Just had a world series banner guy dashboard mid HR in the event. Just goes to show that even those who are good at this game can't hack it sometimes. Who knew?

@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in New Rickwood Field Event rewards:
@Warpedzilla_PSN rewinds. And that’s what I’m saying. There’s only been one event so far so there’s only two cards to rewind unless they put Season one cards in the pack.
Rewind. That's right. Thanks. But Isn't that how season 1 started? The second event had the rewind pack from the 1st event. And then they added the next event cards and so on.
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in New Rickwood Field Event rewards:
@Warpedzilla_PSN said in New Rickwood Field Event rewards:
no flashback pack in this event? I wonder if they will put them back after this short one.
I assume it’s because this is only the second event of Season 2. Giving people No Sell Season One cards wouldn’t go over well.
No I meant the cards from the first event that they put in packs in every event after. I forget what they were called. I hope they do cuz I sold em both from last event.
no flashback pack in this event? I wonder if they will put them back after this short one.
I made it all the way to the end on 1st try. Just needed 2 runs to beat it. Couldn't even get a single hit on legend. Lol!
Choose best season 2 lineup from options and go from there.
No thanks
@Wildthingwilly_MLBTS said in Scouting report pack:
@Collin_SDS_PSN thanks Collin, we all really enjoyed the 1,400-2,500 stubs from a bat that we can't use in DD anymore and a gold that 95% of people immediately quicksold.
Dude relax. No wonder they rarely comment in here cuz no matter what some peon will comment with some asinine remark.
I just got the few packs I earned earlier today. They must have just been delayed.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in Not getting twitch drops today:
The weekend limit is 6. You dont get 6 per day its just 6 over the course of the weekend.
ok thanks for the clarification
Got them for the stream and the 6 from watching content creators yesterday. They showed up immediately when earned. I've earned 3 today and not one has showed up in packs. Is there a weekend limit?
I know power swinging makes it almost impossible to check swing. Maybe he was using contact swing a lot for easier check swings?
You can always wild card him
@Imbeater_MLBTS said in Stub sale?:
We gonna get a stub sale soon or is SDS to money hungry. Didn’t we get a stub sale for Memorial Day last year?
Doesn't this question kind of contradict your accusation?
Will JD martinez be in the rewind packs in the next event? Since we are moving to season 2 rewards in the next event, I wonder if these rewind packs will start over with the new content or continue as they have been.
@AdeptOfMemory said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
Yeah I'll probably just stop playing until Christmas like last year when I get PS gift cards.
I have a Core deck built for when the season resets but I might just not even play because I'm not going into ranked with an 84 overall rated team using free bottom of the barrel cards from storyline moments and cheap core cards while all the sweats get to use their Babe Ruth's, Willie Mays, and Jon Donaldson's.
Nah. I'll stick to real video games like Balders Gate or GTA. Games made by actual developers that actually do their jobs when their games are struggling.You don't have to be a "sweat" to have babe. Just do LS collections. Anyone can do it.
@Amac1702 said in Sliding at home:
Why do I seem to have a problem sliding headfirst at home? There keeps being plays at the plate where if my runner would just slide head first I would probably be safe, but they continue to slide feet first and then the tag is able to be made a lot easier. I press up on the joystick and up up right and still doesn't work
I think they're worried about preventing digital concussions
@SHAKExxNxxBAKE you'll always have the "option" to sell them when you get em. But if you tried to sell on market it would say it's non-sellable. You can still quick sell though.
What is going on around here?! Just collected Al Leiter yesterday in game with 204 total collected. Unlocked a couple more TA cards today and not is says I'm back down to 180. How does it keep changing from day to day?!
@Tylerslikewhoa says the troll king
Even talent has thin skin
New Rickwood Field Event rewards
New Rickwood Field Event rewards
New Rickwood Field Event rewards
Extreme Showdown
I can’t use Season 2 cards
Coach’s boosts plz!!!
Scouting report pack
Not getting twitch drops today
Not getting twitch drops today
Not getting twitch drops today
Constant check swings
Adley Rutchman
Stub sale?
Moonshot Event
All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December
Sliding at home
All my cards were colllected?!! Can’t sell. Need help understanding. First year player
Missing cards in collection?
Lol Freeman Card