their smaller leagues even have broadcast teams just for those leagues.
Signing an agent, have off the field actions, signing with real life companies. I love the fact we can buy gloves, cleats etc for our players. Go a step better. How about certain items can only be unlocked by reaching different tiers with different companies. And again this is something your personality meter effects. Or something our agent effects.
I agree with the comment above. Our play should effect our where we end up on the roster. I also want to see more work put into spring training. I skip right through it. It just doesn't really seem to effect anything really. Also... what about adding the Arizona fall league? Why is this not already in the game?
A sandlot mode would be fun. Maybe not a big city to run around in like NBA. Not sure how that would work. But taking our players into a sandlot game would be fun. Even if it's only 3vs3 or 4v4 or 5v5. The rest of the team would be AI controlled.
I also like the idea of having our RTTS guy being portable into DD. Even though I'm not a DD player much myself. It would be fun watching our overall ratings and our DD card grow as we progress in RTTS.
I hate how NBA2k almost forces you to buy VC to upgrade. But at least that mode offers a lot of great things with it. I want to see The Show go in that direction. But frankly... I feel like it's going more of the way EA is with it's Madden series. RTTS and Franchise are after thoughts. DD gets all the hype, the updates etc. Hopefully that changes this year.
I would love for it to be more RPGish. You want want the player to feel the way the pros do. I would love more media questions, decision making, if you win and MVP in the game will acknowledge Especially multipleMVPs. Have a special area that is like a home where you can keep you annual awards. Almost like NCAA football back in the day. Put more then a twitter feed. Add news outlets with pictures and up to date stories of your team and achievements Throughout the year and your career. Add more storylines, its a long season and can be a very long career. I also feel like you should be able to get a hold of your agent. Not just him giving you a call once or twice a year to chek up. People want to feel like they are in the game living the MLB experience.
So in my opinion RTTS could use more work. For example as a young player as 18 years old let us have the option to play some games in high school or even college because the showcase get's boring after a while. Next, I feel for the customization of the player is good but it could be great. What I mean by this is the walking up the batter box let us change the way we step into the box and take some practice swings not the same ones we get every year. Also with the customization part let us have tattoo's and be able to have chains untucked and just loose cut sleeves etc just take the customization to the next level. The thrid one i have is the offseason. In my opinion I wish we could go train with friends or even a HOF fielder and get xp or even signature moves that HOF player was known for bc the offseason is where players are made and in RTTS we just sim it. The last request is when you get called up it should be better. Like have your family there and have them shown and have the stadium announcer say it's your first at bat etc.
Thanks guys -
Option to do mini game or the on field version of the same training. Mini games were cool but when i play RTTS i want the bat in my hand so i get a feel for my player as his attributes increase.
@hondarrbaby said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
I would like to see a revamp to contracts. Like as of right now, there is really no reason to go for the big bucks in the game. An idea is maybe for every $1,000 you get in your contract, you get 100 stubs, in order to prevent people from simulaying RTTS to get stubs, you must play at least 81 games, or a way to use your contract money in game would be easier.
I don't agree with the stubs, but i would like to see contract money spendable in the RTTS world for sure.
Perhaps start with a ragged ol glove, but as you get money you can purchase a glove rather than using the gloves and other stuff that is so high priced on the market. Or some sort of progression kinda like the XP rewards where u get an equipment choice pack perhaps?
I agree with the opinions that contracts should mean way more. I think that having equipment for RTTS separated from DD like instead of being able to buy better equipment with Stubs you have to make more money to get better gear in RTTS. I also would love to see more controllable moments like post game interviews and stuff like that. Thank you guys for the input
- More fun for high-end game.
For now, the most fun comes from the growing process from low skills developing to become an elite player. But after reaching OVR 90 or so, the game starts to feel like a bit plain. There should be more exciting plays for high attributes player. More showtime play for fielders, and more ridiculous nasty pitches for pitchers to show off (maybe introducing Bullet-time like camera angle to present such pitches) - At least overhaul the replay glitch.
Floating bat is the most common glitch in instant replay.
- More fun for high-end game.
I would love to see them have a NBA 2K like My Player mode where you can buy you play out a story to get to the league. We need more options for swag. 2K does a great job of getting Nike, UA, Adidas, and other companies when it comes to having options for your player. If you can get all of the equipment companies to go for it this game would really sell. Having those options is the reason why 2K makes so much money.
@pogibana said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
There is too much stuff now. I just had a player that there was 4 cut scenes between appearances. The coach asked if I wanted to work on my game, then got the cap/attribute increase. then personality thing with a team mate. then lastly the coach coming in to "check on me" giving me 2x on some attributes. We certainly don't need more junk added to the game. I want to PLAY BASEBALL.
Thank you!!!! Rtts in MLB The Show 19 has been atrocious with cut scenes and even while playing a game the challenge cut scenes stop you from enjoying the gameplay. I want to be able to play a game without the extra stuff. Just give us training points back, let us talk to our agent (get traded, being released, changing to any position) and call it a day.
@hondarrbaby said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
I would like to see a revamp to contracts. Like as of right now, there is really no reason to go for the big bucks in the game. An idea is maybe for every $1,000 you get in your contract, you get 100 stubs, in order to prevent people from simulaying RTTS to get stubs, you must play at least 81 games, or a way to use your contract money in game would be easier.
I agree. Contracts, awards, world series rings, and breaking records need to mean something. These things are vital to a players career. I would like to see more emphasis on these accomplishments. Getting a big contract is a big deal (maybe use mlb network to do a segment on the big contract our player scored). Awards and world series rings should be showed in a display case or something. Breaking records should show which player you surpassed, not just a total number of the most rbi's, homeruns, and basehits. Show every player who has the top 20 records for these categories.
How about having a one-pitch mode if you want to be on the field or watching your teammates from the dugout but don't want to watch every pitch, just the pitch that results in an action. I want to be more involved in the game, especially when I get to the majors, but not have to sit through each pitch.
Also, I like being able to choose a team to play for but why does that option disappear if you decide to play college ball? Or is possible to go back to college for x amount of years and still pick your team and I missed that option?
@pwyinokc said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
How about having a one-pitch mode if you want to be on the field or watching your teammates from the dugout but don't want to watch every pitch, just the pitch that results in an action. I want to be more involved in the game, especially when I get to the majors, but not have to sit through each pitch.
Great idea.
@pwyinokc said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
How about having a one-pitch mode if you want to be on the field or watching your teammates from the dugout but don't want to watch every pitch, just the pitch that results in an action. I want to be more involved in the game, especially when I get to the majors, but not have to sit through each pitch.
I really hope your idea is considered and introduced. Again, not too hard to put in and would be awesome for those who want it, while those who don't want it can leave it turned off and don't even need to know it's there.
There are a few things I would love to see in RTTS however the only one that really grinds on me and is the reason I don't play it much anymore is that you get called up way too fast. Just fix that and I'll be happy
I just want the option to talk to an agent or manager on MY time. I was drafted as a SS for the Indians, (i was hoping to transfer to 2nd or 3rd whatever they needed) but they traded me because I wouldn't play LF. Fine cool, well my new team also had Corey Seager, who evolved into one of the best SS, so they had me be third. Well after a couple years, Seager got bad and retired, and now there's a HUGE hole at SS. I wanna play SS and the backup third baseman is actually better than our starting SS, so it would objectively help the team, but management won't let it happen, and I noticed this hole just after my agent called me, so now I gotta wait a whole cycle of cutscenes before getting back to SS. I should also get to ask specific teams to give offers for FA and ask to trade to specific teams I wanna eventually get back to CLE, and be the SS there.